Friday, February 26, 2010

N E W S B U L L E T I N 26 February 2010

N E W S B U L L E T I N 26 February 2010
Please forward and distribute widely - thank you
Just released: High Speeds, High Costs, Hidden Benefits: A Broader Perspective on High-Speed Rail An Insight paper from Martin Prosperity Institute …read it here

Ecolink and the Centre for Environment at the University of Toronto are proud to announce the first official Natural City Multimedia Contest, open to all registered UofT students. Entries are due by April 8 …more

The Canadian Urban Institute Urban Leadership Awards: Nominations are open until March 22, may be submitted for individuals, groups or organizations under any of the following award categories: City Soul; Local Hero; Global City; Imagination; Prosperity; Renewal; Safety and Resilience; Youth …more

Wanted: Student Volunteers for Sunday, May 30 through Wednesday, June 2, 2010: Transportation and Logistics Trends and Policies: Successes and Failures. Canadian Transportation Research Forum 45th Annual Conference, Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto, 475 Yonge Street. Please contact Professor Ron Buliung …email

C A L L S F O R P A P E R S, P R O P O S A L S, A N D

CUNY is looking for Academic Program Manager (Higher Education Associate), Urban Studies, JSM Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies/ School of Professional Studies …more

Call for Papers Migration in China and Asia: Experience and Policy A seminar of the International Metropolis Project in China and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, May 20-21, Beijing, China. Contact by February 28.

Call for Papers (Re)Imagining Canada: Migration, Transnationalism, and Diaspora Friday April 23rd, 2010

CERIS - The Ontario Metropolis Centre, Graduate Student Conference. York University. Abstracts due March 1 …email for details

Call for Applications The European Network for Housing Research Bengt Turner Award, established three years ago to encourage new researchers to write research papers on housing and urban issues linked to the topics of the ENHR working groups, is calling for applications for its 2010 award by March 1 …more

The Durham Strategic Energy Alliance challenges all post secondary students to profile their unique and evolutionary urban planning and implementation abilities through a design competition focused on the Seaton community priorities. Calling all individuals or teams (maximum of 4) of designers, creators and future
planners of economic expansion and community development. This competition is open to all university and college students across Ontario, and may be of particular interest to students in new energy programs, engineering, urban planning, sustainable communities or any other discipline with an eye on creativity.
Interdisciplinary teams are highly encouraged, or at least consultation with various disciplines to strengthen the intent to develop a holistic community. Abstract and entry form submission due by Wednesday, March 3, 4pm. More information, guidelines, and entry forms are available at

Call for Proposals Resilience of Immigrants: Coping with Stress in Various Cultural Contexts: 4th On New Shores Conference 2010 presented by University of Guelph September 30-October 1, 2010. All proposals must be submitted to Dr. Susan S. Chuang by email Proposal Submission Deadline: March 10

Call for Submissions The City of Heidenheim an der Brenz and the August Lösch Association grant the prestigious August Lösch Prize 2010. Deadline for submission is March 15 …more

The Maytree Scholarship Program is for protected persons or landed immigrants who were protected persons, between the ages 18 and 27, living on their own with no parents in Canada, entering first or second year at a university or community college in Toronto. Applications are available online. Deadline is Friday, March

Mowing to Growing: Open International Design Competition for Creating Productive Green Spaces in Cities Seeking architects, urban designers, planners, engineers, scientists, artists, students and individuals of all background. The ONE Prize award is an international competition, and it is open to everyone. Register by
March 31 …more

Call for Workshop Proposals Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging Proposals due by April 1. 15th International Metropolis Conference 2010, Municipality of The Hague, The Netherlands, October 4-8, for details email …more

Call for Papers for Special Issue The Urban Space of the Elites of Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Information and proposals: Harold Bérubé, Université de Sherbrooke (819) 821-8000, extension 65572 by April 30 …more

Friday, February 26, 3-5pm: Local Contexts and Opportunities for Youth Gambling in Canada Dana Wilson. Intersections Series, Geography & Planning, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, SS2125 …more

Friday, February 26, 5:30pm: Architecture Between Physiology and Meterology Philippe Rahm, Philippe Rahm Architects (Paris/Lausanne). John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, Room 103 …more

Monday, March 1, 6:30pm: Town Hall: InVoice Join city builders, young people, artists,academics, councillors and mayoral candidates to determine positive steps forward for and learn about how to make the city budget process work for you. Open discussion will follow concerning the
value of building vibrant and democratic public spaces. Moderated by: Ravi Jain (WhyNot Theatre, ArtsVote), Sabra Ripley (Community Health Advocate, HoP, B-girl) and Che Kothari (Manifesto Community Projects.) Featuring: Live painting by Elicser Elliot, Lexr and Celo, Music by Tanika Charles and Deejay L'Oqenz.
Committee Room #2, City Hall …more

Tuesday, March 2: Making the Grade: Integration Through Education in Toronto and Zurich Webinar presented by Cities of Migration. Tuesday, March 2: 7-8am (PST) Los Angeles and Vancouver; 9-10am (CST) Chicago; 10-11am (EST) Toronto and New York; 3-4pm(UK); 4-5: pm (EU) Berlin / Zurich …register

Tuesday, March 2, 6- 6:30pm (drinks/cash bar); 6:30-8:30pm (panel discussion): Urban Affairs Forum: Pan American Games Toronto 2015 Presented by Toronto Society of Architects. Great Hall, Arts & Letters Club, 14 Elm Street …more

Thursday, March 4, 4:10pm: Drugs in sludge- Assessing the Risk when Municipal Biosolids are Recycled onto Agricultural Land Ed Topp, Principal Research Scientist Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London, ON. Presented by Centre for Environment at 155 College Street, Rm 108, Health Sciences Building …more

Thursday, March 4, 4:30-6pm: 2010 University of Toronto Global Health Celebration Presented by Centre for International Health,Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. 7th Floor Graduate Student Lounge,155 College Street. RSVP to

Friday, March 5, 12noon-1pm: Thinking Normatively About Immigration:Negotiating the Tensions Between Feasibility and Fundamental Critique Joseph Carens, Political Science. Presented by Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Methods Café, Room 318 in the Jackman Humanities Building, 3rd floor …more

Friday, March 5, 12:30(light lunch at noon): The Current Constitutional Challenges to Canada's Prostitution Laws in the Context of International Prostitution Law Reforms Mariana Valverde, Director, Centre of Criminology. Note: This talk has just been added to the series, in part because the Supreme Court will be hearing challenges to prostitution laws from Vancouver and Toronto; and because the B.C. Court of Appeal heard an initial challenge in January. Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 5, 12:30-2pm: From Urban Social Polarization to Civic Succession? Gated Communities,Discourses of Privatism, and the Ascendance of Neoliberalism Alan Walks, Department of Geography, Program in Planning, University of Toronto. Presented by The City Institute at York University (CITY), 305 York Lanes

Friday, March 5, 3-5pm: Physical Geograph Bib Gilbert. Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Tuesday, March 9, 3-5pm: Speaker: John Bousfield (Planning Special Guest) Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Location TBA …more
Wednesday, March 10, 2-4pm: The Elusive Regional Moment: Toronto’s Search for Metropolitan Governance Zack Taylor, MCIP RPP (Doctoral Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto). 2010 Graduate Fellowship Seminar Series, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, Room 208N, North House, Munk
Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place. Please register online at

Wednesday, March 10, 4:10pm: Transport and Energy Turmoil Richard Gilbert, Consultant, Urban Transport and Energy Issues. Robert Hunter Memorial Lecture presented by Centre for Environment. Faculty Club, 41 Willcocks Street, 2nd floor …more

Thursday, March 11, 4:10pm: Chickens, Complexity and Ecosystems: Tackling Wicked Health Problems in an Unstable World David Waltner-Toews, President, Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; Professor,
Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph. Presented by Centre for Environment at 155 College Street, Rm 108, Health Sciences Building …more

Friday, March 12, 12noon-2pm: Living in Apologetic Times: Multiculturalism and Reconciliation in Canada Moderator: Dr. Ron Levi, Metropolis Justice, Policing and Security Priority Leader. Presenter: Dr. Carmela Murdocca, Department of Sociology and Graduate Program in Socio-Legal Studies, York University. Presented by
CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre, at OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, 5th Floor, Room 250 (St. George subway station, Bedford Street exit). RSVP to or (416) 946-3110

Friday, March 12, 12:30(light lunch at noon): Provocations to Violence: Explaining the Issue of Contention in Violent Altercations Elizabeth Griffiths, Emory University. Presented by Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 12, 3-5pm: Neptis/Cartography Office Presentation Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Monday, March 15, 2-4pm: "Chicago could be the Vienna of American Fascism:" How Urban Studies Speaks to the Transnational Turn Davarian L. Baldwin. Prior to joining Trinity College, Baldwin was Associate Professor of History,and African and African Diaspora Studies at Boston College. Room 108N, North House, Munk Centre For
International Studies, 1 Devonshire Place. Register

Wednesday, March 17, 1pm: Speaker: David Murakami Wood Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Thursday, March 18, 4:10pm: Controlled Human Exposures: Cardiorespiratory HealthEffects of Ambient Friday, March 19, 3-5pm: Towards enabling geographies? Reconsidering the role of the paid work in the lives of disabled people Rob Wilton. Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith
Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Monday, March 22, 12:30(light lunch at noon): Are There Still "Contrasts in Tolerance"? Imprisonment in the Netherlands and England 20 Years Later Candace Kruttschnitt, University of Toronto. Presented by Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 26, 9-11am (breakfast buffet at 8:15): A Strategic Blueprint for New York City's Future Amanda M. Burden, FAICP, Chair of the New York City Planning Commission and Director of the Department of City
Planning. Presented by IMFG and Neptis Foundation at University of Toronto Health Sciences Auditorium, Room 610, 6th Floor, 155 College Street. Register online by March 10th to reserve your place at

Friday, March 26, 6-8pm: Back To The Future: Planning For Transformation Uzma Shakir, Atkinson Economic Justice Fellow, Atkinson Charitable Foundation. 2010 Bousfield Distinguished Visitor in Planning Lecture, Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto. University College, Media Room (room 179),
reception to follow at Croft Chapter House. Please RSVP by Friday, March 5 to Andrew Malcolm

C O N F E R EN C E S / S Y M P O S I A
February 26, 1pm-February 28, 5pm: Architecture Therapeutics Aesthetics: Technologically Enhanced Environments and the Human Sensorium Health Care Design Conference. John F. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, 230 College Street …more

March 2-3: Cultural Mapping and Cultural Planning: Making the Connection Presented by Martin Prosperity Institute, MaRS Centre, Toronto. Workshop SOLD OUT…more

Friday March 5, 10:30-6:30pm: Mourning the Suburb: A Symposium on Dwelling, in Transition Featuring: W. John Archer, Beatriz Colomina and Alberto Pérez-Gómez. Presented by PUBLIC Access and the Visible City Project + Archive. Prefix Institute for Contemporary Art, 401 Richmond St. West, Ste 124, Toronto …more

March 18-21: Immigration And Diversity: Crossroads of Cultures, Engine of Economic Development 12th National Metropolis Conference. Le Centre Sheraton Montréal Hotel. Hosted by the Centre Métropolis du Québec
–Immigration et métropoles ...more

April 12-14: Carbon Finance Workshop: Executive Development Program Centre for Environment, Hart House, University of Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle …more

April 15-16: 2010 Urban Symposium Presented by Association of Municipalities of Ontario at the Lincoln Alexander Centre in the City of Hamilton …more

Sunday, May 30 through Wednesday, June 2: Transportation and Logistics Trends and Policies: Successes and Failures Canadian Transportation Research Forum 45th Annual Conference, Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto, 475 Yonge Street, Toronto ...more

June 7-8: Green Oslo and Beyond: Investigating the Origins and Shaping the Outcomes of Green Urbanism Global/Local Symposium with speakers from North America, Europe and Scandinavia. Oslo, Norway …more

June 17: Canadian Water Summit UofT’s Centre for Environment is one of many sponsors. International Centre, Toronto…more

June 20-23: Urban Environmental Pollution: Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life. Organized and sponsored by Elsevier and the journal Environmental Pollution. Boston, USA … more

July 18-25: 2010 iGov Research Institute The Hague & Delft, The Netherlands. Presented by Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany …more

October 4-8: Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging 15th International Metropolis Conference 2010, Municipality of The Hague, The Netherlands …more

Continuing to March 5: PERSPECTIVES 2010 - A photography exhibition Bachelor of Arts Architectural Studies Society (BAASS). John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, The LWR Project Gallery …more

Continuing to April 9: Philippe Rahm: Domestic Astronomy John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, Eric Arthur Gallery …more

Continuing to April 25, 12-5pm daily: Building Storeys 2010 A collaborative effort by Heritage Toronto and Robert Dyke, Sean Galbraith, Rick Harris, Mathew Merrett, Timothy Neesam, Olena Sullivan, Toni Wallachy. Building Storeys is a visual documentation and anecdotal exhibit of city's heritage building and sites.
Featured in the Exhibition: Ashbridge's Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant; Ashbridge's Bay Pumping Stations; CNR Eastern Lines Locomotive Shop, 85 Laird Drive - click here to read the Spacing blog about its history; Canada Linseed Oil Mills; R.L. Clark Water Treatment Plant; Commissioners Street Transfer Station; R.C. Harris Water Filtration Plant; R.L. Hearn Generating Station; The John Street Roundhouse; North Toronto Wastewater Treatment Plant; The Pease Foundry, 211 Laird Drive; Toronto Island Water Filtration Plant. The Gladstone Hotel, 3rd & 4th Floors, 1214 Queen Street West …more

Continuing to June 13: Community Centred Installations by E.R.A. Architects Inc. (People Per Hectare), public Workshop (Under The Gardner), du Toit Architects Limited (L’Arche Daybreak), Martha Eleen (Necessities of Life). Architecture at York Quay Centre, Harbourfront, 235 Queen’s Quay West …more

O U R U o f T P A R T N E R S

For more information, to submit items for the Friday weekly email news bulletin, or to subscribe or unsubscribe, please contact Pat Doherty 416 946 3688 Cities Centre, University of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave., Suite 400, Toronto, ON M5S 2G8 Canada

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