Friday, December 9, 2011

December 15: Clint Andrews - "From Buildings to Cities: Informing practical decisions with agent-based models"

We have Clint Andrews from Rutgers coming in to do a presentation on Dec 15: "From Buildings to Cities: Informing practical decisions with agent-based models" (10.30 am. in GB 303). -abstract below. Please encouarge students and colleageus to attend.

Clint has been very active in researching user behaviour in buildings, as well making many contributions to industrial ecology and urban planning. He is Professor of Urban Planning and Policy Development, and Director of the Center for Green Building, at Rutgers University. See

---- Abstract ----

From Buildings to Cities: Informing practical decisions with agent-based models

Decision support systems often perform computer simulations but only rarely
are the underlying models agent-based. Yet agent-based approaches can be
very useful in applications with heterogeneous actors exhibiting bounded
rationality and adaptive potential. This talk will identify opportunities
for and constraints on greater use of agent-based modeling for decision
support. It will share lessons learned from a series of recent projects
exploring agent-based decision support in the domains of environmental
management (comparing technical and behavioral fixes within firms), product
policy (determining whether green niche products will go mainstream),
architecture (improving energy efficiency by designing to accommodate
occupant behavior), and urban planning (adapting to climate change in the
coastal zone). These experiences will highlight the need to overcome
significant communicative challenges, ground the models firmly in an
empirical context, and use agent-based approaches only when they actually
possess a comparative advantage. Funding for this work is from the U.S.
National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and the Environmental
Protection Agency.

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