Friday, September 7, 2012

Higher Goals for Higher Learning: 7th Annual University of Toronto Teaching & Learning Symposium, 5 November 2012

RE:       Call for Proposals - Higher Goals for Higher Learning: 7th Annual University of Toronto Teaching & Learning Symposium, 5 November 2012

In recent years, many Canadian and US institutions have emphasized curricular and co-curricular initiatives that aim to enhance student learning and overall engagement while meeting individual, institutional and societal goals for higher education. 

The aim of this year's Teaching and Learning Symposium is to explore how we reconcile and realize these goals within our context.

In particular, as University of Toronto instructors and administrators, what are our goals for higher education?  What are our students seeking from their educational experiences? What do the broader community and society expect from university graduates and higher education?  How do our educational priorities, pedagogical approaches, institutional initiatives, and policies reflect the range of goals for higher learning? Through concurrent sessions, posters, roundtable discussions and a keynote address we will explore these questions and issues.

This tri-campus event is intended to stimulate discussion and the sharing of practical, successful experiences around teaching and learning, aiming to enhance communications and build internal networks. It is a cross-divisional forum that allows faculty and staff to explore and share new instructional methods, to celebrate our commitment to teaching and learning, and to hear from this year's recipients of the President's Teaching Award.  The symposium will include a featured speaker, a special session featuring the 2012 President's Teaching Award recipients, concurrent sessions, roundtable discussions, and poster and resource sharing sessions.

We invite session proposals, from UofT faculty and staff, in one of the following formats that address the issues outlined above:

1.         Concurrent Sessions (50 minutes): Presentation of creative teaching approaches or strategies that have evidence of effectiveness as demonstrated through assessment, research or successful practice.  Please describe the methods you will use to foster interactivity among the participants and presenters.
2.         Poster Sessions: These sessions are designed to provide presenters and participants with a means of sharing information regarding learning and teaching, including research findings and innovative practices. Presenters should be prepared to deliver a brief one minute summary of their poster to symposium participants.
3.         Roundtable Discussions (50 minutes): These sessions engage a small group in facilitated conversation. Facilitators suggest a theme, a problem, or a solution related to the symposium focus. Rather than give a presentation, the facilitator may offer a brief summary of the discussion topic and participants exchange ideas around the table. (Registration for these sessions will be capped at 15.)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS An online proposal submission form is available at:
Deadline for proposal submission is Friday, September 14th 2012.

Questions about the Symposium or regarding proposal submissions can be directed to: Thuy Huynh, Programs Coordinator, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation at or 416-946-3325.

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