Friday, August 16, 2013

UofT Teaching & Learning Symposium - Learning Across and Beyond Borders: October 28, 2013

PDAD&C#12, 2013-14

TO:         PDAD&C
FROM:       Carol Rolheiser, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
DATE:             August 8, 2013
RE:         Call for Proposals - Learning Across and Beyond Borders
            8th Annual University of Toronto Teaching & Learning Symposium
            Monday, October 28, 2013

This year's University of Toronto's Teaching & Learning Symposium will explore a range of teaching and learning ideas, issues and possibilities related to borders and boundaries. Are real or perceived borders and boundaries changing, and if so, how? In particular, sessions will consider the how, what, where and why of teaching and learning and will focus on five major themes:

1.    The flexible classroom
Where does learning happen in today's universities? How is this impacting teaching approaches and course and curriculum design?
2.    Global citizenship
How should we/can we teach our students to be global citizens?
3.    Competencies and skills
What unique skills and competencies do instructors and students feel are important for University of Toronto graduates?
4.    Research and teaching
How does research inform our teaching and how does teaching inform our research? What are innovative strategies for bridging research and teaching to enhance student learning?
5.    Teaching alone, teaching together
What new models are emerging that capitalize on individual and team-based approaches to teaching?

This tri-campus event is intended to stimulate discussion and the sharing of practical, successful experiences around teaching and learning, aiming to enhance communications and build internal networks. It is a cross-divisional forum that allows faculty and staff to explore and share new instructional methods, to celebrate our commitment to teaching and learning, and to hear from this year's recipients of the President's Teaching Award.  The symposium will include a featured speaker, a special session featuring the 2013 President's Teaching Award recipients and the President, interactive concurrent sessions, "Welcome to my classroom" sessions delivered by the 2013 President's Teaching Award winners, and sessions featuring nifty assignments and lightning talks on effective teaching strategies.

We invite session proposals, from UofT faculty and staff, in one of the following formats that address any of the five themes outlined in this call:

1.    Interactive Concurrent Sessions (50 minutes):
These sessions will focus on the presentation of creative teaching approaches or strategies that have evidence of effectiveness as demonstrated through assessment, research or successful practice.  Please specifically describe the methods you will use to foster interactivity among the participants and presenters.
2.    Nifty Assignment Sessions (15 minute time slots; 50 minute session): 
These sessions will offer a series of short (15 minute) presentations that introduce "nifty" assignments currently used in University of Toronto classrooms. Presenters will provide details regarding the student learning goals for the assignment, the development and administration of the assignment, discuss strengths and challenges and provide examples of successful implementation.  (Note: 3 individual presenters will be grouped together for one session; group submissions on a particular theme are welcome.)

3.    Teaching Strategies: Lightning Talks (5 minute time slots; 50 minute session)
Up to 6 individuals will be selected for each "Lightning Talk" session. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present an effective teaching strategy to the audience. Presenters should briefly describe the strategy and provide evidence of its effectiveness (gathered through informal observation or more formal study). Each presenter may use a maximum of three power point slides to illustrate the presentation of the teaching strategy. Time will be allotted at the end of the session for Q&A.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS To submit a proposal for the symposium, please visit:

Deadline for proposal submission is Monday, September 16, 2013.

Questions about the symposium or regarding proposal submissions can be directed to: Thuy Huynh, Programs Coordinator, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation at or 416-946-3325.

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