Friday, December 11, 2009

[PDADC-L] Presidential Review

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 19:13:17 -0500
From: The Office of Governing Council

Subject: [PDADC-L] Presidential Review

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Memorandum to:

Governing Council
Academic Board
Business Board
University Affairs Board
Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
Professionals, Managers and Confidential Staff
President of UTFA
Presidents of Employee Unions
Presidents of APUS, GSU, SAC and SCSU
President of UTAA

From: John F. (Jack) Petch
Chair, Governing Council

Date: December 10, 2009

Re: Presidential Review

Requirement for a Review

Professor David Naylor will complete his term as President of the University of Toronto on June 30, 2010. In approving his appointment in 2005, the Governing Council also made provision for an extension for up to an additional five years, subject to a review not later than the fall of 2009 by the Executive Committee of the Governing Council. In the context of such an extension, the Executive
Committee has agreed to initiate a review process. Taking into account the importance of continuity and stability in the leadership team, the Executive Committee has determined that a review would commence this fall with the intent of making its recommendations to the Governing Council for consideration at the regularly scheduled meeting of January 21, 2010.

The mandate of this review is to seek input and advice from individuals and groups within the University of Toronto community and beyond. In addition to comments on the President's accomplishments, the Committee would seek advice on the advancement of priorities in the following areas:

Increasing the University's capacity for creating knowledge, and advancing research and scholarship that is recognized internationally as outstanding among its peer institutions.

Building effective relationships that will advance the University's interests and those of post-secondary education in general. This includes establishing or strengthening alliances with governments, agencies, foundations, research hospital partners, other universities, industry, donors and alumni.

Being a strong external representative and a champion of the University as a force for public good. This includes encouraging research and scholarship on - and being able to contribute personally to debate on - pressing public issues.

Delineating a strategic vision for the University, both in the shorter- and longer-term.

Establishing a strong executive team and motivating academic leaders and other administrators across the three campuses.

Fostering a culture that attracts, motivates, recognizes and retains excellent faculty.

Enhancing the quality of student experience, for all groups of students, but with particular attention to re-invigoration of undergraduate life within and outside the classroom.

The Executive Committee itself will undertake the review. In keeping with the expected role of the Board Chairs in Executive Committee meetings, they will be invited to participate in the process. To facilitate the process, the Committee will establish small panels of members to conduct confidential interviews. The panels will comprise the Chair or Vice-Chair, along with one or two Committee members. It is expected that each member of the Committee will participate in one or more of the
panels and that the Secretary of the Governing Council will serve as secretary to the review.

In fulfilling the mandate of the review, the panels will not invite written submissions but will conduct interviews with representative individuals and groups from among the University's governors, senior administration, academic aministrators, teaching and administrative staff, students, alumni, benefactors and friends. As well, invitations will be extended to key individuals in the federal,
provincial and municipal governments. The panels will include members who are most conversant with the issues of interest for the interviewees.

Membership of the Governing Council's Executive Committee, which includes representation of all
estates, is:

Mr. John F. (Jack) Petch, Chair - Government Appointee
Dr. Alice Dong, Vice-Chair - Government Appointee
Mr. Ryan Campbell - Full-time Undergraduate Student
Mr. P.C. Choo - Administrative Staff
Mr. Ken Davy - Part-time Undergraduate Student
Ms Judith Goldring - Government Appointee
Mr. Gerald Halbert - Government Appointee
Professor Ron Kluger - Teaching Staff
Mr. Joseph Mapa - Government Appointee
Mr. Tim Reid - Alumnus
Professor Arthur Ripstein - Teaching Staff
Ms Maureen Somerville - Alumna
Professor Janice Gross Stein - Teaching Staff

Board Chairs are:
Professor Louise Lemieux-Charles, Academic Board
Mr. Richard Nunn, Business Board
Ms Elizabeth Vosburgh, University Affairs Board

The panels will conduct their interviews during the period from January 5 to 12, 2010. The Executive Committee as a whole will consider the advice and input the panels receive through their consultations. The Committee's recommendations will be considered by the Governing Council at its meeting of January 21, 2010.

John F. (Jack) Petch
Chair of the Governing Council
University of Toronto
Room 106, 27 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
Tel: (416) 978-2117
Fax: (416) 978-8182

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