Heffernan Commercialization Fellowship
This is an exciting opportunity for a faculty member to nominate an entrepreneurial PhD or MASc recent graduate for a $32,000 one-year fellowship, with the winning fellow then becoming principal of their newly own created company. U of T is hoping to get a strong selection of candidates for this year's fellowship.
Please note that, via a separate channel, all current graduate students will be receiving notice. Because this opportunity is of potential interest to master's or doctoral graduates from the past few years – our hope is that you would be able to send to your faculty members so they will then approach their graduate alumni who may be interested.
For information please follow this URL http://uoft.me/heffernanfellowship
Fellowship Opportunity: Help Bring Novel U of T Technologies to the Marketplace

Calling all faculty members: nominate a recent entrepreneurial graduate for a one-year HeffernanCommercialization Fellowship.
This Fellowship invites a professor to nominate their chosen candidate, and stay involved through mentoring throughout the prototype development and commercialization phases of the project. The end goal is to enable research technology developed at U of T to become new, successful technology-based companies in Ontario.
The winning Fellow will receive $32,000 over the one-year period of this special fellowship and will become the principal of their newly created company.
Join the ranks of successful past fellowship recipients like U of T Computer Science graduate Anand Agarawala, whose rapid-growth start-up company BumpTop was successfully sold to Google. Or Carlos de Oliveira (CivE MASc 0T6), whose research on earthquake-resistant structural casting led to the founding of Cast ConneX Corp.
Guidelines and Letter of Intent. Applications should be emailed to: Laura De Bartolo at: laura.debartolo@utoronto.ca
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