Friday, May 14, 2010

[PANDM-L] Annual Performance Review and Salary Adjustment Process

HR #28 2009-10

To: Professional, Managerial, Confidential and Advancement Staff

From: Angela Hildyard
Vice President, HR & Equity

Date: May 10, 2010

Re: Annual Performance Review and Salary Adjustment Process

Over the past several weeks the University has been reviewing the measures outlined in the proposed Compensation Restraint Act legislation with respect to the implications for our Professional, Managerial, Confidential and Advancement staff.

The legislation requires compensation restraint, for a two year period, effective March 24, 2010 for all public sector employees who do not bargain collectively. The University will apply its existing compensation processes to ensure that they both comply and also provide appropriate adjustments where allowed.

For employees who do not bargain collectively, the legislation provides scope for salary increases that are based on existing merit programs. We will, therefore, move ahead with the annual performance reviews with the goal of implementing merit increases for July 1. Information on the amount of the merit envelope and the allocation process will be provided later this month.

The work that all of you do is critical to the success of the University. I very much appreciate your commitment to the University and your patience as we work through the details of the legislation and as we raise with the government our concerns regarding unintended consequences of the legislation that may create inequities. We are committed to the lawful and reasonable mitigation of any such inequities.

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