Friday, May 7, 2010

[PDADC-L] #86, PTR/Merit Assessment and Salary Increase Instructions for 09-10

PDAD&C#86, 2009-10


To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs

From: Edith Hillan, Vice-Provost Faculty & Academic Life

Date: May 6, 2010

Re: PTR/Merit Assessment and Salary Increase Instructions for 2009-2010

As you know, the University and UTFA have not reached an agreement in negotiations or in mediation on salary, benefit and pension matters for faculty members and librarians for 2009/10 and 2010/11. Both the University and UTFA are currently in arbitration, working with Mr. Martin Teplitsky QC in his role as arbitrator, and the parties have already met for several days in April with further dates set for later this month. It has already been agreed that the arbitration award will be for two years, commencing retroactively on July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2011.

PTR/Merit payments for 2009/10 were implemented on July 1st 2009. Any other salary increases including PTR/Merit for 2010/11 and ATB amounts for 2009/10 and 2010/11 will be determined in the arbitrated award. Once this is known, this memorandum will be re-issued with relevant information regarding salary breakpoints and the implementation of any salary adjustments.

In the meantime, units should have initiated the Merit Assessment process as normal and the timetable outlined in Section 1 should be adhered to by all divisions.

Complete 10 page memo attached in PDF format.

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