TO: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs
FROM: Edith Hillan, Vice Provost, Faculty and Academic Life
DATE: 19th July 2010
RE: New Faculty Orientation & Back to School Series for New and Returning Faculty
I am pleased to announce a series of upcoming events for new and returning faculty hosted by the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), in partnership with the Office of the Vice President Research, Family Care Office, Hart House and the Faculty Club. We encourage you to share this information with your new and returning faculty.
New Faculty Orientation Sessions
Getting Started at the University of Toronto - August 23, 9:30am - 3pm In this full-day session, new faculty will be introduced to the University of Toronto's structure, organization, culture and students. Break-out sessions in the afternoon will focus on teaching-related topics and resources that support teaching at UofT. (NB: This session is open to ALL new tenure and teaching stream faculty.)
Research Orientation - August 25, 1-4pm
In this session tenure-stream faculty will be provided with an overview of the resources available to support their research. They will be introduced to the range of funding opportunities and have a chance to ask questions about related protocols and procedures. (NB: This session is open to tenure-stream faculty only.)
Creating a Successful Career Path as a Lecturer - August 25, 1- 4pm Teaching-stream faculty are invited to attend this session for information on the career path of the lecturer and to hear from colleagues who will share their experiences and strategies for success. (NB: This session is open to teaching-stream faculty only.)
Orientation for Partners and Spouses of New Faculty - August 25, 1-4pm Faculty Relocation Services and Dual Career Connection will provide partners and spouses of new faculty with an orientation to the city and an introduction to the job search process. Resource people will be on hand to answer questions about housing, schools, immigration and benefits. If required, childcare will be available. Please request it when you register, giving the age(s) of your child(ren).
Welcome BBQ for New Faculty and their Families - August 25, 4-6pm This year's orientation series will end with a BBQ for new tenure and teaching stream faculty, their partners and families at the Faculty Club. The Family Care Office will provide activities for children during this event.
Please note: Registration is required for all of these events. New tenure and teaching stream faculty may register for the above events at:
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation's Back-to-School Series
From August 24 - 27, the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation will host a series of "Back-to-School" sessions on a range of teaching topics. These sessions are open to all new and returning faculty.
Tuesday, August 24th
9am - 12noon Setting the Tone for Success: The First Day and Beyond
1pm - 4pm Instructional Approaches to Engage and Enthuse Students
Wednesday, August 25th
9am - 12noon Course Design that Integrates Cross-cultural Perspectives
9am - 12noon Building a Blackboard Course
Thursday, August 26th
9am - 12noon Assignments: Woes and Wows
1pm - 4pm Supporting Student Learning
Friday, August 27th
9am - 12noon The Course Life Cycle: Managing Your Course
To register for the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation's Back-to-School series, please visit:
For more information on any of these events and to register please contact Melissa Kennedy, Programs Coordinator, CTSI at 416-946-3799;, or Thuy Huynh, Program Assistant, CTSI at 416-946-3325;
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