Friday, July 22, 2011

Centre Quantum Information and Quantum Control - Public Lecture

You are invited to attend

The Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Computing at the University of Toronto will be hosting a public lecture given by Dr. Charles Bennett of IBM Research. Prof. Gregory Scholes, director of CQIQC, has requested this event be advertised widely.
The event will be held Monday, August 8th at 11am (in BA1160). Further details can be found on the attached pdf poster.


Megan Oh
Ph.D. Candidate in Physical Chemistry
Scholes Group

Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
LM250-80 Saint George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6

T: 416.946.7763
F: 416.978.8875

---- attachment ----

Centre Quantum Information and Quantum Control
Public Lecture

-information is quantum- "how physics has helped us understand what information is and what can be done with it"

Charles H. Bennett, IBM Research

Charles H. Bennett received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1970 for molecular dynamics studies (computer simulation of molecular motion). Following graduation, he worked at the Argonne Laboratory for two years. Since 1972, he has been at IBM where he has played a major role in elucidating the interconnections between physics and information. He developed a practical system of quantum cryptography in collaboration with Gilles Brassard and John Smolin. As well, he is also known for discovering "quantum teleportation". Other research interests include algorithmic information theory and the physics of computation. Bennett is known as one of the founding fathers of quantum information theory.

Bennett is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He was awarded the 2008 Harvey Prize by Technion and the 2006 Rank Prize in opto-electronics.

Monday, August 8th @ llAM • BAl160 (Bahen Building)

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