Friday, July 27, 2012

Chair, First Year

MEMORANDUM                                                                                                                                  2012/13-01                  

To:           Chairs and Directors                                                                     
                  Faculty Administrative Offices
From:     Cristina Amon, Dean

Date:      July 24, 2012

Re:         Chair, First Year

I regret to announce that Professor Kim Pressnail will end his term as Chair, First Year on September 30, 2012, for personal reasons.  Kim started his term on October 1, 2011 and I am grateful for his steady and thoughtful leadership of Outreach, Recruitment and First Year over this past year.  Kim will return to his duties in Civil Engineering and I know you will join me in thanking and wishing him great success in all his future endeavours.

I will be initiating the process for selecting a new Chair, First Year shortly.  In the meantime, I welcome any nominations for membership on the Advisory Committee or for the position itself.  Comments and nominations can be sent to me via email at:

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