Friday, July 20, 2012

Presidential Search Committee

Memorandum to:   Governing Council
Members of the Academic Board
Members of the Business Board
Members of the University Affairs Board
Members of the College of Electors
Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs
Professionals, Managers, and Confidential Staff
President, UTFA
Presidents of Employee Unions
Presidents of APUS, GSU, UTSU (SAC), UTMSU and SCSU
President, University of Toronto Alumni Association
Alumni of the University

From:                       W. David Wilson
                                 Chair, Presidential Search Committee

Date:                        July 19, 2012

Re:                           Presidential Search Committee
(a)   Invitation for Submissions on the Position Specification for the President
(b)   “Town Hall” / Listening Sessions
(c)    Engagement of Search Consultants

The Presidential Search Committee would like your input and advice on a position specification and role profile for the new President of the University of Toronto.  Once we have compiled and synthesized the input we receive, we will then issue a formal call for nominations.

Advice on Position Specification

At present, we are seeking your ideas on:

         the principal strengths upon which the University should build over the next five to ten years;
         the principal challenges that the University will face in that period;
         the implications of those strengths and challenges for the new President, in two senses:
-          the President's specific personal priorities in the near- and long-term, and
-          the specific priorities the President should ensure are achieved by others in the University community;
         the key strengths and characteristics the Committee should therefore be seeking in a new President.

We have agreed, as a Committee, that the position profile developed in 2004 could serve as a reference point for beginning the discussion.  The profile can be found at the following url:

Listening Sessions

The Committee is arranging an extensive schedule of consultations over the next several weeks, which will include a listening session at each of the three campuses.  The dates and times for these are as follows:

St. George

Thursday, September 20, 2012
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location:  Council Chamber
Simcoe Hall, 2nd Floor


Friday, September 21, 2012
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Council Chamber, Room AA 160
Arts and Administration Building,


Monday, September 24, 2012
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location:  Council Chamber, Room 3130
William G. Davis Building

The views of all members of the University community, as well as those beyond our community who are knowledgeable about and interested in the University of Toronto, are important to the success of the search.  We hope you will be able to join members of the Committee at the listening session planned for your campus or, if that is not possible, that you will be able to attend one of the other two listening sessions.

Search Consultants

Following a formal Request for Proposals and a rigorous selection process, we have engaged the firm of Spencer Stuart to assist the Search Committee in its work.  The Spencer Stuart team will include Dr. Sharon Rudy and Ms Kristine Johnson who will bring enormous experience to our search.

As consultants, the team is expected to provide objective advice, professional expertise, and support to the Committee and to provide assistance in the organization and coordination of a range of search activities over the next few months.  The consultants, like the Committee members, are committed to the Committee’s Charter of Expectations.  As part of their work, they will be actively involved in the various consultation meetings which will be scheduled over the next many weeks into the Fall, including the campus listening sessions.


Your views and those of your colleagues are critical to the Committee’s work and we look forward to hearing from you.  Please submit your suggestions in writing to:

Mr. W. David Wilson
Presidential Search Committee
Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON  M5S 1A1

You may also provide your input by e-mail to  We would appreciate your submissions as soon as possible and before October 5, 2012.  Submissions will be treated as confidential to the Search Committee.  We recognize that many faculty, staff and students will be away over the summer and, in order to afford them the opportunity to provide input to this process, we will send another communication in early September.

Thank you very much for your contribution to this important process.

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