SGS Award Announcement
Re: Ontario Graduate Award (OGS) changes for 2013-14
Date: July 20, 2012
To: Graduate Coordinators; Graduate Administrators; Business Officers
From: Kerri Huffman; Associate Director, Student Services – Graduate Awards and Financial Aid
The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities has recently announced that the administration of the OGS Awards will be transferred to participating universities for the 2013-14 academic year.
At this time The University of Toronto will become responsible for the intake, processing, adjudication and awarding of the scholarships. The Ministry will continue to set OGS eligibility criteria and program policies.
The Ministry will continue to support 3000 scholarships province-wide which will be allocated to participating universities based on their share of the graduate population.
Information about the applications, competition timeline and awarding process will be forwarded to all units as it becomes available later this summer.
Please direct all questions regarding the OGS changes to Kerri Huffman at or 416 978-8576.
Kerri Huffman
Associate Director, Student Services - Graduate Awards & Financial Aid
School of Graduate Studies
University of Toronto
Rm 214, 63 St. George
Toronto, ON M5S 2Z9
P 416-978-8576
F 416-971-2864
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