April 4, 2011 Vol. 02 // No. 37
Table of Contents: Chair's Office // Awards and Recognition // Research Activities // Seminars // Graduate Studies // Student Affairs // Job Opportunities // Announcements // Vacation // Previous Newsletter & Links
Chair's Office
AMIGAS Coffee Break
On Thursday, March 31 MIE graduate students met over coffee/tea and treats in the graduate lounge.
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Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Presented by Canadian Tire
Robert J. Howard (IndE 7T2), President & CEO, St. Michael's Hospital
Industrial Engineering in Healthcare...It's about time!
Date: Wednesday, April 6
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online. Reception to follow in GB202.
Women and Leadership: Lessons from the White House
Date: Thursday, April 7
Time: 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online
The Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering is honoured to host Dr. Connie Mariano for a special invited talk. Dr. Mariano served nine years at the White House where she was physician to three sitting American Presidents.
Outlining her journey through education, science & medicine, military, government service, private practice and now, publishing, Dr. Mariano will offer ideas about empowerment, inspiration, courage, and wisdom. She speaks to finding your passion and purpose in life – especially in the fields of science and education.
The UofT Bookstore will be selling copies of Dr. Mariano's book The White House Doctor: My Patients were Presidents, A Memoir, and Dr. Mariano will be available to sign copies.
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New Wireless Access in MC
A new UTORwin wireless Access-Point has been installed within the MC 1st floor hallway. The signal should provide adequate wireless access to all MIE offices in the area.
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Services Centre Open House
The open house of the new services centre has been delayed until signage, furniture, and artwork are complete.
Become Involved in U of T Governance – 2011 Call for Applicants
U of T Governance is providing a wonderful opportunity for well-qualified individuals in the University community to apply to serve as appointed (non-Governing Council) members on a Governing Council Board.
The deadline for applications is Friday, April 8.
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Awards & Recognition
Chirag Variawa (MSE 0T9, MIE PhD candidate) » U of T Governing Council
Chirag Variawa (MSE 0T9, MIE PhD candidate) has become the first graduate student governor from Engineering, winning his seat in the 2011-2012 Governing Council elections. As of July 1, Variawa will represent graduate students from across the University's Constituency II, which includes Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering (School of Graduate Studies Divisions III & IV).
It is of particular importance to Variawa that in recent years there has not been a graduate engineering student voice in policymaking U of T. Variawa requests that you contact him if there is an issue you feel should be brought to Governing Council.
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Prof. Carter » Hamilton Spectator
Prof. Michael Carter has been quoted three times in the past three weeks in the Hamilton Spectator concerning problems in with the Hamilton area ambulance service and the decision by Hamilton Health Sciences to convert the emergency department at the McMaster Hospital to a children's only ED as of April 4.
• St. Joe's preparing for more sick patients April 4
• City on track for worst ambulance shortage ever
• Mac making big changes Monday
Prof. Goldenberg » CBC Radio, Spark
For an upcoming episode of CBC Radio program, Spark, host Nora Young interviewed Prof. Andrew Goldenberg. She asked Prof. Goldenberg to shed some light on why researchers are interested in replicating the human form. You can hear the full, uncut interview (available for download) on the CBC Spark website.
Prof. Guenther » Nature technology feature
A technology feature in the journal Nature highlights a microfluidic chip for the investigation of small blood vessels that was developed by Prof. Axel Guenther in collaboration with Prof. Steffen-Sebastian Bolz (Department of Physiology). The technology is currently being commercialized by Quorum Technologies (Guelph, ON).
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Research Activities
Conference Attendance
Prof. Andreas Mandelis will be visiting the College of Optics & Photonics affiliated with the University of Central Florida on April 7 & 8, to present an invited lecture entitled Novel Biomedical Photoacoustic and Thermophotonic Imagers and Biosensors: State of the science and technology.
Connaught Summer Institute in Nanofabrication
Dates: Friday, June 3 - Saturday, June 11
Location: University of Toronto
The Connaught Summer Institute in Nanofabrication will bring together Canadian and international experts in a variety of areas related to nanofabrication techniques for the production of nano-devices for a wide range of technological and research applications. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from internationally-renowned academic and industry experts, gain hands-on experience with the nanofabrication facilities available in the ECTI open research facilities, and present a poster on their research.
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MIE Seminar Series » Osteoarthritis and Fat: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Distinguished speaker: Farshid Guilak, Laszlo Ormandy Professor & Director, Orthopaedic Bioengineering Laboratory, Surgery, Duke University, Durham
Date: Friday, April 8
Time: 2:10 p.m.
Location: MC102
Graduate Studies
Summer Session Course Enrolment
Course schedule, classroom information and session codes: click here and here.
Course enrollment instruction and supervisor's approval procedure are available online.
For courses that run from May to August:
Friday, May 13: Final date to add a course and to submit a supervisor's course approval to the Graduate Studies Office.
Friday, June 3: Final date to drop a course without academic penalty.
For two week intensive session courses:
Deadline to add a course is the start date of the course.
Deadline to drop a course is 3 days before the lecture end date.
PhD Thesis Seminar
Bardia Bina presents: Design of a Digital Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Telemanipulation Applications
Date: Tuesday, April 5
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Location: RS207
Exam committee: Prof. P. Milgram (supervisor); Dr. J. Hollands (exam chair); and Prof. P. Kim.
MASc Oral Exam
Jason Li presents: Nanowire FET Biosensors for in Vitro Protein Quantification
Date: Thursday, April 7
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: BA8227
Exam committee: Prof. Y. Sun (co-supervisor and exam chair); Prof. L. You (co-supervisor); Prof. C. Simmons; and Prof. F. Ben Amara.
PhD Final Oral Exam
Sharareh Taghipour presents: Reliability and Maintenance of Medical Devices
Date: Monday, April 11
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: School of Graduate Studies, 63 St. George Street, Rm. 301
Exam committee: Prof. C. Yip (exam chair, IBBME); Prof. A. Jardine (co-supervisor); Dr. D. Banjevic (co-supervisor); Prof. T. Chau; Prof. D. Aleman; and Professor T. Chan.
External examiner: Prof. David Coit (State University of New Jersey, Rutgers).
Student Affairs
Third Year Design Competition
Date: Tuesday, April 5
Time: 2 - 5 p.m.
Location: Sanford Flemming (SF) Atrium
Third year undergraduate mechanical students will be showcasing their final design projects (MIE341) in a competition on Tuesday, April 5. Their goal is to design a crash test dummy, an assembly line for the dummy, and a test car. They will be competing against each other in one-on-one battles.
2011 HFIG Industry Panel
MIE is proud sponsor of the 2011 Human Factors Interest Group (HFIG) industry panel held on Wednesday, March 23. The panelists provided a very interesting and engaging experience for the students who attended the session in RS R211. A dinner followed in MC 311 with the panel members: Dr. Ming Hou (DRDC); Deborah Chen (UHN); Harumi Takeshita (CIBC); and Mehdi Ravandi (ViewOh).
Undergraduate students expressed an interest not only in HFIG as a group, but also in continuing their education both through undergraduate thesis topics and even graduate degrees with U of T professors or internships with our panelists.
Job Opportunities
Faculty Positions » University at Buffalo
Candidates are sought with research expertise in Information Systems, Information Fusion, Operations Research, High Performance Computing, or Human Factors, applied to one or more of the following areas: Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis, Smart Grid, Healthcare Systems, Cyber Security, and Homeland Security. Candidates are expected to establish a strong, externally funded and recognized research program and to teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
How to apply
North America Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers (NACSAE)
Haifeng Liu (PhD MechE 0T0) who was supervised by Prof. Jim Wallace, has been working with GM Powertrain in Michigan. He is currently a supervisor/manager for a group of 15 sr. engineers in GM Powertrain and globally 30 engineers support GM Global business in Mr. Liu's area.
Recently, a new Chinese Association (North America Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers) has been formed. There is no membership fee and the group plans to provide networking opportunities.
Learn more
Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) Newsletter
Click here to read the April issue of STLE.
University of Toronto Team » Weekend to End Women's Cancers
Rotman MBA student Jennifer Rosart is organizing at University of Toronto team that will participate in the Weekend to End Women's Cancers.
Please contact Jennifer for more information or to sign-up for the team.
Tomas Bernreiter, Laboratory Engineer and Manager: April 4 - 8
Sandra Chotilal, Research Accountant: March 28 - April 12
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