Friday, April 8, 2011

2011 Promise Signing Ceremony

Good Afternoon Everyone,

A Promise to Future Generations is a voluntary promise and an active choice made by those who believe they have a duty to protect the rights of future generations to enjoy this bountiful earth.

Our 3rd Annual Promise Signing Ceremony will take place on June 15th at about 1pm in the U of T Art Centre. If you would like to commit to the Promise along with the 2011 graduating class, please register at BEFORE FRIDAY APRIL 15th.

There is a $10 cost for the framed, personalized Promise. While this is optional for the first time in 2011 (you can participate in the ceremony and include your name on the register at no charge), we encourage you to purchase this reminder of your commitment and display it somewhere you will see everyday, like on your desk. An ongoing commitment to upholding the values of the Promise is essential to driving change in our society and protecting the rights of future generations!

Any questions or concerns, please let us know -

Remember, sign up at before Friday April 15th!

The Promise Committee, U of T

----------------Some additional information about this initiative----------------


What is the Promise?

The Promise to Future Generations is a student-driven initiative that was started in 2009 by a group of civil engineering students. It was adapted from a document written by Jacques Cousteau in the 1970’s entitled “Bill of Rights for Future Generations”.
A Promise to Future Generations is a voluntary promise – an active choice made by those who believe they have a duty to protect the rights of future generations to enjoy this bountiful earth. Those who choose to commit to this promise will participate in a signing ceremony to declare the promise with like-minded peers and future colleagues.

Why do we need the Promise?

Today we face some amazing challenges: worldwide problems of climate change and diminishing supplies of inexpensive carbon-based energy. These problems not only threaten our ability, but the ability of future generations to meet their needs, to fulfill their dreams, and to determine their destinies. This generation needs to be at the forefront of solutions to these problems so we must stand up, speak up and lead.

Who can sign the Promise?

The Promise is geared towards students in the final year of their undergraduate studies. However, we encourage faculty, alumni and staff from the university to make this commitment as well and sign the Promise with the students. Everyone is welcome.

When is the signing ceremony?

The inaugural signing ceremony was held June 19, 2009 and over 80 students, professor, staff and alumni signing the Promise. As this initiative has gained momentum over the past two years, we hope to continue the tradition with a growing body of signatories at the 2011 Signing Ceremony and in the years to come.

Where is the Promise headed?

The Promise has been growing beyond the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, to the rest of the University and to industry. Our hope is to one day have everyone make this Promise and be one step closer to a world where we are honour-bound to respect the rights of future generations.

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