Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Ever Canada-China-Israel Call for Proposals

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 14:26:14 -0500 [09/11/09 02:26:14 PM EST]

From: Teresa Trimboli

To: IPCRESEARCHFUNDINGOPS-L@listserv.utoronto.ca
Reply-To: Teresa Trimboli

Subject: First Ever Canada-China-Israel Call for Proposals/le premier appel de propositions Canada-Chine-Israƫl

ISTPCanada and CIIRDF Announce First Ever Canada-China-Israel Call for
Proposals for Collaborative R&D Projects

Trilateral Initiatives to Focus on the Application of High Technology to the
Sustainable Development
of Agriculture and Agri-foods

International Science and Technology Partnerships Canada (ISTPCanada) and
the Canada Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation (CIIRDF)
today announced, in Canada, the launch of the first-ever trilateral initiative of
its kind–a Canada-China-Israel Call for Proposals (CFP) that aims to stimulate
partnership development, collaborative research and development, and the
joint commercialization of technologies to enable the sustainable development
of agriculture and agri-foods.

This CFP invites proposals that bring together researchers and developers from
the three countries; that pursue the application of high technology in
agriculture; and that articulate commercial opportunities for research results.
The selected projects will be co-funded by the three countries according to
their national funding rules and regulations.

Unveiled on November 1, 2009 at the Yangling Agriculture Hi-Tech Fair in
China, this unique trilateral Call is the direct result of “The Ottawa
Declaration” made by senior leaders from the three nations that convened at
the Second Canada-China-Israel Roundtable on Agri-Innovation in Ottawa on
July 28, 2009.

Apply Now: The deadline for or submitting Expressions of Interest is March 1,
2010. For additional information about the Calls for Proposals, including
eligibility, terms and conditions and how to apply, please click here.

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