Friday, November 20, 2009

TAs Needed for MIE Course

Course: MIE518H1S Fundamentals: Aircraft Design
Course instructor: Professor S.A. Meguid,

Projected enrolment: 50 students

Date of appointment: from January to April 2010 (13 weeks)

Anticipated TA requirement: 3 TAs @ 3 hrs per week (13 weeks)

TA duties: assist students with their tutorials and projects

Qualification: Good grasp of aerospace fundamentals, good communication
skills in English.


1. The positions posted are tentative, pending final course
determinations and enrolments.

2. Current TA rates -
U/G: $32.42 per hour; SGS I: $38.76 per hour; SGS II: $38.76 per hour

3. Applicants are advised to discuss their qualifications for a position
with the course instructor.
The Graduate Coordinator relies heavily on the course instructor to
assess the relative merits of TA applicants.

4. The Graduate Coordinator has the sole authority to offer TA positions
in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

5. Application forms and copies of the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Collective
Agreement are available at the Graduate Office, RS 214.

Applications must be submitted to the MIE Graduate Office, RS 214, by
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 (4:00 p.m.)

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