Friday, January 14, 2011

UofT Governance - here's how we're structured

Governance, Administration and Decision-making at the University of Toronto
Louis Charpentier, Secretary of the Governing Council
Sheree Drummond, Assistant Provost
January 13, 2011

1. Background:
* History of U of T
2. Governance
* University of Toronto Act
* Governing Council
* Mandate of President
3. Administration
* Organization of central administration
4. Decision-Making: Roles of Administration & Governance

Overarching Themes:
* Legislative framework
* Authority
* Autonomy
* Accountability


History of U of T:
* King’s College established by royal charter in 1827
* University College
* Federated Universities
*** St. Michael’s
*** Trinity
*** Victoria
* operates under provincial statute – The University of Toronto Act, 1971
* autonomous, self-governing


Governance University of Toronto Act:
* defines the system of governance and specifies:
*** its powers and duties: “government, management and control of the University and of the property, revenues, business and affairs thereof are vested in the Governing Council”
*** the composition of Governing Council
*** how its members are to be chosen
*** that Council can determine the remainder of its structure

Governing Council:
* established in 1972
* unicameral
* almost unique system of governance
* other universities have a bicameral system:
*** Senate (internal, academic)
*** Board of Governors (external, fiduciary)

Governing Council Roles:
* Legislative
* Monitorial
* Judicial
* Accountability

Governing Council Membership:
50 Members
* President and Chancellor ex officio
* 16 Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council Appointees
* 8 Alumni
* 12 Faculty
* 8 Students
* 2 Administrative Staff
* 2 Presidential Appointees

University of Toronto Act:
* specifies duties of the President
*** chief executive officer of the University
*** “general supervision over and direction of the academic work of the University and the teaching and administrative staffs thereof”
*** required to report annually to the Governing Council upon the administration and academic work of the University

President’s Mandate:
Increasing the University’s capacity for creating knowledge, and advancing research and scholarship that is recognized internationally as outstanding among its peer institutions;

Enhancing the quality of student experience;

Fostering a culture that attracts, motivates, recognizes and retains excellent faculty;

Building effective relationships that will advance the University’s interests and those of post-secondary education in general; and

Being a strong external representative and a champion of the University as a force for public good.


Senior Administration of the University:
* duties specified in University of Toronto Act
* chief executive officer
* appointed by the Governing Council

Vice-President and Provost
* chief academic officer and chief budget officer
* appointed by the Governing Council

Other Vice-Presidents
* appointed by the Governing Council

* appointments approved by the Executive Committee

Assistant Vice-Presidents
* appointments approved by the Senior Appointments and Compensation Committee

Dean and Principals
* duties specified in Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators
* chief executive officer of the Faculty/College
* approved by the Academic Board [delegated to Agenda Committee]

Senior Administration:

President - David Naylor
Vice-President & Provost - Cheryl Misak
Vice-President, Business Affairs - Catherine Riggall
Vice-President & Chief Advancement Officer - David Palmer
Vice-President, Research - Paul Young
Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity - Angela Hildyard
Vice-President, University Relations - Judith Wolfson
Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga – Deep Saini
Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto at Scarborough - Franco Vaccarino

Deciphering U of T Senior Administration Titles/Lingo 101:
* Anything with ‘Provost’ in it is a position normally held by an individual who has an academic appointment, e.g., Vice-President and Provost; Vice-Provost; Associate Provost
* HOWEVER, this does not apply when you have the prefix of ‘Assistant’ – e.g., Assistant Provost, Assistant Vice-Provost. These positions are normally held by PM (the individual might have a doctorate but they are not members of the faculty).
* Vice-Presidents can be academics with an academic appointment or not (though they might still have a PhD) – depending on their role.
* Associate Vice-Presidents are held by individuals who have an academic appointment.
* Assistant Vice-Presidents and equivalents are PMs.

Vice-President and Provost [Cheryl Misak]
• Chief academic officer and chief budget officer of the University.
• Leads the university's academic planning and works closely with the Principals and Deans in setting academic priorities and in forming academic budgetary and development plans.
• Oversees the following Vice-Provostial portfolios, all of which have a tricampus

Vice-Provost, Academic Programs [Cheryl Regehr]
• Responsible for quality assurance and standards; policy matters such as academic integrity, and grading practices.

Vice-Provost, Academic Operations [Scott Mabury]
• Responsible for University-wide budget, space, and information technology matters.

Vice-Provost, Graduate Education [Brian Corman]
• Ensures that Divisions have the central support services necessary to develop and achieve their plans for graduate education.

Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life [Edith Hillan]
• Responsibility for faculty matters such as appointments, tenure, promotion, grievances, policy development and liaison with UTFA; also librarians, research associates, sessional lecturers and postdoctoral fellows.
• Primary contact for all quasi-judicial matters such as the Tenure Appeal Committee, Grievance Review Panel, Academic Discipline Tribunals and Academic Appeals Board.

Vice-Provost, Students [Jill Matus]
• Responsibility for student experience and for policies and procedures affecting students and student organizations.
• Oversees operation, administration and delivery of programs and services in:
*** Student Recruitment
*** Admissions and Awards
*** Student Information Systems
*** International Student Exchange
*** Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) formerly the Office of Teaching Advancement


Decision-Making: Administration:

Motto: No surprises.

* Provostial decision-making & deliberative/advisory bodies
* Provost’s Advisory Group [PAG]
* Provost’s Executive Committee [PEC]
* Principals & Deans [P&D]
* Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs [PDAD&C]

Important to remember that A LOT happens at the departmental and divisional level – before even coming to the Provost’s Office.

* Presidential
*** PVP (largest group)
*** TVP (Tri-Campus Vice-Presidents)
*** SVP (Simcoe Hall Vice-Presidents)
* Vice-Presidential
*** Advisory Bodies to respective VPs
*** (e.g., Research Advisory Board, Human Resources Management Board )

Administration processes – when appropriate - feed into the relevant Governance processes.

U of T Home

Governing Council

Office of the Vice-President and Provost

About U of T

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