Friday, February 25, 2011

2012 Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program

2012 NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program: Timelines and Support

Dear Researchers,

The 2012 NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program has been announced. This program involves a two step process. The first step involves the submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) and the second step involves the submission of an application, for projects invited. Please note that there is maximum number of LOI’s that can be submitted. In the past, the University has been able to submit 6 LOI’s, but we are awaiting confirmation from the sponsor. If more than 6 LOI’s are submitted, we will conduct an internal peer review to select the top rated projects. This process will mirror the NSERC criteria. If you are interested in submitting an LOI, please advise me so that I can put together an internal review panel.

The Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program supports the training of teams of outstanding students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, address significant scientific challenges associated to Canada's research priorities, and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce.

Key Requirements

 At least 80 percent of the CREATE grant must be used for trainees’ stipends
o Up to 30 percent of this portion can be distributed to trainees who are not enrolled in Natural Science and Engineering

 Up to 20 percent of the CREATE funds may be used for the following expenses
o Training program structure
o Travel
o Dissemination of training materials and research results
o Services and miscellaneous expenses

 Weighting of selection criteria (Revised this year)
o Merit of the proposed training program: 40 percent
o Excellence of the team of researchers: 30 percent
o Program management and long-term sustainability: 30 percent

 Please visit the NSERC webpage for additional information

Critical Dates:

April 11, 2011: Internal Deadline for completed Letters of Intent. Please submit the following to Mike Folinas,
 An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services.
 Completed application package, which includes Forms 100 and 187 (Please forward a PDF copy)
** Firm and Final Deadline: Your Application MUST be submitted to Mike Folinas no later than: 10 am Monday April 11, 2011 (sooner if possible)

During this time frame, we will have all proposals reviewed by an internal review panel. The panel will rate each proposal based on NSERC’s criteria for this program.

May 3, 2011: Sponsor Deadline


Information Session:
 An information session will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in Room 107, McMurrich Building, 12 Queen’s Park Cres. W.

This session will cover the Program requirements, internal peer review committee process and ranking, the changes for 2011, the application procedures, the evaluation criteria, the signs of a good proposal, and more. If you are planning to apply to the CREATE Program this year, do not miss this opportunity!

 Please RSVP by March 7th to Jenny Korolik,

Questions during the Competition Period:
 Your primary contacts at Research Services for the Collaborative Research and Training Program is: Mike Folinas (

 Additional Information on the Strategic Projects Grants Program can be found on our website or the NSERC website

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.

Best regards,
Mike Folinas

Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Agency and Foundation Funding
Natural Science and Engineering Team
3rd Floor, McMurrich Building
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
M5S 1S8
Phone: (416)978-7118
Fax: (416)971-2010

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