Friday, February 18, 2011

Prof. Niels Harrit at UofT: Nano-energetics in WTC collapse - March 4, Sidney Smith 2102

Science & The Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001


The destruction of the World Trade Center in the fall of 2001 was a key pretext for the “War on Terror” that led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and to a global rise in world military expenditures

Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, will offer a critique of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing on Building 7. Widely published, he is the lead author of a 2009 article on the discovery of nano-thermite (an incendiary and explosive) in the WTC dust. Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.

Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.

Friday, March 4, 7 pm, 2011
Sidney Smith Hall 2102
University of Toronto
Admission: $12 - UofTtix Box Office

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