Friday, October 15, 2010

ECTI Open House Invitation - Thursday Oct. 21st

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday Prof. Stewart Aitchison sent out an invitation to ECTI’s Open House to all the Associate Chairs of Research in Engineering. I’d like to provide you with some more information about the event, invite you to attend, and ask you to distribute or otherwise promote the event within your departments – in particular to faculty members, graduate students, and other researchers. If you have any questions, please let me know!

On behalf of Professor Stewart Aitchison and the staff of ECTI, I would like to invite you to join us at a lunch-time Open House on Thursday, October 21.

ECTI is the university’s central micro- and nanofabrication facility, and a leading research institute in the areas of nanotechnology, photonic materials and devices, micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (M/NEMS), biotechnology, microwave devices, integrated optics, and photovoltaic devices.

Please join us for…

• Tours of our labs: Learn about the three cleanrooms operated by ECTI – Bahen Prototyping Cleanroom, Pratt Microfabrication Cleanroom, and the new Electron Beam Nanolithography Facility. Or take a tour of the Electromagnetics labs, including anechoic chamber.
• Short research talks by Prof. Aaron Wheeler of Chemistry (12:30) and Prof. Amr Helmy of the Photonics Group (1:00).
• Poster presentations by our graduate students and postdocs.
• Lunch and refreshments

Thursday, October 21, 2010
12 to 2:30 p.m.
Galbraith Building, Room 202 (2nd Floor – Michael E. Charles Council Chambers)
Lunch available starting at 12:00
Tours starting at 1:30 and 2:00

Questions? Contact us at or visit And feel free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who might also be interested.


Kelly Hayward
Program Manager
Emerging Communications Technology Institute
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
University of Toronto
(416) 946-5176

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