Friday, February 26, 2010

[PDADC-L] #64, Consultation on Student e-Communications Services

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 15:25:25 -0500
From: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] #64, Consultation on Student e-Communications Services
1 Shown ~11 lines Text
2 OK 318 KB Application, "Final Report on student e-communications.pdf"
3 OK 278 KB Application, "CIO Response to student ecmns report.pdf"

PDADC#64, 2009-10


TO: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
FROM: Robert Cook, Chief Information Officer
DATE: February 26, 2010
RE: Consultation on Student e-Communications Services

Please find attached for your information the 'Report from the CIO's Consultation on Student e-Communications
Services' and the 'CIO's Response to the Report'.

[ Part 2, "Final Report on student e-communications.pdf" Application/PDF 425KB. ]
[ Not Shown. Use the "V" command to view or save this part. ]

[ Part 3, "CIO Response to student ecmns report.pdf" Application/PDF 371KB. ]
[ Not Shown. Use the "V" command to view or save this part. ]

[ Note: This message contains email list management information ]

[PANDM-L] Administrative Staff Election for Seat On Governing Council

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:53:08 -0500
From: The Office of Governing Council

Subject: [PANDM-L] Administrative Staff Election for Seat On Governing Council

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Dear Administrative Staff Members,

An election for one administrative staff seat on the Governing Council will be held between Monday, March 1 at 12:01 a.m. and Friday, March 12, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. The successful candidate will serve a three-year term from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013 on the Governing Council, which oversees the academic, business, and student affairs of the University of Toronto.

Please exercise your right to vote and encourage your peers to do so as well. Visit the Governing Council
website at, to view the candidates' campaign statements and the instructions on how to vote.

If you encounter any difficulty in voting, or if you have any questions about the elections process, please do not hesitate to contact the Chief Returning Officer, Mr. Anwar Kazimi (416-978-8427; or me (416-978-8794;

Thank you for participating in the Governing Council elections.

Mae-Yu Tan
Deputy Returning Officer
Assistant Secretary of the Governing Council
University of Toronto
Simcoe Hall, Room 106
27 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
Tel: 416-978-8794
Fax: 416-978-8182

N E W S B U L L E T I N 26 February 2010

N E W S B U L L E T I N 26 February 2010
Please forward and distribute widely - thank you
Just released: High Speeds, High Costs, Hidden Benefits: A Broader Perspective on High-Speed Rail An Insight paper from Martin Prosperity Institute …read it here

Ecolink and the Centre for Environment at the University of Toronto are proud to announce the first official Natural City Multimedia Contest, open to all registered UofT students. Entries are due by April 8 …more

The Canadian Urban Institute Urban Leadership Awards: Nominations are open until March 22, may be submitted for individuals, groups or organizations under any of the following award categories: City Soul; Local Hero; Global City; Imagination; Prosperity; Renewal; Safety and Resilience; Youth …more

Wanted: Student Volunteers for Sunday, May 30 through Wednesday, June 2, 2010: Transportation and Logistics Trends and Policies: Successes and Failures. Canadian Transportation Research Forum 45th Annual Conference, Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto, 475 Yonge Street. Please contact Professor Ron Buliung …email

C A L L S F O R P A P E R S, P R O P O S A L S, A N D

CUNY is looking for Academic Program Manager (Higher Education Associate), Urban Studies, JSM Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies/ School of Professional Studies …more

Call for Papers Migration in China and Asia: Experience and Policy A seminar of the International Metropolis Project in China and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, May 20-21, Beijing, China. Contact by February 28.

Call for Papers (Re)Imagining Canada: Migration, Transnationalism, and Diaspora Friday April 23rd, 2010

CERIS - The Ontario Metropolis Centre, Graduate Student Conference. York University. Abstracts due March 1 …email for details

Call for Applications The European Network for Housing Research Bengt Turner Award, established three years ago to encourage new researchers to write research papers on housing and urban issues linked to the topics of the ENHR working groups, is calling for applications for its 2010 award by March 1 …more

The Durham Strategic Energy Alliance challenges all post secondary students to profile their unique and evolutionary urban planning and implementation abilities through a design competition focused on the Seaton community priorities. Calling all individuals or teams (maximum of 4) of designers, creators and future
planners of economic expansion and community development. This competition is open to all university and college students across Ontario, and may be of particular interest to students in new energy programs, engineering, urban planning, sustainable communities or any other discipline with an eye on creativity.
Interdisciplinary teams are highly encouraged, or at least consultation with various disciplines to strengthen the intent to develop a holistic community. Abstract and entry form submission due by Wednesday, March 3, 4pm. More information, guidelines, and entry forms are available at

Call for Proposals Resilience of Immigrants: Coping with Stress in Various Cultural Contexts: 4th On New Shores Conference 2010 presented by University of Guelph September 30-October 1, 2010. All proposals must be submitted to Dr. Susan S. Chuang by email Proposal Submission Deadline: March 10

Call for Submissions The City of Heidenheim an der Brenz and the August Lösch Association grant the prestigious August Lösch Prize 2010. Deadline for submission is March 15 …more

The Maytree Scholarship Program is for protected persons or landed immigrants who were protected persons, between the ages 18 and 27, living on their own with no parents in Canada, entering first or second year at a university or community college in Toronto. Applications are available online. Deadline is Friday, March

Mowing to Growing: Open International Design Competition for Creating Productive Green Spaces in Cities Seeking architects, urban designers, planners, engineers, scientists, artists, students and individuals of all background. The ONE Prize award is an international competition, and it is open to everyone. Register by
March 31 …more

Call for Workshop Proposals Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging Proposals due by April 1. 15th International Metropolis Conference 2010, Municipality of The Hague, The Netherlands, October 4-8, for details email …more

Call for Papers for Special Issue The Urban Space of the Elites of Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Information and proposals: Harold Bérubé, Université de Sherbrooke (819) 821-8000, extension 65572 by April 30 …more

Friday, February 26, 3-5pm: Local Contexts and Opportunities for Youth Gambling in Canada Dana Wilson. Intersections Series, Geography & Planning, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, SS2125 …more

Friday, February 26, 5:30pm: Architecture Between Physiology and Meterology Philippe Rahm, Philippe Rahm Architects (Paris/Lausanne). John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, Room 103 …more

Monday, March 1, 6:30pm: Town Hall: InVoice Join city builders, young people, artists,academics, councillors and mayoral candidates to determine positive steps forward for and learn about how to make the city budget process work for you. Open discussion will follow concerning the
value of building vibrant and democratic public spaces. Moderated by: Ravi Jain (WhyNot Theatre, ArtsVote), Sabra Ripley (Community Health Advocate, HoP, B-girl) and Che Kothari (Manifesto Community Projects.) Featuring: Live painting by Elicser Elliot, Lexr and Celo, Music by Tanika Charles and Deejay L'Oqenz.
Committee Room #2, City Hall …more

Tuesday, March 2: Making the Grade: Integration Through Education in Toronto and Zurich Webinar presented by Cities of Migration. Tuesday, March 2: 7-8am (PST) Los Angeles and Vancouver; 9-10am (CST) Chicago; 10-11am (EST) Toronto and New York; 3-4pm(UK); 4-5: pm (EU) Berlin / Zurich …register

Tuesday, March 2, 6- 6:30pm (drinks/cash bar); 6:30-8:30pm (panel discussion): Urban Affairs Forum: Pan American Games Toronto 2015 Presented by Toronto Society of Architects. Great Hall, Arts & Letters Club, 14 Elm Street …more

Thursday, March 4, 4:10pm: Drugs in sludge- Assessing the Risk when Municipal Biosolids are Recycled onto Agricultural Land Ed Topp, Principal Research Scientist Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London, ON. Presented by Centre for Environment at 155 College Street, Rm 108, Health Sciences Building …more

Thursday, March 4, 4:30-6pm: 2010 University of Toronto Global Health Celebration Presented by Centre for International Health,Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. 7th Floor Graduate Student Lounge,155 College Street. RSVP to

Friday, March 5, 12noon-1pm: Thinking Normatively About Immigration:Negotiating the Tensions Between Feasibility and Fundamental Critique Joseph Carens, Political Science. Presented by Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Methods Café, Room 318 in the Jackman Humanities Building, 3rd floor …more

Friday, March 5, 12:30(light lunch at noon): The Current Constitutional Challenges to Canada's Prostitution Laws in the Context of International Prostitution Law Reforms Mariana Valverde, Director, Centre of Criminology. Note: This talk has just been added to the series, in part because the Supreme Court will be hearing challenges to prostitution laws from Vancouver and Toronto; and because the B.C. Court of Appeal heard an initial challenge in January. Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 5, 12:30-2pm: From Urban Social Polarization to Civic Succession? Gated Communities,Discourses of Privatism, and the Ascendance of Neoliberalism Alan Walks, Department of Geography, Program in Planning, University of Toronto. Presented by The City Institute at York University (CITY), 305 York Lanes

Friday, March 5, 3-5pm: Physical Geograph Bib Gilbert. Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Tuesday, March 9, 3-5pm: Speaker: John Bousfield (Planning Special Guest) Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Location TBA …more
Wednesday, March 10, 2-4pm: The Elusive Regional Moment: Toronto’s Search for Metropolitan Governance Zack Taylor, MCIP RPP (Doctoral Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto). 2010 Graduate Fellowship Seminar Series, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, Room 208N, North House, Munk
Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place. Please register online at

Wednesday, March 10, 4:10pm: Transport and Energy Turmoil Richard Gilbert, Consultant, Urban Transport and Energy Issues. Robert Hunter Memorial Lecture presented by Centre for Environment. Faculty Club, 41 Willcocks Street, 2nd floor …more

Thursday, March 11, 4:10pm: Chickens, Complexity and Ecosystems: Tackling Wicked Health Problems in an Unstable World David Waltner-Toews, President, Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; Professor,
Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph. Presented by Centre for Environment at 155 College Street, Rm 108, Health Sciences Building …more

Friday, March 12, 12noon-2pm: Living in Apologetic Times: Multiculturalism and Reconciliation in Canada Moderator: Dr. Ron Levi, Metropolis Justice, Policing and Security Priority Leader. Presenter: Dr. Carmela Murdocca, Department of Sociology and Graduate Program in Socio-Legal Studies, York University. Presented by
CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre, at OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, 5th Floor, Room 250 (St. George subway station, Bedford Street exit). RSVP to or (416) 946-3110

Friday, March 12, 12:30(light lunch at noon): Provocations to Violence: Explaining the Issue of Contention in Violent Altercations Elizabeth Griffiths, Emory University. Presented by Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 12, 3-5pm: Neptis/Cartography Office Presentation Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Monday, March 15, 2-4pm: "Chicago could be the Vienna of American Fascism:" How Urban Studies Speaks to the Transnational Turn Davarian L. Baldwin. Prior to joining Trinity College, Baldwin was Associate Professor of History,and African and African Diaspora Studies at Boston College. Room 108N, North House, Munk Centre For
International Studies, 1 Devonshire Place. Register

Wednesday, March 17, 1pm: Speaker: David Murakami Wood Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Thursday, March 18, 4:10pm: Controlled Human Exposures: Cardiorespiratory HealthEffects of Ambient Friday, March 19, 3-5pm: Towards enabling geographies? Reconsidering the role of the paid work in the lives of disabled people Rob Wilton. Intersections Series, Dept. of Geography & Program in Planning, Sidney Smith
Building, 100 St. George Street, Room SS2125 …more

Monday, March 22, 12:30(light lunch at noon): Are There Still "Contrasts in Tolerance"? Imprisonment in the Netherlands and England 20 Years Later Candace Kruttschnitt, University of Toronto. Presented by Centre of Criminology, 14 Queen’s Park Crescent, Ericson seminar room …more

Friday, March 26, 9-11am (breakfast buffet at 8:15): A Strategic Blueprint for New York City's Future Amanda M. Burden, FAICP, Chair of the New York City Planning Commission and Director of the Department of City
Planning. Presented by IMFG and Neptis Foundation at University of Toronto Health Sciences Auditorium, Room 610, 6th Floor, 155 College Street. Register online by March 10th to reserve your place at

Friday, March 26, 6-8pm: Back To The Future: Planning For Transformation Uzma Shakir, Atkinson Economic Justice Fellow, Atkinson Charitable Foundation. 2010 Bousfield Distinguished Visitor in Planning Lecture, Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto. University College, Media Room (room 179),
reception to follow at Croft Chapter House. Please RSVP by Friday, March 5 to Andrew Malcolm

C O N F E R EN C E S / S Y M P O S I A
February 26, 1pm-February 28, 5pm: Architecture Therapeutics Aesthetics: Technologically Enhanced Environments and the Human Sensorium Health Care Design Conference. John F. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, 230 College Street …more

March 2-3: Cultural Mapping and Cultural Planning: Making the Connection Presented by Martin Prosperity Institute, MaRS Centre, Toronto. Workshop SOLD OUT…more

Friday March 5, 10:30-6:30pm: Mourning the Suburb: A Symposium on Dwelling, in Transition Featuring: W. John Archer, Beatriz Colomina and Alberto Pérez-Gómez. Presented by PUBLIC Access and the Visible City Project + Archive. Prefix Institute for Contemporary Art, 401 Richmond St. West, Ste 124, Toronto …more

March 18-21: Immigration And Diversity: Crossroads of Cultures, Engine of Economic Development 12th National Metropolis Conference. Le Centre Sheraton Montréal Hotel. Hosted by the Centre Métropolis du Québec
–Immigration et métropoles ...more

April 12-14: Carbon Finance Workshop: Executive Development Program Centre for Environment, Hart House, University of Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle …more

April 15-16: 2010 Urban Symposium Presented by Association of Municipalities of Ontario at the Lincoln Alexander Centre in the City of Hamilton …more

Sunday, May 30 through Wednesday, June 2: Transportation and Logistics Trends and Policies: Successes and Failures Canadian Transportation Research Forum 45th Annual Conference, Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto, 475 Yonge Street, Toronto ...more

June 7-8: Green Oslo and Beyond: Investigating the Origins and Shaping the Outcomes of Green Urbanism Global/Local Symposium with speakers from North America, Europe and Scandinavia. Oslo, Norway …more

June 17: Canadian Water Summit UofT’s Centre for Environment is one of many sponsors. International Centre, Toronto…more

June 20-23: Urban Environmental Pollution: Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life. Organized and sponsored by Elsevier and the journal Environmental Pollution. Boston, USA … more

July 18-25: 2010 iGov Research Institute The Hague & Delft, The Netherlands. Presented by Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany …more

October 4-8: Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging 15th International Metropolis Conference 2010, Municipality of The Hague, The Netherlands …more

Continuing to March 5: PERSPECTIVES 2010 - A photography exhibition Bachelor of Arts Architectural Studies Society (BAASS). John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, The LWR Project Gallery …more

Continuing to April 9: Philippe Rahm: Domestic Astronomy John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, 230 College Street, Eric Arthur Gallery …more

Continuing to April 25, 12-5pm daily: Building Storeys 2010 A collaborative effort by Heritage Toronto and Robert Dyke, Sean Galbraith, Rick Harris, Mathew Merrett, Timothy Neesam, Olena Sullivan, Toni Wallachy. Building Storeys is a visual documentation and anecdotal exhibit of city's heritage building and sites.
Featured in the Exhibition: Ashbridge's Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant; Ashbridge's Bay Pumping Stations; CNR Eastern Lines Locomotive Shop, 85 Laird Drive - click here to read the Spacing blog about its history; Canada Linseed Oil Mills; R.L. Clark Water Treatment Plant; Commissioners Street Transfer Station; R.C. Harris Water Filtration Plant; R.L. Hearn Generating Station; The John Street Roundhouse; North Toronto Wastewater Treatment Plant; The Pease Foundry, 211 Laird Drive; Toronto Island Water Filtration Plant. The Gladstone Hotel, 3rd & 4th Floors, 1214 Queen Street West …more

Continuing to June 13: Community Centred Installations by E.R.A. Architects Inc. (People Per Hectare), public Workshop (Under The Gardner), du Toit Architects Limited (L’Arche Daybreak), Martha Eleen (Necessities of Life). Architecture at York Quay Centre, Harbourfront, 235 Queen’s Quay West …more

O U R U o f T P A R T N E R S

For more information, to submit items for the Friday weekly email news bulletin, or to subscribe or unsubscribe, please contact Pat Doherty 416 946 3688 Cities Centre, University of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave., Suite 400, Toronto, ON M5S 2G8 Canada

Grand Opening of the Centre for Sustainable Energy

From: Jean Zu []
Sent: February 25, 2010 11:42 AM
Cc:;;;; Paul Santerre
(; Brenda McCabe;;;; Anne Rose;; Grant Allen

Subject: Grand Opening of the Centre for Sustainable Energy
Dear Colleagues:

Please see the announcement below. It would be great if you could
circulate the news in your department/institute to encourage people to

Many thanks.


The grand opening event for the newly-forming Centre for Sustainable
Energy will take place on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 from 2-4pm in room
MC 102, followed by a reception.

The program for the event is as follows:

* 2:00-2:05pm - Professor Jean Zu, chair of MIE and supporting founder
of CSE

* 2:05-2:10pm - Acting VP Research, Peter Lewis

* 2:10-2:15pm - Professor Rob Baker, Vice Dean Research and Graduate
Programs, Arts and Sciences

* 2:15-2:20pm - Dean Cristina Amon, Applied Science and Engineering

* 2:20-2:30pm - Professor Olivera Kesler, Director of CSE

* 2:30-2:40pm - Professor Aimy Bazylak, Steering Committee Member of CSE

* 2:40-3:10pm - Professor Bryan Karney, Steering Committee Member of CSE

* 3:10-3:40pm - Professor Jim Wallace, Steering Committee Member of CSE

* 3:40-4:00pm - Q&A

* 4:00pm - Reception

Professor Stewart Aitchison, Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Applied
Science and Engineering will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Jean Zu
Professor and Chair
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
5 King'S College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8
Tel: (416) 978-7198
Fax: (416) 978-7753

[PDADC-L] #63, Statement on Freedom of Expression and Diversit

Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:06:44 -0500 [25/02/10 03:06:44 PM EST]
From: Provost
Reply-To: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] #63, Statement on Freedom of Expression and Diversity
Headers: Show All Headers | Show Mailing List Information
PDAD&C#63, 2009-10


To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
From: David Naylor, President
Date: February 25, 2010
RE: Statement on Freedom of Expression and Diversity

Dear colleagues, students and friends:

As each of us in the University pursues the daily work of scholarship and administration, it is worthwhile to reflect on the health of our interactions as a diverse community.

On the whole, we are very fortunate. In three of the world's most culturally and racially diverse campuses, members of the University of Toronto set a standard for respect and understanding. Discussions on our campuses continue to deal with some of the most difficult subjects imaginable. And in general, free expression on our campuses has served to build a sense of community.

From time to time, however, we are asked to ban discussion of certain subjects or censor certain presentations. We examine those requests on their merits, but the bar to take such actions is high. Freedom of speech is a core value for any university in a democratic society. Younger members of our community will eventually enter a world in which heated arguments occur and careless or inflammatory rhetoric is not uncommon. We do them no service to shelter them from those realities.

That said, I want to acknowledge the over-riding imperative of campus safety when controversy bubbles and debates become heated. Thus far, the University of Toronto has been a safe place for vigorous debate on even the most divisive of topics. Looking ahead, we shall not tolerate any actions by any groups that cause threats to the physical safety of members of our community.

While the usual rule of law applies to any and all utterances on our campuses, there are some other responsibilities that I believe travel along with the exercise of free speech rights. These include decency and civility, avoidance of targeting of individuals and identifiable groups, and respect for diversity of opinion.

Occasionally incidents arise that compel us to recall these principles which are at the core of our work and life together. Some years ago, serious events occurred that left members of our Muslim communities feeling targeted; in the past year other incidents have occurred that alienated and dismayed members of our Black and Jewish communities. While these occurrences are rare, any such behaviours are deplorable.

I understand that there are strong views on our campuses on a wide variety of issues. We recognize the right of members of our community to exchange views that are discomfiting or even offensive to some. However, passionate advocacy - even righteous anger directed at some perceived injustice - does not preclude civility or generosity of spirit. We ask, therefore, that when arguments veer near or onto themes such as nationality, ethnicity, race or religion, all members of our community make every effort to express the qualifiers and nuances that mitigate the risk that their opinions can be interpreted as discriminatory denigration of individuals and groups.

I also note that there have been incidents in the last year in which speakers were shouted down at public meetings. Faculty members and student leaders have particular responsibilities in this regard. It is central to the values of a university that those with opposing views are granted a chance to be heard without abuse.

Here I want to caution off-campus groups that may be inclined to precipitate confrontations in an attempt to shut down presentations that disturb them. More generally, I urge all recognized campus groups and members of our community to provide constructive outlets for dissenting views when on-campus presentations address controversial issues.

For its part, the administration will continue to protect freedom of expression and promote interchange among persons with different viewpoints on our campuses. We shall not hesitate to intervene if there are concerns about safety, or if speakers migrate from advocacy to hate-promoting speech. As well, if we have reason to believe that an event could be abused to target members of the community, senior University staff will monitor that event in order to ensure that it is conducted in an environment of respect and inclusiveness. Last, when members of our community tell us that events or discussions may have violated University policies, we will assess those complaints quickly and take whatever actions are necessary to restore a safe environment for producing knowledge and discussing ideas.

In summary, as we move through the remainder of this academic year, I ask that members of our community rededicate themselves to maintaining an environment free of discrimination or racism in any form. I also ask that you keep firmly in view the key responsibilities and legal limits that accompany the exercise of free speech on our campuses.


David Naylor

Feb 24, 2010

This statement is available on-line at

[PDADC-L] Letter from the President

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:14:05 -0500 [23/02/10 12:14:05 PM EST]
From: The Office of Governing Council
Reply-To: The Office of Governing Council

Subject: [PDADC-L] Letter from the President
Part(s): 2 President_David_Naylor_letter_February_20_Memo.pdf [application/pdf] 213 KB

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Please see the attached letter from the President.

If you have any difficulty opening the file please click here

UNESCO-L'Oréal For Women in Science International Fellowships

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 15:48:46 -0500 [19/02/10 03:48:46 PM EST]
From: awards
To: unlisted-recipients:; (no To-header on input)

Subject: UNESCO-L'Oréal For Women in Science International Fellowships
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unnamed [text/html] 15.94 KB
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is pleased to announce the following fellowships: UNESCO-L'Oréal For Women in Science International Fellowships

The UNESCO-L'Oréal for Women in Science International Fellowships are granted annually to promising young women scientists, at the doctorate or post-doctorate level, in the Life Sciences to encourage international scientific cooperation and the developing of cross-cultural networks.

Applications received will be reviewed by a Canadian committee of L'Oreal and UNESCO representatives and scientific experts for nomination to the International Jury for the 2010 UNESCO-L'ORÉAL Fellowships in Life Sciences. Four (4) applicants may be submitted to represent Canada at the international level. Final selection will be made by an International Jury. The International Jury will select winners from amongst entries received from UNESCO member countries in each of the five geo-cultural regions of the world.

Number: 15 (4 Canadian nominees)

Amount: $40,000 USD tenable two academic terms ($20,000 each year)

Place of Study: Host institute outside of Canada

Deadline: Postmarked application packages must be sent to the AUCC on or before April 15, 2010.

Guidelines and application: Visit the AUCC website:

Please post the general notice and forward this e-mail to those who might be interested in this awards program.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in this matter.

Higher Education Scholarships, AUCC

Friday, February 19, 2010

REMINDER - FEB 24th INTERNAL DEADLINE: Ontario Ministry of Transportation -

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 09:58:00 -0500
From: Angie Agulto

Subject: REMINDER - FEB 24th INTERNAL DEADLINE: Ontario Ministry of Transportation -
2010 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)
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6 OK 56 KB Application, "HIIFP 2010 Attachment E.doc"

Please remind faculty members, who are planning to apply to the funding opportunity below, of the *February 24th internal deadline*:
Ontario Ministry of Transportation - 2010 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)

PURPOSE: To encourage basic and applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario. This program solicits innovations from institutions to assist the Ministry in meeting selected challenges, and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure engineering. The program
challenges Ontario's academic community to contribute to transportation infrastructure solutions in a number of areas including traffic operations,

intelligent transportation systems, engineering materials, highway design, environmental, geomatics, bridges, construction and maintenance.

SPONSOR DEADLINE: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:30 pm

INTERNAL DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Finlay S. Buchanan, BSc (Agr), MSc
Coordinator, Technology and Innovations
Executive Director's Office - Asset Management
Provincial Highways Management Division
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
301 St. Paul Street, 2nd Floor
St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7R4

T: 905.704.2980
F: 905.704.2055

RESEARCH SERVICES CONTACT: Angie Agulto,; 416-946-7517; see address below.

(; (2) Full application signed by the Chair/Unit Head and/or Vice-Dean Research. Please forward these to the address below.


Angie Agulto
Research Funding Officer for
NSERC Grants Programs (Discovery Grants, Accelerator & Northern Research Supplements, RTI-1, CHRP,Shiptime, & Major Resources Support, including subgrants from these programs from other universities), PromoScience, USRA, Steacie Fellowships, NSERC SGRG, CFCAS Project Grants (including subgrants from other universities), CIFAR, Canadian Space Agency-SSEP, MTO Grants and Other Standard Grants

Agency & Foundation Funding
Office of Research Services, University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, 3rd Floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON M5S 1S8
Phone: 416-946-7517; Fax: 416-971-2010

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[ Part 6, "HIIFP 2010 Attachment E.doc" Application/MSWORD 74KB. ]
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Nanoindentation Seminar & Practical Demonstration-MARCH 11, 2010, 1-5 PM, GB 303 (FREE)

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:57:22 -0500 [16/02/10 01:57:22 PM EST]

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:57:22 -0500 [16/02/10 01:57:22 PM EST]
From: Provost
Reply-To: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] #60, Professor Don McLean Appointed Dean, Faculty of Music

Part(s): 2
60.pdf [application/pdf]
29 KB

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2.72 KB
Please see attached memo in PDF format.

PDAD&C #60, 2009-10
TO: Staff, Students and Alumni, Faculty of Music Principals, Deans, Academic
Directors and Chairs
FROM: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
DATE: February 16, 2010RE:

Professor Don McLean Appointed Dean, Faculty of MusicI am pleased to announce that the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Don McLean as Dean of the Faculty of Music from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2016.Professor McLean is a graduate of the University of Toronto (BMus, MA, PhD) and the Royal Conservatory of Music (A.R.C.T. piano, theory and composition). He taught at both U of T and the Royal Conservatory from 1978-1989. As a researcher, his specialty is music theory, with expertise in Schenkerian theory and analysis and the music of the new Viennese School, especially Alban Berg. Some of his current research focuses on the emotional impact of music on the listener and the examination of the musical-structural determinants of psycho-physiological responses such as musical frisson or the chill factor. He is a strong champion of interdisciplinary research and an international speaker on trends in higher education in music. His musical experience and professional training encompass piano accompanying and coaching, orchestral and choral conducting, composition, musicology, and music theory.

Currently Dean of the Schulich School of Music at McGill University, Professor McLean has overseen the Faculty's remarkable growth in size and stature. He played a key role in securing funding from university, private, and government sources, and external granting agencies towards the creation of McGill's New Music Building Project and its Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT). The Centre is international in scope and stature, and brings together creative and performing musicians and scientists from diverse fields such as neuroscience, computer and electrical engineering, psychology, sound recording and technology to investigate the technology of music and music as a technology for human expression.

Professor McLean has continued his teaching, supervision, and research activities and has been instrumental in the creation of several major interdisciplinary teaching and research initiatives. He is a member of the Society for Music Theory and the American Musicological Society, the Association of European Conservatories, and is a past chair of the Standing Committee of Member Institutions of the Canadian University Music Society. He is active as a community leader in developing links with professional arts organizations and charities, notably Centraide (the United Way).P lease join me in welcoming Professor McLean to the University.

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:57:43 -0500 [16/02/10 01:57:43 PM EST]

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:57:43 -0500 [16/02/10 01:57:43 PM EST]
From: Provost
Reply-To: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] #61, Extension of appointment of Prof. Russell Hartenberger
as Dean, Faculty of Music

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PDAD&C #61, 2009-10

To: Staff, Students and Alumni, Faculty of Music Principals, Deans,
Academic Directors and Chairs

From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 16, 2010

Re: Extension of appointment of Prof. Russell Hartenberger as Dean, Faculty of Music

I am pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the extension of Professor Russell Hartenberger's term as Dean of the Faculty of Music for six months to December 31, 2010. Professor Hartenberger has kindly agreed to continue leading the Faculty until the next Dean begins his term on January 1, 2011. Russell has served as Dean of the Faculty since October 2007 and I am very grateful to him for his willingness to continue his work as Dean at this important time.

Professor Roberge has extensive experience in University administration. He has served as the Chair of Graduate Admissions and Associate Chair, Under

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:00:27 -0500 [16/02/10 01:00:27 PM EST]
From: Provost
Reply-To: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] #59, Professor Yves Roberge Appointed Principal, New College

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Please see attached memo in PDF format.PDAD&C #59, 2009-10
TO: New College Staff, Students, and Alumni Principals, Deans, Academic Directors
and Chairs

FROM: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
DATE: February 16, 2010
RE: Professor Yves Roberge Appointed Principal, New College

I am pleased to announce that the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Yves Roberge as Principal of New College from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015. Professor Roberge joined the linguistics section of the French Department at the University of Toronto in 1988. He received his BA and MA from the University of Sherbrooke and his PhD in Linguistics from the University of British Columbia in 1986. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Université du Québec à Montréal and in the Linguistics Department at the University of Toronto from 1986 to 1988. He is a former President of the Canadian Linguistic Association and was co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Linguistics from 1990 to 1994. His current research focuses on verb argument structure, pronominal systems and null objects in Romance languages, and on their development in first language acquisition. He has published extensively in professional journals and collections and has authored and edited several books: The syntactic recoverability of null arguments, Syntaxe et sémantique du français, La variation dialectale en grammaire universelle, and Romance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition. He is currently co-investigator in a SSHRC-funded research project on the development of pronominal clitics in child language and co-investigator in a SSHRC-MCRI on natural language interface asymmetries. Professor Roberge is active in teaching and graduate advising. He is a nine-time recipient of the Dean's Excellence Award in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and received the Faculty's Outstanding Teaching Award for 1995-1996.

Professor Roberge has extensive experience in University administration. He has served as the Chair of Graduate Admissions and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies in the Department of French. Most recently, he served as Acting Principal at St. Michael's College in 2007-2008.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

International Professional Master in Management of Eco-Innovation

I would like to draw your attention to a new International Professional Master in Management of Eco-Innovation offered by the University of Versailles, France. This is a one-year, post-graduate, internship-based degree focused on management of technological innovations bringing environmental and competitive benefits to business and other end-users. The programme is taught in English by a consortium of university- and industry-based instructors at France’s leading environment-focused university.

The programme prides itself on making learning real, preparing graduates to manage eco-innovation from inspiration to solution. Distinctive benefits of the programme include:

· Learning in English while living in France
· A 50/50 division between classroom learning and internship-based learning with one of our six partners: Alstom, ADEME, GDF-Suez, Italcementi, Saur and SNCF
· An international model: course modules each taught by multiple instructors from the university, industry experts and partner representatives
· Modules in:
o Eco-innovation and competitiveness in a globalizing economy
o Methods and tools for economic and environmental evaluation
o Finance and entrepreneurship
o Social acceptability
o Major scientific challenges and technologies for sustainability
o Multiple skills modules (negotiation, creativity, language, science, finance)
· Internship Clinics where students can share and build upon their work place experiences
· An Integration Seminar where students will integrate and apply lessons learned in course work and internships to a problem by teams of students working together.

The programme is aimed at recent graduates in engineering or environmental sciences with a prior Master degree, or a Bachelor degree and equivalent experience, and industry professionals wanting to broaden their knowledge of eco-innovation management. Students with non-technical backgrounds are also welcome to apply, provided that they can demonstrate a substantial interest in and exposure to issues at the intersection of business and environment. The fee for the programme is 2000 euros.
The programme brochure and application form are available from the Econoving website ( , download the brochure ).

Friday, February 12, 2010

WCECS 2010 - San Francisco, U.S.A., OCTOBER 20-22, 2010

[PDADC-L] Reminder: Sustainability Fund

Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 15:55:08 -0500 [09/02/10 03:55:08 PM EST]
From: Provost
Reply-To: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] Reminder: Sustainability Fund (Deadline: Feb. 16, 2010, 5 p.m.)

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Reminder & Deadline Extension:

Facilities and Services is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for sustainability projects!

The University of Toronto's Department of Facilities and Services is pleased again to announce an exciting opportunity for students, staff and faculty to put their environmental ideas into action. The Sustainability Fund will promote the implementation of projects which achieve a reduction in utilities consumption resulting in greenhouse gas emission reductions. Because of the source of funds, only energy and resource conservation projects will be considered. While the Department of Facilities and Services has always taken strides to invest in sustainability projects on campus, this fund seeks to promote environmental leadership within U of T and to build on the ideas of campus community members.

Interested parties are invited to submit a Statement of Intent (SOI) to the fund which defines the scope of work. The overall application process will occur over two stages and approved SOIs will be invited to submit more detailed applications for the second round. Projects applying for fund monies will have to meet general criteria, and a Dean or Designate from the applicant's division must approve the SOIs before they are submitted. The deadline for submitting a Statement of Intent for the pilot funding round is FEBRUARY 16, 2010 at 5pm.

Questions? Visit the Sustainability Office website: or contact Luke Raftis by phone at 416-978-6792 or by email at

Please spread the word about the Sustainability Fund to your colleagues and peers!

SGS #008, 2009-2010 :Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) 2010

Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 09:35:23 -0500 [09/02/10 09:35:23 AM EST]
From: Donna Gutauskas
To: Donna Gutauskas
Subject: [SGS] #008, 2009-2010, Canadian Graduate and Professional
Student Survey (CGPSS) 2010

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SGS #008, 2009-2010

To: Graduate Chairs, Graduate Directors and Graduate Coordinators

From: Brian Corman, Dean of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education

Cc: Graduate Administrators
Council of Graduate Deans
School of Graduate Studies

Please refer to the attached memorandum.

It is also posted, on the SGS web-site at:

Friday, February 5, 2010

[PDADC-L] Sustainability Fund for Environmental Projects -

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 16:10:51 -0500
From: Provost

Subject: [PDADC-L] Sustainability Fund for Environmental Projects -
Reminder & Deadline Extension

[Please circulate this notice within your area as appropriate.]

Reminder & Deadline Extension:

Facilities and Services is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for sustainability projects!

The University of Toronto's Department of Facilities and Services is pleased again to announce an exciting opportunity for students, staff and faculty to put their environmental ideas into action. The Sustainability Fund will promote the
implementation of projects which achieve a reduction in utilities consumption resulting in greenhouse gas emission reductions. Because of the source of funds, only energy and resource conservation projects will be considered. While
the Department of Facilities and Services has always taken strides to invest in sustainability projects on campus, this fund seeks to promote environmental leadership within U of T and to build on the ideas of campus community members.

Interested parties are invited to submit a Statement of Intent (SOI) to the fund which defines the scope of work. The overall application process will occur over two stages and approved SOIs will be invited to submit more detailed applications for the second round. Projects applying for fund monies will have to meet general criteria, and a Dean or Designate from the applicant's division must approve the SOIs before they are submitted. The deadline for submitting a Statement of Intent for the pilot funding round is FEBRUARY 16, 2010 at 5pm.

Questions? Visit the Sustainability Office website: or contact Luke
Raftis by phone at 416-978-6792 or by email at

Please spread the word about the Sustainability Fund to your colleagues and peers!

Faculty Day 2010 - REMINDER

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:56:28 -0500
From: Catherine Gagne

Subject: Faculty Day 2010

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I am pleased to announce Faculty Day 2010: Defining Administrative Excellence will be held on February 16th Faculty Day is a day of professional development for staff within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. As the team that supports one of the best Engineering schools in the world, you are invited to
participate in our upcoming Faculty Day, where we will explore the topic of administrative excellence. Using case-studies, interactive discussions and break-out groups, we will work together to define administrative excellence, develop an understanding of how to promote excellence, how to sustain it, and how to improve as
professionals. This workshop is for all administrative and technical staff. Lunch will be provided.

Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Location: 89 Chestnut (University Ave. and Dundas St.)

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for further information. Registration instructions will follow shortly.

Please forward this message to any administrative or technical staff who may have missed it. I look forward to seeing you there!

Catherine Gagne | Chief Administrative Officer
Faculty of Applied Science + Engineering | University of Toronto
Mailing Address: 35 St. George Street | Toronto | Ontario | M5S 1A4
Office Location: 44 St. George Street |

CMOS/CGU Joint Annual Congress (MAY 31-JUNE 4, 2010 IN OTTAWA)

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:47:34 -0500
From: Lesley Elliott

Subject: Poster - CMOS/CGU Joint Annual Congress


My name is Lesley Elliott, I work for the Canadian Meteorological and
Oceanographic Society (CMOS) in Ottawa, ON. Last year, your office/department received a poster advertising the 2nd Annual Joint Congress of CMOS and the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) in Halifax, NS. We are sending out posters again this year for the Congress which is taking place in OTTAWA, MAY 31 JUNE 4, 2010.

The theme of this CMOS/CGU Congress is "Our Earth, our Air, our Water: Our

As you may know, the Congress is attended by academics, researchers and scientists working in both the public and private sector. There will be presentations from leading researchers and scientific sessions highlighting Canadian and international research and policy spanning the fields of meteorological, oceanographic, geophysical, climatic and hydrological sciences. More information can be found at:

Students who are members of either CMOS or CGU and have an abstract accepted at the Congress can apply for travel bursaries to offset their travel costs to the Congress. The bursary application deadline is FEBRUARY 26, 2010 - application information can be found at

I'd like to give you the opportunity to indicate the number of posters and
and size of poster you would like to receive. The two sizes available
are 12"x 18" and 24"x 36". We can send you multiple posters if you have more
than one place to post them.

Thank you,

Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Street address: 200 Kent Street 10E236, Ottawa ON K1A 0E6
Postal address: PO Box 3211 Stn D, Ottawa ON K1P 6H7
Tel: (613) 990-0300 Fax: (613) 990-1617,

Sustainable Buildings Breakfast Series - Greg Allen, HOK (FEB. 10, 2010)

From: Sustainable Buildings Canada []
Sent: February 3, 2010 10:29 AM

Subject: Sustainable Buildings Breakfast Series - Greg Allen, HOK (FEB. 10, 2010)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WED, FEB 10:

SBC Members - Save 50%
visit for membership details

SBC Members - Save 50%
visit for membership details


Greg Allen
Sustainability Strategist, HOK

Wed Feb 10, 2010
Registration: 8:30 am
session: 8:45 am - 9:30 am

@ Autodesk Canada
210 King St. E. Toronto

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What should designers be employing as the means of providing indoor environmental quality in response to the impacts of global warming and fuel depletion? Integrated solutions that come from the fusion of engineering and architectural perspectives still elude us, but, by exploring fundamentals and innovations, designers can

At HOK Greg Allen works with project teams by researching deep green systems, proposing sustainable strategies in the early design stages of projects, and developing energy policy for clients.

Greg has worked on advancing sustainability for over 30 years, not only as a designer and builder but also as community planner, researcher, manufacturer, policy advisor, community activist and environmental consultant.

He has been a Board member of numerous sustainability-related organizations and has won numerous awards, including the Life Time Achievement Award for Sustainable Buildings, presented at the 2005 Toronto Regional Green Building Festival, and the 2008 Green Toronto Award for Leadership.
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About Sustainable Buildings Breakfasts

The Sustainable Buildings breakfast series is designed to provide building industry professionals with best practices, and go-to-market strategies for green building by highlighting best in class initiatives and Canadian green building leaders. Building off of the annual Green Building Festival, these sessions continue educate and empower building professionals to achieve higher levels of environmental performance.

Please visit for more info on our other green building initiatives.

Cost: $20 - SBC Members, $40 non-members

Register On-line -

For more information contact:
Jeff Ranson
Operations Manager - Sustainable Buildings Canada
416-364-0050 x 104
For more information contact:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you no longer wish to receive emails from Sustainable Buildings Canada or the Green Building Festival, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Sustainable Buildings Canada
294 Richmond St. E, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1P5

CIM Conference and Exhibition Show Guide 2010 (May 9-12, 2010)

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 10:24:47 -0500
From: Janet Jeffery
To: Janet Jeffery

Subject: CIM Conference and Exhibition Show Guide 2010 (May 9-12, 2010)

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Janet Jeffery
National Account Executive
CIM Magazine
905-886-6641 ex 329
1-866-297-5301 ex 329

Space Closing: February 11, 2010
Material Closing: February 18, 2010

Janet Jeffery (
905.886.6640 ex 329 Toll free: 1.866.297.5301 ex 329

If you would like to have your name removed from our email list, simply reply to

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Call for Papers of IFMRD2010 and Welcome to Shanghai, China

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 16:27:13 +0800 [02/02/10 03:27:13 AM EST]
From: rcmrc

Subject: Call for Papers of IFMRD2010 and Welcome to Shanghai, China

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Dear Sir/Madam,

We sincerely invite you to participate in 2010 International Forum on
Metropolitan Regions Development (IFMRD2010). IFMRD2010 is an international
academic conference approved by Ministry of Education of China, sponsored by
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China, co-sponsored by Research Center on Metropolitan Regions
of China, foreign and domestic famous universities and academic
organizations. IFMRD2010 will be held in Shanghai, June 14-15, 2010. The
theme of IFMRD2010 is “Expo 2010 Shanghai China and Regional Economic
Integration of the Yangtze River Delta”.

The aims of IFMRD2010 are as follows:
1. Establish an annual international platform for metropolitan regions
development and management researchers.
2. Track the progress of international metropolitan regions development and
management research.
3. Strengthen the academic exchange and cooperation of international
metropolitan regions development and management.
4. Promote the development of Chinese metropolitan regions and the
improvement of national competitiveness.

IFMRD2010’s registration date: June 12-13, 2010 and forum date: June 14-15,
2010. Then, more than 300 participants including government officials,
well-established experts and scholars in metropolitan regions development
home and abroad will attend this forum and make presentations.

If you will attend IFMRD2010, please finish the Registration Form below and
send us by the contact we offer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and to consider being a
part of the forum.

Look forward to a positive reply from you.

Please download the attachment; it includes the invitation, registration
form and call for papers of IFMRD2010.

Yours faithfully,

IFMRD2010 Organizing Committee
Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Contactors: Jiang Luquan, Gai Ani, Wang Tao, Li Bo
Add: Room 427, Teaching Building No.1, Huashan Rd. 1954, Shanghai, 200030,
Tel: 86-21-62932166, 62932098
Fax: 86-21-62932166

Research Ethics Workshops for Social Sciences, Humanities, and

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 10:12:53 -0500 [02/02/10 10:12:53 AM EST]

From: Dean Sharpe
To: Dean Sharpe
Cc: "''" <''>, Lana Stermac , Dario Kuzmanovic , Daniel Gyewu , VPRES SSHE Coordinator , Carla DeMarco , Michele McDonell

Subject: Research Ethics Workshops for Social Sciences, Humanities, and
Education--Winter 2010

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3 Research Ethics Workshops Flyer--Winter 2010.doc [application/msword] 33 KB

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Dear Chairs and Graduate Program Directors,

I am pleased to announce this winter's research ethics workshops for social sciences and humanities research involving human participants. Please see the attached memorandum and flyer for more information. I would appreciate it if you would forward the memo as soon as possible to all graduate students, faculty members, and staff in your department, and post the flyer.


Dean Sharpe, Ph.D.
Research Ethics Board Manager--Social Sciences and Humanities
Office of Research Ethics, University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, Second Floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, ON, M5S 1S8
Tel. 416-978-5585
Fax. 416-946-5763

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