The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Victoria invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty position at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor in any discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus on sustainability, including, but not limited to green engineering and construction, transportation engineering, green buildings and water resource systems. Candidates for the position must have a PhD in Civil or Environmental Engineering, or a closely related field, and a demonstrated ability or potential for excellence in teaching, research, graduate student supervision, verbal and written communication, and collaboration with colleagues with engineering and non-engineering backgrounds. Candidates must be registered professional engineers or be eligible for and committed to registration. The successful applicant will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels in a new program in Civil Engineering with a sustainability focus. The successful applicant will have an opportunity to play a leadership role in the development of this new program, which is in the planning stage, although formal approval has not yet been received. The candidate will also be expected to supervise graduate students, establish an active research program, and participate in the academic affairs of the University. The new program, which will initially be located administratively in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, will be delivered, in part, using a Project Based Learning approach.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers BEng, MEng, MASc and PhD programs. The Department has 22 faculty members including three Canada Research Chairs, and 96 graduate students. The Department is known for its strong research programs with a large number of research personnel and visiting researchers. With an excellent collegial atmosphere and active research, the Department attracts outstanding faculty and staff, as well as superb graduate and undergraduate students. Further information on the Department can be found at: www.me.uvic.ca
The University of Victoria (www.uvic.ca) is situated in the City of Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, at the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Founded in 1963, the University is consistently ranked as one of the leading comprehensive universities in Canada. The University has a reputation for excellence in research and teaching and is host to research centres working on energy, environment, climate and sustainability issues, including the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems and the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.
Applications should include curriculum vitae, teaching objectives, research plans, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of at least four referees. Applications should be received by 28 March 2011 by email to: me_civil@me.uvic.ca and addressed to:
Professor Ned Djilali, Chair
Civil and Environmental Engineering Program Committee
University of Victoria
PO Box 3055 Stn CSC
Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3P6
The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the university.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Georgia Institute of Technology: Infrastructure Systems Faculty Position
Please find below a faculty position announcement in “Infrastructure Systems” by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Applicants from the CRC Community are very welcome.
Ioannis Brilakis
Infrastructure Systems Faculty Position Announcement
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position. Appointments at the assistant professor, associate professor and full professor level will be considered. The position is anticipated to be filled at the assistant professor rank, however, appointments at the associate and full professor level might be considered for outstanding candidates. The targeted start date for the position is August 14, 2011, and the search will remain open until the position is filled. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in a field of civil and environmental engineering based on systems concepts, develop a sponsored research program, advice and mentor students at the undergraduate and graduate level, collaborate with other faculty in multidisciplinary research, interact and participate in outreach activities, and be involved in service to the institute and the profession. The school seeks a person with expertise in urban complex systems, infrastructure systems integration, life-cycle analysis, application of technologies for improved system performance, and/or civil infrastructure and sustainability. The successful applicant must have an earned Ph.D. degree in civil engineering or a closely related field. Applicants must have evidence of scholarship/research and record of external funding for research for consideration of appointment at the associate or full professor level.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, including academic and professional experience, a list of conference and journal publications, a one-page statement of teaching philosophy, a one-page statement of research interests and objectives, and the names and contact information for at least three references as a single PDF file) to:
Infrastructuresearch@ce.gatech.edu. Please format the file name as, for example, Smith.J_Infrastructure Application and include “Georgia Tech Infrastructure Systems Search” in the subject line of the email.
Requests for further information should be directed to:
Chair, Infrastructure Systems Search Committee
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0355
The Georgia Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, and applications from women and under-represented minorities are encouraged.
Ioannis Brilakis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
328 Sustainable Education Building
788 Atlantic Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
Tel: 404-894-9881, Cell: 404-723-4250
Email: brilakis@gatech.edu
Web: www.cit.gatech.edu
Please find below a faculty position announcement in “Infrastructure Systems” by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Applicants from the CRC Community are very welcome.
Ioannis Brilakis
Infrastructure Systems Faculty Position Announcement
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position. Appointments at the assistant professor, associate professor and full professor level will be considered. The position is anticipated to be filled at the assistant professor rank, however, appointments at the associate and full professor level might be considered for outstanding candidates. The targeted start date for the position is August 14, 2011, and the search will remain open until the position is filled. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in a field of civil and environmental engineering based on systems concepts, develop a sponsored research program, advice and mentor students at the undergraduate and graduate level, collaborate with other faculty in multidisciplinary research, interact and participate in outreach activities, and be involved in service to the institute and the profession. The school seeks a person with expertise in urban complex systems, infrastructure systems integration, life-cycle analysis, application of technologies for improved system performance, and/or civil infrastructure and sustainability. The successful applicant must have an earned Ph.D. degree in civil engineering or a closely related field. Applicants must have evidence of scholarship/research and record of external funding for research for consideration of appointment at the associate or full professor level.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, including academic and professional experience, a list of conference and journal publications, a one-page statement of teaching philosophy, a one-page statement of research interests and objectives, and the names and contact information for at least three references as a single PDF file) to:
Infrastructuresearch@ce.gatech.edu. Please format the file name as, for example, Smith.J_Infrastructure Application and include “Georgia Tech Infrastructure Systems Search” in the subject line of the email.
Requests for further information should be directed to:
Chair, Infrastructure Systems Search Committee
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0355
The Georgia Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, and applications from women and under-represented minorities are encouraged.
Ioannis Brilakis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
328 Sustainable Education Building
788 Atlantic Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
Tel: 404-894-9881, Cell: 404-723-4250
Email: brilakis@gatech.edu
Web: www.cit.gatech.edu
École Polytechnique de Montreal: Offres d'emploi / Position available
Dear Department Chair/Dean/Head/Professor,
École Polytechnique de Montreal invites applications for the position of Head of the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering. Would you please be so kind as to post the attached description in a place where interested persons may consult it?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Chantal Calafato
for Robert Corthésy
Professor and department Head nomination coordinator
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering
École Polytechnique Montreal
Concours n° : 11-C-8 (poste vacant)
Début de l'affichage : mardi 15 février 2011
Fin de l'affichage : vendredi 11 mars 2011
Titre du poste : Directeur ou Directrice
Unité administrative : Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines
Supérieur immédiat : Monsieur Christophe Guy
Lieu de travail : Édifice principal
L’École Polytechnique de Montréal, l’un des plus importants établissements d’enseignement et de recherche en génie au Canada, comptant plus de 6 500 étudiants et plus de 1 000 personnes à son emploi, est à la recherche d’un directeur ou d'une directrice de département.
Sous la responsabilité du directeur général de Polytechnique, la personne recherchée planifie, organise, dirige et contrôle l'enseignement et la recherche dans les domaines spécialisés de l'ingénierie confiés à son département et ce, en accord avec la triple mission de Polytechnique en enseignement, recherche et rayonnement.
Dirige l'établissement de programmes d'études dans les spécialités de son département et, en collaboration avec le directeur de l'Enseignement et de la formation, en coordonne l'enseignement; Dirige l'élaboration des projets de recherche dans son département et, en collaboration avec le directeur de la Recherche et de l'innovation, coordonne la réalisation de ces projets; S'assure, en collaboration avec les directeurs de l'Enseignement et de la formation et de la Recherche et de l'innovation, de la qualité de l'enseignement et de la recherche effectués dans son département et de la qualité de la formation acquise par les étudiants; Assigne et répartit les tâches d'enseignement et de recherche et autres tâches professorales, aux membres de son personnel enseignant et de recherche, compte tenu de leur compétence, de leurs aspirations, des conditions de travail et des conventions collectives en vigueur; Assigne et répartit les tâches départementales aux membres du personnel non enseignant compte tenu des conventions collectives en vigueur; S'assure que les membres de son département se tiennent informés des développements technologiques et éducatifs dans les domaines pertinents des sciences de l'ingénieur; Organise la structure administrative et recommande l'engagement du personnel enseignant et de soutien de son département en accord avec les normes et politiques générales de Polytechnique; Dirige l'évaluation du personnel enseignant et de soutien du département suivant les normes en vigueur; Collabore avec les directeurs de département, les directeurs fonctionnels et le directeur général à l'élaboration du budget du département et à l'attribution des ressources humaines et matérielles nécessaires à la réalisation de la mission du département; Est responsable et imputable de la gestion du budget attribué au département ainsi que des ressources humaines et matérielles qu’il gère en collaboration avec les directions fonctionnelles concernées; Organise toute assemblée, comité ou groupe de travail susceptible de contribuer à l'amélioration du fonctionnement de son département; Est membre de l'Assemblée de Direction de Polytechnique et, à ce titre, participe à l'élaboration des orientations de l'établissement; Rend compte de ses activités au directeur général de Polytechnique.
La personne recherchée doit détenir un diplôme de 3e cycle dans une discipline pertinente. Elle doit posséder plusieurs années d'expérience en enseignement et recherche universitaire à titre de professeur, à des postes d'encadrement d'équipes dans différentes fonctions liées à la gestion et à l'élaboration des programmes d'études et de services à l'appui à l'enseignement et à la recherche; Elle doit être membre de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec ou en voie de le devenir. Une excellente connaissance des programmes d'études en génie serait un atout; Sans être obligatoires, certains autres critères comme une expérience en milieu industriel pourront être pris en compte lors de l'étude des dossiers des candidats.
La personne recherchée doit être proactive, innovatrice, dynamique et mobilisatrice dans le changement. Elle doit montrer une solide capacité d'analyse, de synthèse et d'action et une facilité à communiquer, à convaincre et à rallier, tout en faisant preuve d'un sens poussé du service à la communauté et du travail d'équipe.
Selon les termes de la politique de rémunération adoptée par le Conseil d'administration de Polytechnique pour les postes de directeurs de départements.
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire parvenir leur curriculum vitae avant le 11 mars 2011, 16 h 30, à l'attention de :
Monsieur Christophe Guy, ing., Ph.D., MACG, professeur titulaire Directeur général École Polytechnique C.P. 6079, Succursale Centre-Ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3A7
Adresse électronique : srh-dotation@polymtl.ca
Dans le cas d'une offre externe, seuls les candidats retenus recevront une réponse écrite. Le générique masculin (le cas échéant) est utilisé sans aucune discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. L'École Polytechnique souscrit à un programme d'accès à l'égalité en emploi et un programme d'équité en emploi pour les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées.
Service des ressources humaines
École Polytechnique de Montreal invites applications for the position of Head of the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering. Would you please be so kind as to post the attached description in a place where interested persons may consult it?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Chantal Calafato
for Robert Corthésy
Professor and department Head nomination coordinator
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering
École Polytechnique Montreal
Concours n° : 11-C-8 (poste vacant)
Début de l'affichage : mardi 15 février 2011
Fin de l'affichage : vendredi 11 mars 2011
Titre du poste : Directeur ou Directrice
Unité administrative : Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines
Supérieur immédiat : Monsieur Christophe Guy
Lieu de travail : Édifice principal
L’École Polytechnique de Montréal, l’un des plus importants établissements d’enseignement et de recherche en génie au Canada, comptant plus de 6 500 étudiants et plus de 1 000 personnes à son emploi, est à la recherche d’un directeur ou d'une directrice de département.
Sous la responsabilité du directeur général de Polytechnique, la personne recherchée planifie, organise, dirige et contrôle l'enseignement et la recherche dans les domaines spécialisés de l'ingénierie confiés à son département et ce, en accord avec la triple mission de Polytechnique en enseignement, recherche et rayonnement.
Dirige l'établissement de programmes d'études dans les spécialités de son département et, en collaboration avec le directeur de l'Enseignement et de la formation, en coordonne l'enseignement; Dirige l'élaboration des projets de recherche dans son département et, en collaboration avec le directeur de la Recherche et de l'innovation, coordonne la réalisation de ces projets; S'assure, en collaboration avec les directeurs de l'Enseignement et de la formation et de la Recherche et de l'innovation, de la qualité de l'enseignement et de la recherche effectués dans son département et de la qualité de la formation acquise par les étudiants; Assigne et répartit les tâches d'enseignement et de recherche et autres tâches professorales, aux membres de son personnel enseignant et de recherche, compte tenu de leur compétence, de leurs aspirations, des conditions de travail et des conventions collectives en vigueur; Assigne et répartit les tâches départementales aux membres du personnel non enseignant compte tenu des conventions collectives en vigueur; S'assure que les membres de son département se tiennent informés des développements technologiques et éducatifs dans les domaines pertinents des sciences de l'ingénieur; Organise la structure administrative et recommande l'engagement du personnel enseignant et de soutien de son département en accord avec les normes et politiques générales de Polytechnique; Dirige l'évaluation du personnel enseignant et de soutien du département suivant les normes en vigueur; Collabore avec les directeurs de département, les directeurs fonctionnels et le directeur général à l'élaboration du budget du département et à l'attribution des ressources humaines et matérielles nécessaires à la réalisation de la mission du département; Est responsable et imputable de la gestion du budget attribué au département ainsi que des ressources humaines et matérielles qu’il gère en collaboration avec les directions fonctionnelles concernées; Organise toute assemblée, comité ou groupe de travail susceptible de contribuer à l'amélioration du fonctionnement de son département; Est membre de l'Assemblée de Direction de Polytechnique et, à ce titre, participe à l'élaboration des orientations de l'établissement; Rend compte de ses activités au directeur général de Polytechnique.
La personne recherchée doit détenir un diplôme de 3e cycle dans une discipline pertinente. Elle doit posséder plusieurs années d'expérience en enseignement et recherche universitaire à titre de professeur, à des postes d'encadrement d'équipes dans différentes fonctions liées à la gestion et à l'élaboration des programmes d'études et de services à l'appui à l'enseignement et à la recherche; Elle doit être membre de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec ou en voie de le devenir. Une excellente connaissance des programmes d'études en génie serait un atout; Sans être obligatoires, certains autres critères comme une expérience en milieu industriel pourront être pris en compte lors de l'étude des dossiers des candidats.
La personne recherchée doit être proactive, innovatrice, dynamique et mobilisatrice dans le changement. Elle doit montrer une solide capacité d'analyse, de synthèse et d'action et une facilité à communiquer, à convaincre et à rallier, tout en faisant preuve d'un sens poussé du service à la communauté et du travail d'équipe.
Selon les termes de la politique de rémunération adoptée par le Conseil d'administration de Polytechnique pour les postes de directeurs de départements.
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire parvenir leur curriculum vitae avant le 11 mars 2011, 16 h 30, à l'attention de :
Monsieur Christophe Guy, ing., Ph.D., MACG, professeur titulaire Directeur général École Polytechnique C.P. 6079, Succursale Centre-Ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3A7
Adresse électronique : srh-dotation@polymtl.ca
Dans le cas d'une offre externe, seuls les candidats retenus recevront une réponse écrite. Le générique masculin (le cas échéant) est utilisé sans aucune discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. L'École Polytechnique souscrit à un programme d'accès à l'égalité en emploi et un programme d'équité en emploi pour les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées.
Service des ressources humaines
Research Survey Request - Responses due March 30, 2011
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am a PhD. student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Jean Andrey on study that evaluate perceptions of equity in cordon pricing based on the stated preferences of survey respondents in the GTA with special focus on social and spatial equity. Cordon pricing charges motorists whenever they pass any of the charging points that are located at the entrances of an imaginary zone around a congested area. This system is proven to be effective in mitigating congestion. However, concerns about social and spatial equity are raised when implementing this system. The findings could be used to shed more light on cordon pricing policy and its specific impact on different socio-economic groups within the GTA, particularly as this research would be the first to examine this transportation policy and its impact on residents in Canada. As there are no research-based surveys of equity of cordon pricing if is implemented in the GTA, the research will provide an opportunity to undertake a survey to evaluate perceptions of equity in cordon pricing. Such a survey may form a baseline for any future data about this transportation policy in Canada.
I would kindly request your assistant in distributing and collecting the survey from your employees. Completion of the survey is expected to take about 15 minutes of their time. They may omit any question they prefer not to answer. There are no known or anticipated risks to participation in this study. Participation in this project is voluntary and anonymous. Further, all information they provide will be considered confidential.
If you have any questions regarding this study, or would like additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about participation, please contact me at 519 888 4567 ex 37041 or by email at aabulibd@uwaterloo.ca. You can also contact my supervisor, Dr. Jean Andrey at 519-888-4567 ext. 33629 or email jandrey@uwaterloo.ca.
I would like to assure you that this study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. However, the final decision about participation is yours. If you have any comments or concerns resulting from your participation in this study, please contact Dr. Susan Sykes of this office at 519-888-4567 Ext. 36005 or ssykes@uwaterloo.ca.
Yours sincerely,
Ammar Abulibdeh
Dear Greater Toronto Area Resident:
You are invited to participate in a brief, anonymous survey related to transportation issues in Toronto. This study is being conducted by Ammar Abulibdeh as part of the requirements for a PhD Degree, and is being conducted for a doctoral thesis and not for a business or government. The study is being carried out under the supervision of Dr. Jean Andrey, jandrey@uwaterloo.ca, 519-888-4567 ext. 33629, “Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo”.
The survey is about the possibility of implementing cordon pricing in Toronto. Cordon pricing charges motorists whenever they pass charging points that are located at the entrances of an imaginary zone around a congested area. Charges are flexible, meaning that they vary according to vehicle type, time of day, location, and direction traveled. The charges vary between peak and off-peak hours, and between weekdays and weekends. Cordon pricing has been implemented in different cities around the world, and has been found to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and raise the revenue essential to implement needed transportation improvements. However, concerns about “social and spatial equity” are raised when discussing these systems.
For the purposes of the doctoral research, the boundaries of the proposed zone extend from Jarvis Street on the east, Bathurst Street on the west, Bloor Street on the north, and Lake Ontario on the south with an approximate area of 18 km2.
As a participant in this study, you will complete the 15-minute survey centres on how you may change your travel behaviour to the Downtown Toronto if cordon pricing is implemented. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. You may omit any question you prefer not to answer and withdraw your participation at any time. The completed surveys will be kept in a secure location for 3 years, and then confidentially destroyed. Electronic data will be kept on a secure server.
Please return the completed survey in the attached addressed, stamped envelope by March 30, 2011
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through the office of Research Ethics. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns resulting from your participation in this study, please contact Dr. Susan Sykes in the Office of Research Ethics by e-mail at ssykes@uwaterloo.ca, or by phone at 519-888-4567 Ext. 36005.
Thank you for your participation
Kindest regards
The aim of this 10-15 minutes questionnaire is to find out what the public thinks about the possible implementation of cordon pricing in Downtown Toronto. A map of the cordon zone boundaries in Downtown is provided with the cover letter.
This questionnaire is being conducted for academic purposes only, and its completion is your consent to participate in this study. Your name and identity will not be known by the survey team. The results will be presented in aggregate only.
1) In the past two weeks (14 days), how often have you travelled to/from Downtown Toronto? (e.g., if you commute in and out of Downtown Toronto from the 905 region each weekday, but make no other trips to/from Downtown Toronto, you will make 10 trips in and 10 trips out, and you will respond d).
a. Not at all b. 1-5 times c. 6-10 times d. 11-20 times e. more than 20 times
*If ‘a’ selected, please end survey here and mail back in the envelope provided?
2) What is the main purpose of your most frequent trip to/from Downtown Toronto?
a. Commuting to/from work b. Commuting to/from school c. Shopping
d. Visiting friends/family e. Recreation activities f. Other
3) What is the mode of transportation that you usually use for your most frequent trip to/from Downtown Toronto?
a. Car as a driver b. Car as a passenger c. Public transit d. Motorcycle e. Bicycle/ Walk
4) How do you feel about the statement: There is a need to reduce traffic congestion in Downtown Toronto?
a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
Several cities around the world have recently introduced road pricing in order to manage traffic congestion. I am interested in your perceptions about one possible type of road pricing, whereby vehicles would have to pay to enter or leave Downtown Toronto from or to outlying areas while public transportation and carpooling are free of charge; this type of road pricing is called cordon pricing. For example, if you are traveling from Mississauga to Downtown Toronto and then going back to Mississauga you will be charged twice. People living and traveling inside the cordon zone only will not pay the charges. The fee would be collected during weekdays only, 6:00 am to 7:00 pm, and be higher during rush hour periods. All charges would be collected using a system similar to Highway 407.
5) Do you think that cordon pricing would be effective in reducing traffic congestion in Downtown Toronto?
a. No b. Maybe c. Yes d. I do not know
6) Would you support cordon pricing if implemented in Downtown Toronto?
a. No b. Maybe c. Yes d. I do not know
7) Do you think the implementation of cordon pricing in Downtown Toronto would be:
a. To your advantage b. Of little relevance to you c. To your disadvantage
If you do not own a vehicle please skip questions 8 to 12, and go directly to question 13.
8) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 5 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
9) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 10 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
10) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 15 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
11) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 20 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
12) If cordon pricing were implemented in Downtown Toronto, how would this impact your use of a car for the following trips?
No impact Little impact Some impact Large impact
a. Commuting to/from work □ □ □ □
b. Commuting to/from school □ □ □ □
c. Shopping □ □ □ □
d. Visiting friends/family □ □ □ □
e. Business purposes □ □ □ □
d. Recreation activities □ □ □ □
f. Other □ □ □ □
13) If cordon pricing were implemented in Downtown Toronto, how would it impact your travel behaviour? I would …
Strongly disagree disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
a. Pay the fees and drive as before □ □ □ □ □
b. Drive less □ □ □ □ □
c. Join in car-pooling □ □ □ □ □
d. Use public transportation more often □ □ □ □ □
e. Use my bicycle more often □ □ □ □ □
f. Walk to my destination more often □ □ □ □ □
g. Change the timing of my car trips to reduce charges □ □ □ □ □
h. Switch from public transportation to car □ □ □ □ □
14) The thinking behind your answers to question 13…
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
a. Your value of time is greater than the cordon pricing fees □ □ □ □ □
b. Increase in travel cost as a result of fees □ □ □ □ □
c. You would save travel time by car □ □ □ □ □
d. Travel speeds by car would be increased □ □ □ □ □
e. The current level of service of mass transit □ □ □ □ □
f. I value the comfort and convenience of car travel □ □ □ □ □
15) Cordon pricing would generate revenue that could be spent in different ways. In your opinion, how should revenue generated from cordon pricing be spent. Also, using the last two columns (shaded), indicate how you think the authorities would use the revenue generated.
Revenue should be used to: Expected use by authorities
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Yes No
a. Improve road infrastructure (e.g., new roads) □ □ □ □ □ □ □
b. Improve public transport □ □ □ □ □ □ □
c. Reduce public transport fares □ □ □ □ □ □ □
d. Support the municipal budget in general □ □ □ □ □ □ □
e. Improve cycling and walking conditions □ □ □ □ □ □ □
16) If you were to pay the cordon pricing fees, what would you expect to see compared to the present situation?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
a. Shorter travel time to Downtown Toronto □ □ □ □ □
b. Additional cost to your trips □ □ □ □ □
c. Less air pollution and fewer environmental problems □ □ □ □ □
d. Unfairly restricted travel options □ □ □ □ □
e. More difficulties in planning trips □ □ □ □ □
f. Downtown Toronto as a better place to work □ □ □ □ □
g. Downtown Toronto as a better place to live □ □ □ □ □
17) How old are you?
a. 18 – 24 b. 25 – 34 c. 35 – 44 d. 45 – 54 e. 55 – 64 f. 65 +
18) Your gender:
a. Male b. Female
19) Your occupation:
a. Not working b. General office c. Professional/Manager d. Sales/ Services e. Manufacturing f. Other
20) What is your postal code (please write)? ______-______
21) What is your annual household income?
* Household income involves all income of family members in the house
a. Less than $20,000 b. $20,000 - $39,999 c. $40,000 - $59,999 d. $60,000 - $79,999
e. $80,000 - $99,999 f. $100,000 - $119,999 g. $120,000 - $139,999 h. $140,000 or more
22) How many vehicles do members of your household own or lease:
a. None b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 or more
23) Number of persons in household:
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 or more
24) Household characteristics
a. Single adult with no children b. Single adult with child or children c. Two or more adults with no children d. Two or more adults with child or children
25) Number of male and female workers in household
a. Number of male workers______ b. Number of female workers______
Thank you for your participation.
I am a PhD. student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Jean Andrey on study that evaluate perceptions of equity in cordon pricing based on the stated preferences of survey respondents in the GTA with special focus on social and spatial equity. Cordon pricing charges motorists whenever they pass any of the charging points that are located at the entrances of an imaginary zone around a congested area. This system is proven to be effective in mitigating congestion. However, concerns about social and spatial equity are raised when implementing this system. The findings could be used to shed more light on cordon pricing policy and its specific impact on different socio-economic groups within the GTA, particularly as this research would be the first to examine this transportation policy and its impact on residents in Canada. As there are no research-based surveys of equity of cordon pricing if is implemented in the GTA, the research will provide an opportunity to undertake a survey to evaluate perceptions of equity in cordon pricing. Such a survey may form a baseline for any future data about this transportation policy in Canada.
I would kindly request your assistant in distributing and collecting the survey from your employees. Completion of the survey is expected to take about 15 minutes of their time. They may omit any question they prefer not to answer. There are no known or anticipated risks to participation in this study. Participation in this project is voluntary and anonymous. Further, all information they provide will be considered confidential.
If you have any questions regarding this study, or would like additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about participation, please contact me at 519 888 4567 ex 37041 or by email at aabulibd@uwaterloo.ca. You can also contact my supervisor, Dr. Jean Andrey at 519-888-4567 ext. 33629 or email jandrey@uwaterloo.ca.
I would like to assure you that this study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. However, the final decision about participation is yours. If you have any comments or concerns resulting from your participation in this study, please contact Dr. Susan Sykes of this office at 519-888-4567 Ext. 36005 or ssykes@uwaterloo.ca.
Yours sincerely,
Ammar Abulibdeh
Dear Greater Toronto Area Resident:
You are invited to participate in a brief, anonymous survey related to transportation issues in Toronto. This study is being conducted by Ammar Abulibdeh as part of the requirements for a PhD Degree, and is being conducted for a doctoral thesis and not for a business or government. The study is being carried out under the supervision of Dr. Jean Andrey, jandrey@uwaterloo.ca, 519-888-4567 ext. 33629, “Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo”.
The survey is about the possibility of implementing cordon pricing in Toronto. Cordon pricing charges motorists whenever they pass charging points that are located at the entrances of an imaginary zone around a congested area. Charges are flexible, meaning that they vary according to vehicle type, time of day, location, and direction traveled. The charges vary between peak and off-peak hours, and between weekdays and weekends. Cordon pricing has been implemented in different cities around the world, and has been found to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and raise the revenue essential to implement needed transportation improvements. However, concerns about “social and spatial equity” are raised when discussing these systems.
For the purposes of the doctoral research, the boundaries of the proposed zone extend from Jarvis Street on the east, Bathurst Street on the west, Bloor Street on the north, and Lake Ontario on the south with an approximate area of 18 km2.
As a participant in this study, you will complete the 15-minute survey centres on how you may change your travel behaviour to the Downtown Toronto if cordon pricing is implemented. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. You may omit any question you prefer not to answer and withdraw your participation at any time. The completed surveys will be kept in a secure location for 3 years, and then confidentially destroyed. Electronic data will be kept on a secure server.
Please return the completed survey in the attached addressed, stamped envelope by March 30, 2011
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through the office of Research Ethics. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns resulting from your participation in this study, please contact Dr. Susan Sykes in the Office of Research Ethics by e-mail at ssykes@uwaterloo.ca, or by phone at 519-888-4567 Ext. 36005.
Thank you for your participation
Kindest regards
The aim of this 10-15 minutes questionnaire is to find out what the public thinks about the possible implementation of cordon pricing in Downtown Toronto. A map of the cordon zone boundaries in Downtown is provided with the cover letter.
This questionnaire is being conducted for academic purposes only, and its completion is your consent to participate in this study. Your name and identity will not be known by the survey team. The results will be presented in aggregate only.
1) In the past two weeks (14 days), how often have you travelled to/from Downtown Toronto? (e.g., if you commute in and out of Downtown Toronto from the 905 region each weekday, but make no other trips to/from Downtown Toronto, you will make 10 trips in and 10 trips out, and you will respond d).
a. Not at all b. 1-5 times c. 6-10 times d. 11-20 times e. more than 20 times
*If ‘a’ selected, please end survey here and mail back in the envelope provided?
2) What is the main purpose of your most frequent trip to/from Downtown Toronto?
a. Commuting to/from work b. Commuting to/from school c. Shopping
d. Visiting friends/family e. Recreation activities f. Other
3) What is the mode of transportation that you usually use for your most frequent trip to/from Downtown Toronto?
a. Car as a driver b. Car as a passenger c. Public transit d. Motorcycle e. Bicycle/ Walk
4) How do you feel about the statement: There is a need to reduce traffic congestion in Downtown Toronto?
a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
Several cities around the world have recently introduced road pricing in order to manage traffic congestion. I am interested in your perceptions about one possible type of road pricing, whereby vehicles would have to pay to enter or leave Downtown Toronto from or to outlying areas while public transportation and carpooling are free of charge; this type of road pricing is called cordon pricing. For example, if you are traveling from Mississauga to Downtown Toronto and then going back to Mississauga you will be charged twice. People living and traveling inside the cordon zone only will not pay the charges. The fee would be collected during weekdays only, 6:00 am to 7:00 pm, and be higher during rush hour periods. All charges would be collected using a system similar to Highway 407.
5) Do you think that cordon pricing would be effective in reducing traffic congestion in Downtown Toronto?
a. No b. Maybe c. Yes d. I do not know
6) Would you support cordon pricing if implemented in Downtown Toronto?
a. No b. Maybe c. Yes d. I do not know
7) Do you think the implementation of cordon pricing in Downtown Toronto would be:
a. To your advantage b. Of little relevance to you c. To your disadvantage
If you do not own a vehicle please skip questions 8 to 12, and go directly to question 13.
8) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 5 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
9) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 10 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
10) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 15 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
11) How much would you be willing to pay to reduce your car trip travel time to/from Downtown Toronto by 20 minutes?
$0.0 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7 $10 $15 $20 $25
12) If cordon pricing were implemented in Downtown Toronto, how would this impact your use of a car for the following trips?
No impact Little impact Some impact Large impact
a. Commuting to/from work □ □ □ □
b. Commuting to/from school □ □ □ □
c. Shopping □ □ □ □
d. Visiting friends/family □ □ □ □
e. Business purposes □ □ □ □
d. Recreation activities □ □ □ □
f. Other □ □ □ □
13) If cordon pricing were implemented in Downtown Toronto, how would it impact your travel behaviour? I would …
Strongly disagree disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
a. Pay the fees and drive as before □ □ □ □ □
b. Drive less □ □ □ □ □
c. Join in car-pooling □ □ □ □ □
d. Use public transportation more often □ □ □ □ □
e. Use my bicycle more often □ □ □ □ □
f. Walk to my destination more often □ □ □ □ □
g. Change the timing of my car trips to reduce charges □ □ □ □ □
h. Switch from public transportation to car □ □ □ □ □
14) The thinking behind your answers to question 13…
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
a. Your value of time is greater than the cordon pricing fees □ □ □ □ □
b. Increase in travel cost as a result of fees □ □ □ □ □
c. You would save travel time by car □ □ □ □ □
d. Travel speeds by car would be increased □ □ □ □ □
e. The current level of service of mass transit □ □ □ □ □
f. I value the comfort and convenience of car travel □ □ □ □ □
15) Cordon pricing would generate revenue that could be spent in different ways. In your opinion, how should revenue generated from cordon pricing be spent. Also, using the last two columns (shaded), indicate how you think the authorities would use the revenue generated.
Revenue should be used to: Expected use by authorities
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Yes No
a. Improve road infrastructure (e.g., new roads) □ □ □ □ □ □ □
b. Improve public transport □ □ □ □ □ □ □
c. Reduce public transport fares □ □ □ □ □ □ □
d. Support the municipal budget in general □ □ □ □ □ □ □
e. Improve cycling and walking conditions □ □ □ □ □ □ □
16) If you were to pay the cordon pricing fees, what would you expect to see compared to the present situation?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
a. Shorter travel time to Downtown Toronto □ □ □ □ □
b. Additional cost to your trips □ □ □ □ □
c. Less air pollution and fewer environmental problems □ □ □ □ □
d. Unfairly restricted travel options □ □ □ □ □
e. More difficulties in planning trips □ □ □ □ □
f. Downtown Toronto as a better place to work □ □ □ □ □
g. Downtown Toronto as a better place to live □ □ □ □ □
17) How old are you?
a. 18 – 24 b. 25 – 34 c. 35 – 44 d. 45 – 54 e. 55 – 64 f. 65 +
18) Your gender:
a. Male b. Female
19) Your occupation:
a. Not working b. General office c. Professional/Manager d. Sales/ Services e. Manufacturing f. Other
20) What is your postal code (please write)? ______-______
21) What is your annual household income?
* Household income involves all income of family members in the house
a. Less than $20,000 b. $20,000 - $39,999 c. $40,000 - $59,999 d. $60,000 - $79,999
e. $80,000 - $99,999 f. $100,000 - $119,999 g. $120,000 - $139,999 h. $140,000 or more
22) How many vehicles do members of your household own or lease:
a. None b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 or more
23) Number of persons in household:
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 or more
24) Household characteristics
a. Single adult with no children b. Single adult with child or children c. Two or more adults with no children d. Two or more adults with child or children
25) Number of male and female workers in household
a. Number of male workers______ b. Number of female workers______
Thank you for your participation.
[SGS] Graduate Education Council Spring 2011 Election - Call for Nominations
February 23, 2011
To: All continuing and appointed Administrative Staff in all Graduate Units
From: Jane Alderdice, Secretary, Graduate Education Council
Call for Nominations
Administrative Staff Representation on Graduate Education Council
An election is being held to fill one vacant seat on the Graduate Education Council, available to staff administering graduate studies in a graduate unit. I am pleased to forward a call for nominations. Nomination forms are available as of Friday, February 11, 2011 from the School of Graduate Studies and on the SGS Website:
Please consider making a nomination or allowing your name to stand for nomination. Candidates must be continuing or contractually appointed staff working in the administration of graduate studies in a graduate unit. A contract appointed staff member may be a candidate only if the appointment extends to the end of June 30, 2012. Regardless of the condition of hire, all continuing or contractually appointed graduate administrative staff working in a graduate unit may be nominators.
If you are aware of eligible administrative staff members in your graduate unit who have not received this memo, it would be appreciated if you would forward it to them.
The deadline for receipt of nominations at the School of Graduate Studies has been extended to 5 PM on Monday, March 7, 2011. Please forward the completed nomination form to the Office of Quality Assessment and Governance, 2nd Floor, 65 St. George Street with a notation on the envelope: Council Nomination. Alternatively, you may submit completed forms by Fax to 416 978-1649 or by a emailing a scanned form in PDF to elections@sgs.utoronto.ca.
Feel free to give me a call (416 946-3102) if you would like to discuss the responsibilities of the position. Anil Purandaré, the Governance & Policy Coordinator, is also available to answer questions at 416 946-3427 or email (anil.purandare@sgs.utoronto.ca).
Please take a moment to consider nominating a colleague.
P.S. I am very pleased to give you advance notice that this year, for the first time, staff will be submitting ballots electronically. You will need a valid UTORid in order to cast your vote. If you do not have a UTORid, please contact the business officer in your graduate unit. You will receive more information prior to the start of balloting.
To: All continuing and appointed Administrative Staff in all Graduate Units
From: Jane Alderdice, Secretary, Graduate Education Council
Call for Nominations
Administrative Staff Representation on Graduate Education Council
An election is being held to fill one vacant seat on the Graduate Education Council, available to staff administering graduate studies in a graduate unit. I am pleased to forward a call for nominations. Nomination forms are available as of Friday, February 11, 2011 from the School of Graduate Studies and on the SGS Website:
Please consider making a nomination or allowing your name to stand for nomination. Candidates must be continuing or contractually appointed staff working in the administration of graduate studies in a graduate unit. A contract appointed staff member may be a candidate only if the appointment extends to the end of June 30, 2012. Regardless of the condition of hire, all continuing or contractually appointed graduate administrative staff working in a graduate unit may be nominators.
If you are aware of eligible administrative staff members in your graduate unit who have not received this memo, it would be appreciated if you would forward it to them.
The deadline for receipt of nominations at the School of Graduate Studies has been extended to 5 PM on Monday, March 7, 2011. Please forward the completed nomination form to the Office of Quality Assessment and Governance, 2nd Floor, 65 St. George Street with a notation on the envelope: Council Nomination. Alternatively, you may submit completed forms by Fax to 416 978-1649 or by a emailing a scanned form in PDF to elections@sgs.utoronto.ca.
Feel free to give me a call (416 946-3102) if you would like to discuss the responsibilities of the position. Anil Purandaré, the Governance & Policy Coordinator, is also available to answer questions at 416 946-3427 or email (anil.purandare@sgs.utoronto.ca).
Please take a moment to consider nominating a colleague.
P.S. I am very pleased to give you advance notice that this year, for the first time, staff will be submitting ballots electronically. You will need a valid UTORid in order to cast your vote. If you do not have a UTORid, please contact the business officer in your graduate unit. You will receive more information prior to the start of balloting.
2012 Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program
2012 NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program: Timelines and Support
Dear Researchers,
The 2012 NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program has been announced. This program involves a two step process. The first step involves the submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) and the second step involves the submission of an application, for projects invited. Please note that there is maximum number of LOI’s that can be submitted. In the past, the University has been able to submit 6 LOI’s, but we are awaiting confirmation from the sponsor. If more than 6 LOI’s are submitted, we will conduct an internal peer review to select the top rated projects. This process will mirror the NSERC criteria. If you are interested in submitting an LOI, please advise me so that I can put together an internal review panel.
The Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program supports the training of teams of outstanding students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, address significant scientific challenges associated to Canada's research priorities, and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce.
Key Requirements
At least 80 percent of the CREATE grant must be used for trainees’ stipends
o Up to 30 percent of this portion can be distributed to trainees who are not enrolled in Natural Science and Engineering
Up to 20 percent of the CREATE funds may be used for the following expenses
o Training program structure
o Travel
o Dissemination of training materials and research results
o Services and miscellaneous expenses
Weighting of selection criteria (Revised this year)
o Merit of the proposed training program: 40 percent
o Excellence of the team of researchers: 30 percent
o Program management and long-term sustainability: 30 percent
Please visit the NSERC webpage for additional information
Critical Dates:
April 11, 2011: Internal Deadline for completed Letters of Intent. Please submit the following to Mike Folinas, m.folinas@utoronto.ca.
An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services.
Completed application package, which includes Forms 100 and 187 (Please forward a PDF copy)
** Firm and Final Deadline: Your Application MUST be submitted to Mike Folinas no later than: 10 am Monday April 11, 2011 (sooner if possible)
During this time frame, we will have all proposals reviewed by an internal review panel. The panel will rate each proposal based on NSERC’s criteria for this program.
May 3, 2011: Sponsor Deadline
Information Session:
An information session will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in Room 107, McMurrich Building, 12 Queen’s Park Cres. W.
This session will cover the Program requirements, internal peer review committee process and ranking, the changes for 2011, the application procedures, the evaluation criteria, the signs of a good proposal, and more. If you are planning to apply to the CREATE Program this year, do not miss this opportunity!
Please RSVP by March 7th to Jenny Korolik, jenny.korolik@utoronto.ca
Questions during the Competition Period:
Your primary contacts at Research Services for the Collaborative Research and Training Program is: Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca)
Additional Information on the Strategic Projects Grants Program can be found on our website or the NSERC website
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.
Best regards,
Mike Folinas
Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Agency and Foundation Funding
Natural Science and Engineering Team
3rd Floor, McMurrich Building
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
M5S 1S8
Phone: (416)978-7118
Fax: (416)971-2010
Web: www.research.utoronto.ca
Dear Researchers,
The 2012 NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program has been announced. This program involves a two step process. The first step involves the submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) and the second step involves the submission of an application, for projects invited. Please note that there is maximum number of LOI’s that can be submitted. In the past, the University has been able to submit 6 LOI’s, but we are awaiting confirmation from the sponsor. If more than 6 LOI’s are submitted, we will conduct an internal peer review to select the top rated projects. This process will mirror the NSERC criteria. If you are interested in submitting an LOI, please advise me so that I can put together an internal review panel.
The Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program supports the training of teams of outstanding students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, address significant scientific challenges associated to Canada's research priorities, and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce.
Key Requirements
At least 80 percent of the CREATE grant must be used for trainees’ stipends
o Up to 30 percent of this portion can be distributed to trainees who are not enrolled in Natural Science and Engineering
Up to 20 percent of the CREATE funds may be used for the following expenses
o Training program structure
o Travel
o Dissemination of training materials and research results
o Services and miscellaneous expenses
Weighting of selection criteria (Revised this year)
o Merit of the proposed training program: 40 percent
o Excellence of the team of researchers: 30 percent
o Program management and long-term sustainability: 30 percent
Please visit the NSERC webpage for additional information
Critical Dates:
April 11, 2011: Internal Deadline for completed Letters of Intent. Please submit the following to Mike Folinas, m.folinas@utoronto.ca.
An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services.
Completed application package, which includes Forms 100 and 187 (Please forward a PDF copy)
** Firm and Final Deadline: Your Application MUST be submitted to Mike Folinas no later than: 10 am Monday April 11, 2011 (sooner if possible)
During this time frame, we will have all proposals reviewed by an internal review panel. The panel will rate each proposal based on NSERC’s criteria for this program.
May 3, 2011: Sponsor Deadline
Information Session:
An information session will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in Room 107, McMurrich Building, 12 Queen’s Park Cres. W.
This session will cover the Program requirements, internal peer review committee process and ranking, the changes for 2011, the application procedures, the evaluation criteria, the signs of a good proposal, and more. If you are planning to apply to the CREATE Program this year, do not miss this opportunity!
Please RSVP by March 7th to Jenny Korolik, jenny.korolik@utoronto.ca
Questions during the Competition Period:
Your primary contacts at Research Services for the Collaborative Research and Training Program is: Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca)
Additional Information on the Strategic Projects Grants Program can be found on our website or the NSERC website
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.
Best regards,
Mike Folinas
Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Agency and Foundation Funding
Natural Science and Engineering Team
3rd Floor, McMurrich Building
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
M5S 1S8
Phone: (416)978-7118
Fax: (416)971-2010
Web: www.research.utoronto.ca
L’Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is pleased to announce the following fellowships:
L’Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships, with the Support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
L’Oréal Canada has announced the For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships, with the support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, which will give two (2) fellowships of $20,000 CAD each to female postdoctoral researchers in the field of Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences. This fellowship is a part of the For Women in Science Program which recognizes the importance of the contributions of women in the progress of science. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of scientists, including representatives from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and L’Oréal Canada. Candidates must conduct their research at Canadian host institution or organization.
Amount: $20,000 CAD each
Place of Study: Host institute/organization in Canada
Field of Study: For the 2011-2012 competition, fellowships are being offered for research in the field of Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences. The fellowships offered alternate each year between the fields of Life Sciences and Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences.
Deadline: Postmarked application packages must be sent to the AUCC on or before March 31, 2011.
Guidelines and application: Visit the AUCC website
Please post the general notice and forward this e-mail to those who might be interested in this fellowship program. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in this matter.
Higher Education Scholarships, AUCC
L’Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships, with the Support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
L’Oréal Canada has announced the For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships, with the support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, which will give two (2) fellowships of $20,000 CAD each to female postdoctoral researchers in the field of Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences. This fellowship is a part of the For Women in Science Program which recognizes the importance of the contributions of women in the progress of science. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of scientists, including representatives from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and L’Oréal Canada. Candidates must conduct their research at Canadian host institution or organization.
Amount: $20,000 CAD each
Place of Study: Host institute/organization in Canada
Field of Study: For the 2011-2012 competition, fellowships are being offered for research in the field of Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences. The fellowships offered alternate each year between the fields of Life Sciences and Engineering/Pure and Applied Sciences.
Deadline: Postmarked application packages must be sent to the AUCC on or before March 31, 2011.
Guidelines and application: Visit the AUCC website
Please post the general notice and forward this e-mail to those who might be interested in this fellowship program. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in this matter.
Higher Education Scholarships, AUCC
Funding Opportunity - Canadian Space Agency (CSA): Flights for the Advancement of Science & Technology (FAST)
CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY (CSA): Flights for the Advancement of Science & Technology (FAST)
Aims at providing grants for activities requiring access to space and sub-orbital flights or ground-based facilities or field sites on Earth in order to develop highly qualified personnel (HQP) while conducting science investigations or performing technology demonstrations, simulations, or validations;
Foster the continuing development of a critical mass of researchers and HQP by providing a training ground for both the current and next generation of scientists and engineers; and
Support the development of science and technology relevant to CSA's priorities through the use of research platforms including stratospheric balloons, aircraft, sounding rockets, nanosatellites, cubesats, ground-based facilities and field sites.
Please submit the following to Research Services by the internal deadline on April 8th:
Completed and signed RIS form
A completed typed original application form signed by the Applicant (NOTE: The Department Chair and/or Vice Dean-Research does not have to sign the application form itself. See below.)
A copy of the document(s) confirming the legal name of the Applicant (see below)
A copy of the application (identical to the signed paper copy) on a standard electronic media (USB flash drive, CD or DVD);
Curriculum vitae for the Principal Investigator (4 pages maximum) and all Co-Investigators and Collaborators (2 pages maximum each) listed in the proposal. NSERC Form 100s should be submitted.
Signed letters from other funding contributors confirming their contributions (if applicable)
Declaration on Confidentiality, Access to Information and Privacy Act form to be signed by the Duly Authorized Representative (see below)
Completed Environment Assessment Checklist by the applicant to be signed by the Duly Authorized Representative (see below)
a. This program allows overhead (administrative) costs. The UofT overhead rate is 20% (of total direct costs). Please include this in the proposed budget.
b. The Duly Authorized Representative is Drew Gyorke, Director, Agency & Foundation Funding, Research Services.
c. The legal name of the University is "The Governing Council of the University of Toronto".
Program Description & Criteria for Eligibility: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp
Application Requirements: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp#s4
Selection Process: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp#s5
Martin Lebeuf
Head (internal assignment)
Research & Training Infrastructure Programs
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, QC, J3Y 8Y9
Phone: 450-926-6766
E-mail: martin.lebeuf@asc-csa.gc.ca
Angie Agulto
Research Funding Officer
E-mail: angie.agulto@utoronto.ca; Tel. 416-946-7517
Aims at providing grants for activities requiring access to space and sub-orbital flights or ground-based facilities or field sites on Earth in order to develop highly qualified personnel (HQP) while conducting science investigations or performing technology demonstrations, simulations, or validations;
Foster the continuing development of a critical mass of researchers and HQP by providing a training ground for both the current and next generation of scientists and engineers; and
Support the development of science and technology relevant to CSA's priorities through the use of research platforms including stratospheric balloons, aircraft, sounding rockets, nanosatellites, cubesats, ground-based facilities and field sites.
Please submit the following to Research Services by the internal deadline on April 8th:
Completed and signed RIS form
A completed typed original application form signed by the Applicant (NOTE: The Department Chair and/or Vice Dean-Research does not have to sign the application form itself. See below.)
A copy of the document(s) confirming the legal name of the Applicant (see below)
A copy of the application (identical to the signed paper copy) on a standard electronic media (USB flash drive, CD or DVD);
Curriculum vitae for the Principal Investigator (4 pages maximum) and all Co-Investigators and Collaborators (2 pages maximum each) listed in the proposal. NSERC Form 100s should be submitted.
Signed letters from other funding contributors confirming their contributions (if applicable)
Declaration on Confidentiality, Access to Information and Privacy Act form to be signed by the Duly Authorized Representative (see below)
Completed Environment Assessment Checklist by the applicant to be signed by the Duly Authorized Representative (see below)
a. This program allows overhead (administrative) costs. The UofT overhead rate is 20% (of total direct costs). Please include this in the proposed budget.
b. The Duly Authorized Representative is Drew Gyorke, Director, Agency & Foundation Funding, Research Services.
c. The legal name of the University is "The Governing Council of the University of Toronto".
Program Description & Criteria for Eligibility: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp
Application Requirements: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp#s4
Selection Process: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/ao/2011_fast.asp#s5
Martin Lebeuf
Head (internal assignment)
Research & Training Infrastructure Programs
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, QC, J3Y 8Y9
Phone: 450-926-6766
E-mail: martin.lebeuf@asc-csa.gc.ca
Angie Agulto
Research Funding Officer
E-mail: angie.agulto@utoronto.ca; Tel. 416-946-7517
Call for Papers: Defence Science Research Conference 2011 - Deadline: February 28, 2011
The submission deadline is 28 February 2011.
The world as we know today has changed drastically over a short span of time and will continue to do so. Cyber warfare, the tension in the Korean peninsular, the built up of defence firepower in China, are some of the new challenges that has placed tremendous pressure on nations and governments to increase spending on defence-related research work. Defence spending has not just doubled but quadrupled over the last year. But at the same time, there are reductions in troop size. This could only mean that technology has to be utilized to substantiate the reduction and increase the capability of each soldier.
To keep abreast with such rapid developments, the inaugural Defence Science Research Conference and Expo (DSR 2011), is conceived to serve as the platform for like-minded academics, researchers, and practitioners to meet, share and exchange their expertise.
DSR 2011 is about the research and applications of science, innovation and technology developed in the field of defence. Defence research and development encompasses the fields of aeronautics, advanced computing, bioengineering, combat vehicles, naval systems, simulation, life sciences ... and the list goes on. And similar technologies developed in these fields are applied and used in our daily civilian lives. Thus, DSR 2011 seeks not just to showcase the latest researches that are beneficial to defence science development, but would also explore unclassified research works which may be applicable and beneficial to civilians. This is not just another military-defence conference, but one which is applicable to both militaries and civilians.
DSR-2011 will be held from 3-6 August 2011. This event is organized by the Mixed Reality Lab and the Social Robotics Lab from the National University of Singapore.
Our confirmed plenary speakers includes:
1. 1. Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Vice President of the European Parliament
2. 2. Martin Cole, Chief of CSIRO Food and Nutritional Science, Australia
3. 3. P.Gopalakrishnakone, Dep of Anatomy & Venom and Toxin Research, National University of Singapore
4. 4. Penny Low, Member of Parliment, Singapore, Founder and President of Social Innovation Park Ltd
5. 5. Peter Martini, Director of Fraunhofer-Institut, University of Bonn, Germany
We would like to invite you to submit your paper for the DSR-2011 Conference. As the spectrum covered by the defence industry is wide, we have narrowed the topics covered in this event into 10 main themes:
1. 1. 1. Healthcare in Defence
2. 2. Bioengineering in Defence
3. 3. Cyber Defence
4. 4. Logistics & Transport
5. 5. Technology
6. 6. Aerospace & Aeronautics
7. 7. Entertianment Technologies
8. 8. Biological Sciences
9. 9. Food Science & Technology
10. 10. Environment
Please log in to this website to get more details and submit your papers: www.dsr2011.org
The world as we know today has changed drastically over a short span of time and will continue to do so. Cyber warfare, the tension in the Korean peninsular, the built up of defence firepower in China, are some of the new challenges that has placed tremendous pressure on nations and governments to increase spending on defence-related research work. Defence spending has not just doubled but quadrupled over the last year. But at the same time, there are reductions in troop size. This could only mean that technology has to be utilized to substantiate the reduction and increase the capability of each soldier.
To keep abreast with such rapid developments, the inaugural Defence Science Research Conference and Expo (DSR 2011), is conceived to serve as the platform for like-minded academics, researchers, and practitioners to meet, share and exchange their expertise.
DSR 2011 is about the research and applications of science, innovation and technology developed in the field of defence. Defence research and development encompasses the fields of aeronautics, advanced computing, bioengineering, combat vehicles, naval systems, simulation, life sciences ... and the list goes on. And similar technologies developed in these fields are applied and used in our daily civilian lives. Thus, DSR 2011 seeks not just to showcase the latest researches that are beneficial to defence science development, but would also explore unclassified research works which may be applicable and beneficial to civilians. This is not just another military-defence conference, but one which is applicable to both militaries and civilians.
DSR-2011 will be held from 3-6 August 2011. This event is organized by the Mixed Reality Lab and the Social Robotics Lab from the National University of Singapore.
Our confirmed plenary speakers includes:
1. 1. Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Vice President of the European Parliament
2. 2. Martin Cole, Chief of CSIRO Food and Nutritional Science, Australia
3. 3. P.Gopalakrishnakone, Dep of Anatomy & Venom and Toxin Research, National University of Singapore
4. 4. Penny Low, Member of Parliment, Singapore, Founder and President of Social Innovation Park Ltd
5. 5. Peter Martini, Director of Fraunhofer-Institut, University of Bonn, Germany
We would like to invite you to submit your paper for the DSR-2011 Conference. As the spectrum covered by the defence industry is wide, we have narrowed the topics covered in this event into 10 main themes:
1. 1. 1. Healthcare in Defence
2. 2. Bioengineering in Defence
3. 3. Cyber Defence
4. 4. Logistics & Transport
5. 5. Technology
6. 6. Aerospace & Aeronautics
7. 7. Entertianment Technologies
8. 8. Biological Sciences
9. 9. Food Science & Technology
10. 10. Environment
Please log in to this website to get more details and submit your papers: www.dsr2011.org
MIE Newsletter Vol. 02 // No. 31
February 22, 2011 Vol. 02 // No. 31
Table of Contents: Chair's Office // Awards and Recognition // Research Activities // Seminars // Graduate Studies // Student Affairs // Job Opportunities // Announcements // Vacation // Previous Newsletter & Links
Chair's Office
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, presented by Canadian Tire
On February 16, the department hosted the second event in the Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, presented by Canadian Tire. The series' second speaker was Tom Woods (IndE 7T5), Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, Risk Management, CIBC. He discussed the financial crisis of 2008.
For all upcoming events in the Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary, please visit: www.mie.utoronto.ca/IE50th.
More Photos
2011 MIE Alumni Dinner
Date: Friday, April 8
Time: 6 - 9:30 p.m. (reception & dinner)
• $80 each for alumni and guests
• $40 each for young alumni (2006 - 2010)
• This year, we honour the classes of 6T1 and 8T6. Honoured class members receive one complimentary ticket.
Location: Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle (Map)
Our keynote speaker will be Anne Sado (MIE 7T7), president of George Brown College. Click here to read more about Ms. Sado.
Faculty: please RSVP for you and a guest by contacting Shannon Osborne directly, or call 416-978-5450.
Alumni can register online at alumni.utoronto.ca/MIEAlumniDinner.
Awards & Recognition
2011 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards
Congratulations to graduating students Julie Hommik (MechE 1T0 + PEY), Anna Sheu (IndE 1T0 + PEY) and Chris Siemieniuch (MechE 1T0 + PEY) will be recognized with a Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award for their outstanding volunteer contributions. They were among 17 students recognized by the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.
Julie, Anna and Chris will receive their award at a ceremony for all University recipients on Wednesday, March 30.
Read about Julie, Anna and Chris' contributions
Research Activities
Prof. Nejat » University Lecture Series
Prof. Goldie Nejat was invited by the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies as a guest speaker on February 11, to present a talk on her robotics research to approximately 120 people for their University Lecture Series. The lecture series aims at inviting leading scholars, thinkers and experts to address an eclectic range of topics.
Prof. David Steinman » Visualizing Science Symposium
Date: Tuesday, February 22
Time: 2 PM
Location: McLeod Auditorium
Prof. David Steinman has been invited to give a talk at the Visualizing Science symposium taking place at UofT from Tuesday, February 22 to Wednesday, February 23.
The event is taking place at the Mcleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, and registration is free. A reception will be held on Tuesday evening in the Stone Lobby of the Medical Sciences Building for all registered attendees.
Full schedule is available online: www.scienceillustrated.ca.
Recent Advances in Fuel Cells » Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Location: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 475 Yonge St.
Organized and Sponsored by MITACS Elevate, with contributions from Ryerson University and the University of Waterloo, the first workshop on the recent advances will be held on February 22. This workshop will provide the opportunity for researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and students from academia, industry, and government to exchange their knowledge and share their experience. Prof. Olivera Kesler will be among the workshop speakers.
Learn more
Artery-on-a-Chip Workshop » Redefining pressure myography
Date: Tuesday, March 8
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre
Quorum Technologies, together with the Toronto Microfluidics Foundry, are holding a workshop where technology developed by MFL and licensed, will be showcased. Prof. Axel Guenther and graduate students will speak, in addition to special guest speakers.
Attendance is free of charge. Please reserve by contacting Dr. Bohdan Soltys bohdan@quorumtechnologies.com.
Learn more
2011 Canada Council for the Arts » Killam Research Fellowship
Monday, May 2 (optional): Editorial Review
Monday, May 9: Internal Deadline
Monday, May 16: Sponsor Deadline
Killam Research Fellowships provide two full years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. They are intended for established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding research ability, have published the results of their research in substantial publications in their field and are expected to continue contributing to the Canadian research community after they have completed their fellowship project.
These awards are valued at $70,000 per year. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources. Applicants who are retired are not eligible.
Learn more
MIE Seminar Series » Recent Algorithms for the Dial-a-Ride Problem
Distinguished speaker: Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montreal, Université de Montréal
Date: Friday, March 4
Time: 2:10 PM
Location: MC102
Reasonable Doubt: Science & The Collapse of Word Trade 7 on September 11, 2011
Speaker: Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
Date: Friday, March 4
Time: 7 PM
Location: Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2101
Admission is $12 through the UofTtix Box Office, or $15 at the door.
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Presented by Canadian Tire
Carlos Menezes (IndE 9T3), Vice-President, Distribution & Operations Planning, Canadian Tire and Dan Chan (IndE 9T0), Vice-President, Logistics, Canadian Tire
Leveraging Technology to Create a Higher Performance Supply Chain
Date: Wednesday, March 9
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online. Reception to follow at O'Grady's Tap & Grill, 171 College St.
Graduate Studies
Volunteers Needed for Iron Ring
Date: Wednesday, March 2nd and Thursday, March 3rd
Time: 2 PM to 6:30 PM (Mar. 2) and 2 to 7:30 PM (Mar. 3)
The Engineering Alumni Office is looking for volunteers for Iron Ring. Volunteers are paid $15 and are required for both days and times. Volunteers MUST have received an Iron Ring and must be a graduate student.
Please contact Megan Murphy if you would like to volunteer.
Drop Deadline
Last day to drop winter session courses without academic penalty: Friday, February 25.
Master's Tuition Bursary
Deadline: Friday, February 25.
For detailed application information click here.
PhD Qualifying Exam
Davoud Mohammad Ali Zadeh presents: Utilizing Sound Insulation Properties of Thermoplastic Foams for Industrial and Automobile Applications
Date: Tuesday, March 1
Time: 10 AM
Location: RS207
Exam committee: Prof. C.B. Park (co-supervisor); Prof. H. Naguib (co-supervisor); Prof. M. Bussmann (exam chair); and Prof. G. Hibbard.
Student Affairs
Graduate Studies » Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
The Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, is seeking a Masters or PhD candidate with solid background in the general area of robotics and controls. Knowledge in fluid mechanics will be an asset. The candidate would be working with a broad based Canadian team of scientists to design and build an automated robotic dock for recovering unmanned underwater vehicles to the deck of a slowly moving submerged submarine. Sponsored by Defence Research and Development Canada, the project involves a team of specialists in robotics, sensing, dynamics, control, fluid mechanics, and simulation from across the Canadian Maritimes, including Halifax, Nova Scotia and St. John's Newfoundland.
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Juan A. Carretero. Start date is as early as possible but no later than September 2011. Note that due to the sensitive nature of the project, candidates are required to clearly state their country of citizenship in their application material.
Job Opportunities
Faculty positions » College of Engineering at Alfaisal University
Alfaisal University is seeking applications for a full time faculty positions in Industrial Engineering at the rank of Associate Professor.
How to apply
Maple Leaf Foods » Process Modeling Analyst
A project oriented role focused on developing process simulation models (using Simul8). The manufacturing optimization group is responsible for developing manufacturing strategy and network optimization plans for the MLCF manufacturing network with over 24 plants and $1.8 Billion in cost of goods. This position is focused on developing process models and providing analytical support for our network transformation activities. It is an excellent career development opportunity for someone with a strong manufacturing/engineering background and an interest in a career in manufacturing.
Experience: Undergrad or graduate level, providing the technical abilities and coupled with business exposure.
All interested applicants please forward your resume and cover letter to colleen.o'hara@mapleleaf.com.
• Click here for Senior Analyst - DSD
• Click here for Integrated Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment Functional Analyst
• Click here for Integrated Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment Implementation Analyst
Interested applicants are requested to send their resume to supplychaincareers@loblaw.ca.
U of T community encouraged to take part in Ontario Health Study
The Ontario Health Study is inviting all Ontario residents aged 18 and older to join a research initiative that will investigate the risk factors for the most common diseases. The study is supported by several U of T departments, including the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Joint Centre for Bioethics, as well as the University Health Network, Mount Sinai and Sunnybrook hospitals.
Learn more
Brenda Fung, Graduate Program Administrator: March 1 - April 1
Eleanor Morris, Executive Assistant to the Chair: March 3 - 14
Previous Newsletter & LinksPrevious MIE newsletter
All MIE newsletters
MIE Website: www.mie.utoronto.ca
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Copyright © 2009-11 University of Toronto | Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering | Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents: Chair's Office // Awards and Recognition // Research Activities // Seminars // Graduate Studies // Student Affairs // Job Opportunities // Announcements // Vacation // Previous Newsletter & Links
Chair's Office
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, presented by Canadian Tire
On February 16, the department hosted the second event in the Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, presented by Canadian Tire. The series' second speaker was Tom Woods (IndE 7T5), Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, Risk Management, CIBC. He discussed the financial crisis of 2008.
For all upcoming events in the Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary, please visit: www.mie.utoronto.ca/IE50th.
More Photos
2011 MIE Alumni Dinner
Date: Friday, April 8
Time: 6 - 9:30 p.m. (reception & dinner)
• $80 each for alumni and guests
• $40 each for young alumni (2006 - 2010)
• This year, we honour the classes of 6T1 and 8T6. Honoured class members receive one complimentary ticket.
Location: Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle (Map)
Our keynote speaker will be Anne Sado (MIE 7T7), president of George Brown College. Click here to read more about Ms. Sado.
Faculty: please RSVP for you and a guest by contacting Shannon Osborne directly, or call 416-978-5450.
Alumni can register online at alumni.utoronto.ca/MIEAlumniDinner.
Awards & Recognition
2011 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards
Congratulations to graduating students Julie Hommik (MechE 1T0 + PEY), Anna Sheu (IndE 1T0 + PEY) and Chris Siemieniuch (MechE 1T0 + PEY) will be recognized with a Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award for their outstanding volunteer contributions. They were among 17 students recognized by the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.
Julie, Anna and Chris will receive their award at a ceremony for all University recipients on Wednesday, March 30.
Read about Julie, Anna and Chris' contributions
Research Activities
Prof. Nejat » University Lecture Series
Prof. Goldie Nejat was invited by the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies as a guest speaker on February 11, to present a talk on her robotics research to approximately 120 people for their University Lecture Series. The lecture series aims at inviting leading scholars, thinkers and experts to address an eclectic range of topics.
Prof. David Steinman » Visualizing Science Symposium
Date: Tuesday, February 22
Time: 2 PM
Location: McLeod Auditorium
Prof. David Steinman has been invited to give a talk at the Visualizing Science symposium taking place at UofT from Tuesday, February 22 to Wednesday, February 23.
The event is taking place at the Mcleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, and registration is free. A reception will be held on Tuesday evening in the Stone Lobby of the Medical Sciences Building for all registered attendees.
Full schedule is available online: www.scienceillustrated.ca.
Recent Advances in Fuel Cells » Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Location: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 475 Yonge St.
Organized and Sponsored by MITACS Elevate, with contributions from Ryerson University and the University of Waterloo, the first workshop on the recent advances will be held on February 22. This workshop will provide the opportunity for researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and students from academia, industry, and government to exchange their knowledge and share their experience. Prof. Olivera Kesler will be among the workshop speakers.
Learn more
Artery-on-a-Chip Workshop » Redefining pressure myography
Date: Tuesday, March 8
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre
Quorum Technologies, together with the Toronto Microfluidics Foundry, are holding a workshop where technology developed by MFL and licensed, will be showcased. Prof. Axel Guenther and graduate students will speak, in addition to special guest speakers.
Attendance is free of charge. Please reserve by contacting Dr. Bohdan Soltys bohdan@quorumtechnologies.com.
Learn more
2011 Canada Council for the Arts » Killam Research Fellowship
Monday, May 2 (optional): Editorial Review
Monday, May 9: Internal Deadline
Monday, May 16: Sponsor Deadline
Killam Research Fellowships provide two full years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. They are intended for established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding research ability, have published the results of their research in substantial publications in their field and are expected to continue contributing to the Canadian research community after they have completed their fellowship project.
These awards are valued at $70,000 per year. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources. Applicants who are retired are not eligible.
Learn more
MIE Seminar Series » Recent Algorithms for the Dial-a-Ride Problem
Distinguished speaker: Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montreal, Université de Montréal
Date: Friday, March 4
Time: 2:10 PM
Location: MC102
Reasonable Doubt: Science & The Collapse of Word Trade 7 on September 11, 2011
Speaker: Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
Date: Friday, March 4
Time: 7 PM
Location: Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2101
Admission is $12 through the UofTtix Box Office, or $15 at the door.
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Presented by Canadian Tire
Carlos Menezes (IndE 9T3), Vice-President, Distribution & Operations Planning, Canadian Tire and Dan Chan (IndE 9T0), Vice-President, Logistics, Canadian Tire
Leveraging Technology to Create a Higher Performance Supply Chain
Date: Wednesday, March 9
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online. Reception to follow at O'Grady's Tap & Grill, 171 College St.
Graduate Studies
Volunteers Needed for Iron Ring
Date: Wednesday, March 2nd and Thursday, March 3rd
Time: 2 PM to 6:30 PM (Mar. 2) and 2 to 7:30 PM (Mar. 3)
The Engineering Alumni Office is looking for volunteers for Iron Ring. Volunteers are paid $15 and are required for both days and times. Volunteers MUST have received an Iron Ring and must be a graduate student.
Please contact Megan Murphy if you would like to volunteer.
Drop Deadline
Last day to drop winter session courses without academic penalty: Friday, February 25.
Master's Tuition Bursary
Deadline: Friday, February 25.
For detailed application information click here.
PhD Qualifying Exam
Davoud Mohammad Ali Zadeh presents: Utilizing Sound Insulation Properties of Thermoplastic Foams for Industrial and Automobile Applications
Date: Tuesday, March 1
Time: 10 AM
Location: RS207
Exam committee: Prof. C.B. Park (co-supervisor); Prof. H. Naguib (co-supervisor); Prof. M. Bussmann (exam chair); and Prof. G. Hibbard.
Student Affairs
Graduate Studies » Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
The Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, is seeking a Masters or PhD candidate with solid background in the general area of robotics and controls. Knowledge in fluid mechanics will be an asset. The candidate would be working with a broad based Canadian team of scientists to design and build an automated robotic dock for recovering unmanned underwater vehicles to the deck of a slowly moving submerged submarine. Sponsored by Defence Research and Development Canada, the project involves a team of specialists in robotics, sensing, dynamics, control, fluid mechanics, and simulation from across the Canadian Maritimes, including Halifax, Nova Scotia and St. John's Newfoundland.
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Juan A. Carretero. Start date is as early as possible but no later than September 2011. Note that due to the sensitive nature of the project, candidates are required to clearly state their country of citizenship in their application material.
Job Opportunities
Faculty positions » College of Engineering at Alfaisal University
Alfaisal University is seeking applications for a full time faculty positions in Industrial Engineering at the rank of Associate Professor.
How to apply
Maple Leaf Foods » Process Modeling Analyst
A project oriented role focused on developing process simulation models (using Simul8). The manufacturing optimization group is responsible for developing manufacturing strategy and network optimization plans for the MLCF manufacturing network with over 24 plants and $1.8 Billion in cost of goods. This position is focused on developing process models and providing analytical support for our network transformation activities. It is an excellent career development opportunity for someone with a strong manufacturing/engineering background and an interest in a career in manufacturing.
Experience: Undergrad or graduate level, providing the technical abilities and coupled with business exposure.
All interested applicants please forward your resume and cover letter to colleen.o'hara@mapleleaf.com.
• Click here for Senior Analyst - DSD
• Click here for Integrated Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment Functional Analyst
• Click here for Integrated Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment Implementation Analyst
Interested applicants are requested to send their resume to supplychaincareers@loblaw.ca.
U of T community encouraged to take part in Ontario Health Study
The Ontario Health Study is inviting all Ontario residents aged 18 and older to join a research initiative that will investigate the risk factors for the most common diseases. The study is supported by several U of T departments, including the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Joint Centre for Bioethics, as well as the University Health Network, Mount Sinai and Sunnybrook hospitals.
Learn more
Brenda Fung, Graduate Program Administrator: March 1 - April 1
Eleanor Morris, Executive Assistant to the Chair: March 3 - 14
Previous Newsletter & LinksPrevious MIE newsletter
All MIE newsletters
MIE Website: www.mie.utoronto.ca
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Copyright © 2009-11 University of Toronto | Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering | Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, All Rights Reserved
Friday, February 18, 2011
Request for information - books authored by faculty members in the past year
As part of the Celebrating Engineering Success event on April 27, the Faculty would once again like to recognize those faculty members who have authored books published over the past year.
All faculty members, please inform chair.civil@utoronto.ca of any books that you have authored which were published from March 2010 to present. Responses must be received by March 1, 2011.
All faculty members, please inform chair.civil@utoronto.ca of any books that you have authored which were published from March 2010 to present. Responses must be received by March 1, 2011.
McMaster University: Faculty Position in Structural Engineering
Faculty Position in Structural Engineering @ McMaster University
The Department of Civil Engineering at McMaster University invites applications from outstanding candidates for a tenure-stream position in the structural engineering area. Qualified applicants from both academic and industrial sectors will be considered for this position at the assistant or the associate professor level. Applicants must have a bachelor and doctoral degree in Civil Engineering and be eligible for registration as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario. The ideal candidate would have a track record involving innovative experimental and/or high quality theoretical research. Interests in rehabilitation and retrofit of structures, seismic engineering, durability of infrastructure, and sustainable infrastructure design are of particular interest. The successful candidate is xpected to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students, and attract funding from granting agencies and other external sources to support her/his research activities.
Salary and rank are commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applicants are asked to send their curriculum vitae, a statement detailing research and teaching interests, including anticipated areas of research collaboration with existing faculty in the Department, and names of three referees to Dr. B.W. Baetz, Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main St W., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L7. Telephone (905) 525-9140 ext. 24912, Fax: (905) 525-9688 or e-mail: baetz@mcmaster.ca. Applications review will begin immediately and the appointment will ideally commence July 1, 2011. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Note: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for these positions. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.
The Department of Civil Engineering at McMaster University invites applications from outstanding candidates for a tenure-stream position in the structural engineering area. Qualified applicants from both academic and industrial sectors will be considered for this position at the assistant or the associate professor level. Applicants must have a bachelor and doctoral degree in Civil Engineering and be eligible for registration as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario. The ideal candidate would have a track record involving innovative experimental and/or high quality theoretical research. Interests in rehabilitation and retrofit of structures, seismic engineering, durability of infrastructure, and sustainable infrastructure design are of particular interest. The successful candidate is xpected to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students, and attract funding from granting agencies and other external sources to support her/his research activities.
Salary and rank are commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applicants are asked to send their curriculum vitae, a statement detailing research and teaching interests, including anticipated areas of research collaboration with existing faculty in the Department, and names of three referees to Dr. B.W. Baetz, Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main St W., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L7. Telephone (905) 525-9140 ext. 24912, Fax: (905) 525-9688 or e-mail: baetz@mcmaster.ca. Applications review will begin immediately and the appointment will ideally commence July 1, 2011. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Note: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for these positions. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.
Prof. Niels Harrit at UofT: Nano-energetics in WTC collapse - March 4, Sidney Smith 2102
Science & The Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001
The destruction of the World Trade Center in the fall of 2001 was a key pretext for the “War on Terror” that led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and to a global rise in world military expenditures
Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, will offer a critique of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing on Building 7. Widely published, he is the lead author of a 2009 article on the discovery of nano-thermite (an incendiary and explosive) in the WTC dust. Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.
Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.
Friday, March 4, 7 pm, 2011
Sidney Smith Hall 2102
University of Toronto
Admission: $12 - UofTtix Box Office
The destruction of the World Trade Center in the fall of 2001 was a key pretext for the “War on Terror” that led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and to a global rise in world military expenditures
Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, will offer a critique of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing on Building 7. Widely published, he is the lead author of a 2009 article on the discovery of nano-thermite (an incendiary and explosive) in the WTC dust. Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.
Presentation will be moderated by Richard B. Lee, FRSC, University Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.
Friday, March 4, 7 pm, 2011
Sidney Smith Hall 2102
University of Toronto
Admission: $12 - UofTtix Box Office
2011 Canada Council for the Arts - Killam Research Fellowship: Timelines and Support
2011 Canada Council for the Arts - Killam Research Fellowship: Timelines and Support
Dear Researcher,
The Canada Council for the Arts has announced a call for the 2011 Killam Research Fellowship. The Killam Research Fellowships are awarded annually, on a competitive basis, to support scholars doing research in any of the following fields: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering, or studies linking any of the disciplines within these fields.
Killam Research Fellowships provide two full years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. They are intended for established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding research ability, have published the results of their research in substantial publications in their field and are expected to continue contributing to the Canadian research community after they have completed their fellowship project.
These awards are valued at $70,000 per year. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources. Applicants who are retired are not eligible.
Critical Dates:
Optional - Monday, May 2, 2011: Editorial Review
• Research Services has editorial officer(s) who can review and provide feedback on your application
• Please indicate if you would be interested in an editorial review by April 27, 2011 by letting me know (m.folinas@utoronto.ca).
Monday, May 9, 2011: Internal Deadline
• An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services. Once signed, you can scan and e-mail your RIS form to m.folinas@utoronto.ca
• Completed draft application form (PDF) is required for Research Services to perform an Administrative Review.
Monday, May 16, 2011: Sponsor Deadline
• Applications must be submitted electronically (via the Killam website by clicking on "University approval") by May 16, 2011, which means you must “Submit” your final proposal no later than 9 am.
Support Available to You:
Information Session:
• An information session will be hosted by the Canada Council for the Arts Special Advisor, Dr. Peter Morand at the St. George Campus on Thursday, March 10, 2011, from 10:30 am to 12 noon in the Governing Council Boardroom, Simcoe Hall (2nd Floor) 27 King's College Circle.
This session will cover the Program eligibility, application requirements, historical and statistical information. If you are planning to apply to the Killam Research Fellowship this year, do not miss this opportunity!
• Please RSVP by March 8th to Jenny Korolik, jenny.korolik@utoronto.ca
**Please note that 10 minute breakout sessions will be offered for more specific questions. If interested, please ensure you indicated this when you RSVP.
Questions during the Competition Period:
• Your primary contacts at Research Services for the Killam Research Fellowship is: Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca)
• Additional Information on the Killam Research Fellowship can be found on our website or the Canada Council for the Arts website
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.
Best regards,
Mike Folinas
Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Natural Science and Engineering
Agency & Foundation Funding
Office of the Vice President, Research
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building - 3rd floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1S8
Tel. 416-978-7118 Fax. 416-971-2010
Website: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/
Dear Researcher,
The Canada Council for the Arts has announced a call for the 2011 Killam Research Fellowship. The Killam Research Fellowships are awarded annually, on a competitive basis, to support scholars doing research in any of the following fields: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering, or studies linking any of the disciplines within these fields.
Killam Research Fellowships provide two full years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. They are intended for established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding research ability, have published the results of their research in substantial publications in their field and are expected to continue contributing to the Canadian research community after they have completed their fellowship project.
These awards are valued at $70,000 per year. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources. Applicants who are retired are not eligible.
Critical Dates:
Optional - Monday, May 2, 2011: Editorial Review
• Research Services has editorial officer(s) who can review and provide feedback on your application
• Please indicate if you would be interested in an editorial review by April 27, 2011 by letting me know (m.folinas@utoronto.ca).
Monday, May 9, 2011: Internal Deadline
• An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services. Once signed, you can scan and e-mail your RIS form to m.folinas@utoronto.ca
• Completed draft application form (PDF) is required for Research Services to perform an Administrative Review.
Monday, May 16, 2011: Sponsor Deadline
• Applications must be submitted electronically (via the Killam website by clicking on "University approval") by May 16, 2011, which means you must “Submit” your final proposal no later than 9 am.
Support Available to You:
Information Session:
• An information session will be hosted by the Canada Council for the Arts Special Advisor, Dr. Peter Morand at the St. George Campus on Thursday, March 10, 2011, from 10:30 am to 12 noon in the Governing Council Boardroom, Simcoe Hall (2nd Floor) 27 King's College Circle.
This session will cover the Program eligibility, application requirements, historical and statistical information. If you are planning to apply to the Killam Research Fellowship this year, do not miss this opportunity!
• Please RSVP by March 8th to Jenny Korolik, jenny.korolik@utoronto.ca
**Please note that 10 minute breakout sessions will be offered for more specific questions. If interested, please ensure you indicated this when you RSVP.
Questions during the Competition Period:
• Your primary contacts at Research Services for the Killam Research Fellowship is: Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca)
• Additional Information on the Killam Research Fellowship can be found on our website or the Canada Council for the Arts website
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.
Best regards,
Mike Folinas
Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Natural Science and Engineering
Agency & Foundation Funding
Office of the Vice President, Research
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building - 3rd floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1S8
Tel. 416-978-7118 Fax. 416-971-2010
Website: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/
IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety: Call for Papers
Call for Papers
2011 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2011
The International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES'11) is an annual forum sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) Society. It brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss vehicle electronics, and safety systems research and practice. ICVES'11 welcomes papers dealing with any aspect of vehicle electronics and safety systems.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Active Safety Systems and Testing
* Battery Management and Vehicle System Control for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
* Telematics
* Vehicular Power Networks
* X-By Wire Technology
* System-on-a-Chip
* Vehicular Sensor
* Vehicle Bus
* Sensor Network
* Embedded Operation System
* Electro Magnetic Compatibility
* Inter-Vehicular Network
* Vehicle Testing
* Navigation and Localization Systems
* Vehicular Measurement Technology
* Vehicular Signal Processing
* Micro-electromechanical Systems
* Image Sensor
* Vehicle/Engine Control
* Driver Assistance Driving Systems
* Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
* Pattern Recognition for Vehicles
* Human Machine Interaction
* Vehicle on Board Diagnostics
* Virtual/Digital System
* Vehicle Hardware /Software Systems
* (Semi-) Autonomous Driving Systems
Regular paper submission: Complete manuscripts in PDF must be submitted electronically at the conference
Website: http://www.ieeeves.org.
Manuscripts should be at most six (6) pages in the IEEE two-column format including figures, tables, and references.
Invited paper submission: Proposals for invited sessions should be submitted to the Program Chair.
Full manuscripts should be submitted in the same manner as regular papers after the proposal has been accepted.
The proposal should include a one-page summary of the proposed session with authors' name, affiliation, title of the abstract with five (5) extended abstracts (no more than 1000 words) attached. If you have any questions, please refer to the conference website for the most up-to-date information:
Please contact us at: ieeeves2011@gmail.com.
* Proposal submission deadline for invited sessions: February 14, 2011
* Full Paper submission deadline: March 13, 2011
* Notification of acceptance: May 2, 2011
* Camera-ready copy due: May 23, 2011
General Chair Yaobin Chen, Purdue University-IUPUI, USA
General Co-Chair Glenn Widmann, Delphi Electronics and Safety,
Program Chair Lingxi Li, Purdue University-IUPUI, USA
Program Co-Chair Nigel Clarke, Jaguar & Land Rover Research, UK
Finance Chair Yanqing Gao, University of Arizona, USA
Publication Chair Guanpi Lai, University of Arizona, USA
Local Organizing Chair Hongxia Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
This email was distributed on behalf of
Yaobin Chen, Ph.D.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter Chair and Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
723 West Michigan Street, SL 160
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Email: yaobin.chen@ieee.org
All past issues of the Newsletter can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Society's web site:
2011 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2011
The International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES'11) is an annual forum sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) Society. It brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss vehicle electronics, and safety systems research and practice. ICVES'11 welcomes papers dealing with any aspect of vehicle electronics and safety systems.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Active Safety Systems and Testing
* Battery Management and Vehicle System Control for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
* Telematics
* Vehicular Power Networks
* X-By Wire Technology
* System-on-a-Chip
* Vehicular Sensor
* Vehicle Bus
* Sensor Network
* Embedded Operation System
* Electro Magnetic Compatibility
* Inter-Vehicular Network
* Vehicle Testing
* Navigation and Localization Systems
* Vehicular Measurement Technology
* Vehicular Signal Processing
* Micro-electromechanical Systems
* Image Sensor
* Vehicle/Engine Control
* Driver Assistance Driving Systems
* Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
* Pattern Recognition for Vehicles
* Human Machine Interaction
* Vehicle on Board Diagnostics
* Virtual/Digital System
* Vehicle Hardware /Software Systems
* (Semi-) Autonomous Driving Systems
Regular paper submission: Complete manuscripts in PDF must be submitted electronically at the conference
Website: http://www.ieeeves.org.
Manuscripts should be at most six (6) pages in the IEEE two-column format including figures, tables, and references.
Invited paper submission: Proposals for invited sessions should be submitted to the Program Chair.
Full manuscripts should be submitted in the same manner as regular papers after the proposal has been accepted.
The proposal should include a one-page summary of the proposed session with authors' name, affiliation, title of the abstract with five (5) extended abstracts (no more than 1000 words) attached. If you have any questions, please refer to the conference website for the most up-to-date information:
Please contact us at: ieeeves2011@gmail.com.
* Proposal submission deadline for invited sessions: February 14, 2011
* Full Paper submission deadline: March 13, 2011
* Notification of acceptance: May 2, 2011
* Camera-ready copy due: May 23, 2011
General Chair Yaobin Chen, Purdue University-IUPUI, USA
General Co-Chair Glenn Widmann, Delphi Electronics and Safety,
Program Chair Lingxi Li, Purdue University-IUPUI, USA
Program Co-Chair Nigel Clarke, Jaguar & Land Rover Research, UK
Finance Chair Yanqing Gao, University of Arizona, USA
Publication Chair Guanpi Lai, University of Arizona, USA
Local Organizing Chair Hongxia Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
This email was distributed on behalf of
Yaobin Chen, Ph.D.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter Chair and Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
723 West Michigan Street, SL 160
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Email: yaobin.chen@ieee.org
All past issues of the Newsletter can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Society's web site:
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter
January 2011
The latest issue of the Newsletter is now available for download at
In This Issue
Society News
Message from the Editor
Board of Governors Election Results
13th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference Report
14th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 2011
2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
2011 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
7th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded
Systems and Applications 2011 (MESA11)
Conference Calendar
Feature Articles
Values of ITSS Membership
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Connected Vehicle
Technology Challenge
2012 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies Call
for Nominations
IEEE Transactions on ITS Special Issue Call for Papers
Employment Opportunities
Officers and Committee Chairs
This email was distributed on behalf of
Yaobin Chen, Ph.D.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter Chair and Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
723 West Michigan Street, SL 160
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Email: yaobin.chen@ieee.org
All past issues of the Newsletter can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Society's web site:
January 2011
The latest issue of the Newsletter is now available for download at
In This Issue
Society News
Message from the Editor
Board of Governors Election Results
13th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference Report
14th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 2011
2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
2011 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety
7th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded
Systems and Applications 2011 (MESA11)
Conference Calendar
Feature Articles
Values of ITSS Membership
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Connected Vehicle
Technology Challenge
2012 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies Call
for Nominations
IEEE Transactions on ITS Special Issue Call for Papers
Employment Opportunities
Officers and Committee Chairs
This email was distributed on behalf of
Yaobin Chen, Ph.D.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter Chair and Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
723 West Michigan Street, SL 160
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Email: yaobin.chen@ieee.org
All past issues of the Newsletter can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Society's web site:
[SGS] New Procedures: Exchange Programs
To: Graduate Administrators
From: Michael Godwin, Student Services Officer
CC: School of Graduate Studies, Student Services, Centre for International Experience, Exchange Programs
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: New Procedures: Exchange Programs
The School of Graduate Studies and the Centre for International Experience (CIE) are pleased to announce new procedures to approve graduate student exchange programs.
SGS encourages graduate students to take advantage of international study opportunities during their program, with the guidance and approval of their graduate unit. The benefits of studying abroad for a semester, year or summer include: international research collaboration, conducting research abroad, gaining access to archives, networking for future degrees and projects, and completing language proficiency requirements.
To assist graduate students and graduate administrators with course pre-authorisation prior to an opportunity abroad, new procedures have been developed to determine how course credit and equivalency will transfer to the University of Toronto (procedure 4).
Please take note of the new procedures for graduate students wishing to go on an approved exchange:
1. Students are encouraged to visit the SGS Exchange Programs webpage to learn more about studying abroad opportunities.
2. Students must be approved by their home graduate unit, supervisor (if applicable), and SGS before applying for studies abroad. They must include the CIE approval sheet with their application to the Centre for International Experience.
3. Students must apply via the CIE application.
4. Students must also complete the SGS Course Pre-Authorisation for an Exchange Program Applicant form, which will be sent by the home graduate unit to the School of Graduate Studies. If the course(s) and/or language requirement are approved by the graduate unit and SGS, SGS will notify the Centre for International Experience who will process the graduate exchange application.
If you have any questions regarding the new procedures please contact your Student Services Officer.
Michael Godwin
Student Services Officer, Division I & CERES, FI, LAW, MGT, MMPA.
School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
63 St. George Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 2Z9
Phone: 416-978-6390 | Fax: 416-946-0992
Email: michael.godwin@sgs.utoronto.ca | Website: www.sgs.utoronto.ca
To: Graduate Administrators
From: Michael Godwin, Student Services Officer
CC: School of Graduate Studies, Student Services, Centre for International Experience, Exchange Programs
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: New Procedures: Exchange Programs
The School of Graduate Studies and the Centre for International Experience (CIE) are pleased to announce new procedures to approve graduate student exchange programs.
SGS encourages graduate students to take advantage of international study opportunities during their program, with the guidance and approval of their graduate unit. The benefits of studying abroad for a semester, year or summer include: international research collaboration, conducting research abroad, gaining access to archives, networking for future degrees and projects, and completing language proficiency requirements.
To assist graduate students and graduate administrators with course pre-authorisation prior to an opportunity abroad, new procedures have been developed to determine how course credit and equivalency will transfer to the University of Toronto (procedure 4).
Please take note of the new procedures for graduate students wishing to go on an approved exchange:
1. Students are encouraged to visit the SGS Exchange Programs webpage to learn more about studying abroad opportunities.
2. Students must be approved by their home graduate unit, supervisor (if applicable), and SGS before applying for studies abroad. They must include the CIE approval sheet with their application to the Centre for International Experience.
3. Students must apply via the CIE application.
4. Students must also complete the SGS Course Pre-Authorisation for an Exchange Program Applicant form, which will be sent by the home graduate unit to the School of Graduate Studies. If the course(s) and/or language requirement are approved by the graduate unit and SGS, SGS will notify the Centre for International Experience who will process the graduate exchange application.
If you have any questions regarding the new procedures please contact your Student Services Officer.
Michael Godwin
Student Services Officer, Division I & CERES, FI, LAW, MGT, MMPA.
School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
63 St. George Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 2Z9
Phone: 416-978-6390 | Fax: 416-946-0992
Email: michael.godwin@sgs.utoronto.ca | Website: www.sgs.utoronto.ca
[PDADC-L] Pension Plan FAQ Link
HR #19, 2010-11
PDAD&C #56, 2010-11
From: Angela Hildyard
Vice-President Human Resources & Equity
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: Pension Plan FAQ
The document 'Frequently Asked Questions about the Sustainability of the University of Toronto Pension Plan.' is available on-line at http://www.finance.utoronto.ca/Page13.aspx.
PDAD&C #56, 2010-11
From: Angela Hildyard
Vice-President Human Resources & Equity
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: Pension Plan FAQ
The document 'Frequently Asked Questions about the Sustainability of the University of Toronto Pension Plan.' is available on-line at http://www.finance.utoronto.ca/Page13.aspx.
[PDADC-L] Provostial Advisory Group on Academic Planning - Membership
PDAD&C#55, 2010-11
To: Governing Council
Professional & Managerial Staff
Confidential Staff
President of UTFA
Presidents of Employee Unions
Presidents of APUS, GSU, SCSU, UTMSU and UTSU
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: Provostial Advisory Group on Academic Planning - Membership
As I indicated in my memo of November 26 2010, a Provostial Advisory Group on Academic Planning is being established. This Committee will examine models of academic planning, and in consultation with members of the University of Toronto community, discuss best practices for planning at the unit and divisional level. The Committee will give advice to the Office of the Provost, which will develop guidelines for academic planning and make them part of the Administrative Manual which provides detailed procedures, best practices, and standardized templates for reviews and for assuring that our programs are of high quality. These guidelines will be consistent with the principles embedded in the University of Toronto: Academic Planning in the context of Towards 2030 and with the Quality Assurance Framework requirements. They will allow for flexibility and variation across and within divisions in order to best develop and reflect local as well as institutional goals and resources.
I am pleased to report that the University of Toronto community responded enthusiastically to my request for nominations to the Advisory Group. From these nominations, a highly qualified and broadly representative group has been established. Given the number of nominations received, we have expanded the Committee from its initially suggested size.
Members of the Provostial Advisory Group on Academic are as follows:
Professor Edith Hillan, Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life Professor Cheryl Regehr, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Ms. Michelle St. Amour, Graduate Student, Faculty of Arts and Science Mr. Adam Awad, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Marion Bogo, Faculty of Social Work Professor Rebecca Comay, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Kenneth Corts, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management Ms. Catherine Gagne, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Ms. Samantha Green, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Law Mr. Duncan Hill, University of Toronto Mississauga Ms. Kate Holland, Faculty of Arts and Science Ms. Sheril Hook, University of Toronto Mississauga Libraries Professor Ira Jacobs, Faculty of Physical Education and Health Ms. Cynthia Messenger, Innis College, Faculty of Arts & Science Professor Amy Mullin, University of Toronto Mississauga Mr. Anton Neschadim, Graduate Student, Faculty of Medicine Professor Ato Quayson, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Paul Santerre, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor John Scherk, University of Toronto at Scarborough Professor Sarita Verma, Faculty of Medicine
To: Governing Council
Professional & Managerial Staff
Confidential Staff
President of UTFA
Presidents of Employee Unions
Presidents of APUS, GSU, SCSU, UTMSU and UTSU
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: Provostial Advisory Group on Academic Planning - Membership
As I indicated in my memo of November 26 2010, a Provostial Advisory Group on Academic Planning is being established. This Committee will examine models of academic planning, and in consultation with members of the University of Toronto community, discuss best practices for planning at the unit and divisional level. The Committee will give advice to the Office of the Provost, which will develop guidelines for academic planning and make them part of the Administrative Manual which provides detailed procedures, best practices, and standardized templates for reviews and for assuring that our programs are of high quality. These guidelines will be consistent with the principles embedded in the University of Toronto: Academic Planning in the context of Towards 2030 and with the Quality Assurance Framework requirements. They will allow for flexibility and variation across and within divisions in order to best develop and reflect local as well as institutional goals and resources.
I am pleased to report that the University of Toronto community responded enthusiastically to my request for nominations to the Advisory Group. From these nominations, a highly qualified and broadly representative group has been established. Given the number of nominations received, we have expanded the Committee from its initially suggested size.
Members of the Provostial Advisory Group on Academic are as follows:
Professor Edith Hillan, Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life Professor Cheryl Regehr, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Ms. Michelle St. Amour, Graduate Student, Faculty of Arts and Science Mr. Adam Awad, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Marion Bogo, Faculty of Social Work Professor Rebecca Comay, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Kenneth Corts, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management Ms. Catherine Gagne, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Ms. Samantha Green, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Law Mr. Duncan Hill, University of Toronto Mississauga Ms. Kate Holland, Faculty of Arts and Science Ms. Sheril Hook, University of Toronto Mississauga Libraries Professor Ira Jacobs, Faculty of Physical Education and Health Ms. Cynthia Messenger, Innis College, Faculty of Arts & Science Professor Amy Mullin, University of Toronto Mississauga Mr. Anton Neschadim, Graduate Student, Faculty of Medicine Professor Ato Quayson, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor Paul Santerre, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor John Scherk, University of Toronto at Scarborough Professor Sarita Verma, Faculty of Medicine
[PDADC-L] Appointment of Mr. Larry Alford as Chief Librarian
PDAD&C#54, 2010-11
To: Librarians and Staff, University of Toronto Libraries
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 15, 2011
Re: Appointment of Mr. Larry Alford as Chief Librarian
I am extremely pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Mr. Larry P. Alford as Chief Librarian effective no later than August 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2018.
Larry Alford is internationally recognized as a leader in library science, first at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and then at Temple University, where he has been Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian since 2005 and Dean of University Libraries since 2007. In this position, he was responsible for a library system that includes the five libraries of the Paley library system, the Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, and the Podiatric Medicine Library and also for the Temple University Press which publishes approximately 60 scholarly monographs per year.
His engagement in numerous library operations, including the development of print and electronic collections, library services, and the renovation and building of libraries, has resulted in a superb vision for research libraries in the 21st Century. He has a lengthy and successful record of leadership in cooperative activities among libraries, first in North Carolina and then nationally and globally, culminating in his chairing for the last four years the Board of Trustees of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a global library cooperative that serves 72,000 libraries. He is passionate about libraries as partners in research and learning and over the last six years he has been leading a transformation of the libraries at Temple.
Mr. Alford, who holds a B.A. and M.L.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been a member of the American Library Association (ALA) and has served as chair of the ALA Directors of Large Research Libraries Discussion Group. From 2004 -2006 he served as chair of the Collection Management and Development Section of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services and from 2005-2009 as an elected member of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Steering Committee. He is a member of the Association of Research Libraries Special Collections Working Group and the ARL Committee on Statistics.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Alford to the University of Toronto.
To: Librarians and Staff, University of Toronto Libraries
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 15, 2011
Re: Appointment of Mr. Larry Alford as Chief Librarian
I am extremely pleased to announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Mr. Larry P. Alford as Chief Librarian effective no later than August 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2018.
Larry Alford is internationally recognized as a leader in library science, first at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and then at Temple University, where he has been Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian since 2005 and Dean of University Libraries since 2007. In this position, he was responsible for a library system that includes the five libraries of the Paley library system, the Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, and the Podiatric Medicine Library and also for the Temple University Press which publishes approximately 60 scholarly monographs per year.
His engagement in numerous library operations, including the development of print and electronic collections, library services, and the renovation and building of libraries, has resulted in a superb vision for research libraries in the 21st Century. He has a lengthy and successful record of leadership in cooperative activities among libraries, first in North Carolina and then nationally and globally, culminating in his chairing for the last four years the Board of Trustees of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a global library cooperative that serves 72,000 libraries. He is passionate about libraries as partners in research and learning and over the last six years he has been leading a transformation of the libraries at Temple.
Mr. Alford, who holds a B.A. and M.L.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been a member of the American Library Association (ALA) and has served as chair of the ALA Directors of Large Research Libraries Discussion Group. From 2004 -2006 he served as chair of the Collection Management and Development Section of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services and from 2005-2009 as an elected member of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Steering Committee. He is a member of the Association of Research Libraries Special Collections Working Group and the ARL Committee on Statistics.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Alford to the University of Toronto.
[PDADC-L] Re-appointment of Prof. Roger Martin as Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
PDAD&C #53, 2010-11
To: Faculty, Staff and Students, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 14, 2011
Re: Re-appointment of Prof. Roger Martin as Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
It is with great pleasure that I announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the re-appointment of Professor Roger Martin as Dean of the Rotman School of Management effective May 1, 2011 and ending on June 30, 2014.
Professor Martin has served as Dean of the Rotman School of Management for two very successful terms and is currently leading the Rotman School through a major building and expansion project. In accordance with the University's policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators, the President of the University of Toronto allowed for the possibility of a renewal for a third term "where very unusual circumstances exist which, in the judgement of the President, make such renewal desirable." After an extensive external review and input from faculty, staff and students of the Rotman School, as well as from the broader University of Toronto community and beyond, the Advisory Committee to the Provost was strongly supportive of re-appointing Professor Martin for a third term.
Professor Martin writes extensively, having contributed over 200 newspaper/magazine articles since becoming Dean as well as ten Harvard Business Review articles, and will be publishing his sixth book, Fixing the Game, in May 2010.
In 2010, he was named by Business Week as one of the 27 most influential designers in the world. In 2009, he was named by The Times and Forbes.com one of the 50 top management thinkers in the world (#32). In 2007 he was named a Business Week 'B-School All-Star' for being one of the 10 most influential business professors in the world. Business Week also named him one of seven 'Innovation Gurus' in 2005.
Please join me in congratulating Dean Martin on his re-appointment.
To: Faculty, Staff and Students, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: February 14, 2011
Re: Re-appointment of Prof. Roger Martin as Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
It is with great pleasure that I announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the re-appointment of Professor Roger Martin as Dean of the Rotman School of Management effective May 1, 2011 and ending on June 30, 2014.
Professor Martin has served as Dean of the Rotman School of Management for two very successful terms and is currently leading the Rotman School through a major building and expansion project. In accordance with the University's policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators, the President of the University of Toronto allowed for the possibility of a renewal for a third term "where very unusual circumstances exist which, in the judgement of the President, make such renewal desirable." After an extensive external review and input from faculty, staff and students of the Rotman School, as well as from the broader University of Toronto community and beyond, the Advisory Committee to the Provost was strongly supportive of re-appointing Professor Martin for a third term.
Professor Martin writes extensively, having contributed over 200 newspaper/magazine articles since becoming Dean as well as ten Harvard Business Review articles, and will be publishing his sixth book, Fixing the Game, in May 2010.
In 2010, he was named by Business Week as one of the 27 most influential designers in the world. In 2009, he was named by The Times and Forbes.com one of the 50 top management thinkers in the world (#32). In 2007 he was named a Business Week 'B-School All-Star' for being one of the 10 most influential business professors in the world. Business Week also named him one of seven 'Innovation Gurus' in 2005.
Please join me in congratulating Dean Martin on his re-appointment.
[PDADC-L] Appointment of Professor Amy Mullin as Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga
PDAD&C#52, 2010-11
To: Faculty, Staff and Students, University of Toronto, Mississauga
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Deep Saini, Vice-President and Principal, UTM
Date: February 11, 2011
Re: Appointment of Professor Amy Mullin as Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Amy Mullin as Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga effective March 14, 2011 and ending June 30, 2016.
Professor Mullin has been serving as Interim Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga, since July 1, 2010.
She holds an AB, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard College and a PhD from Yale University and has been a faculty member at U of T Mississauga since 1990. She is an outstanding scholar and author, whose research ranges from feminist philosophy (philosophy of care, conceptions of the self) and aesthetics (art, imagination and morality) to topics in the history of philosophy. Her scholarly publications include Reconceiving Pregnancy and Childcare: Ethics, Experience and Reproductive Labor (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
An experienced administrator, Mullin has held a number of leadership positions in national and international scholarly organizations and at the University of Toronto including chair of UTM's Philosophy Department and acting graduate chair of U of T's Philosophy Department. Her deep commitment to teaching has extended beyond the borders of the academy to include development of philosophy curriculum and teaching materials in Canadian secondary schools.
Please join us in congratulating Professor Mullin on her appointment.
To: Faculty, Staff and Students, University of Toronto, Mississauga
From: Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Deep Saini, Vice-President and Principal, UTM
Date: February 11, 2011
Re: Appointment of Professor Amy Mullin as Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Agenda Committee of the Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Amy Mullin as Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga effective March 14, 2011 and ending June 30, 2016.
Professor Mullin has been serving as Interim Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga, since July 1, 2010.
She holds an AB, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard College and a PhD from Yale University and has been a faculty member at U of T Mississauga since 1990. She is an outstanding scholar and author, whose research ranges from feminist philosophy (philosophy of care, conceptions of the self) and aesthetics (art, imagination and morality) to topics in the history of philosophy. Her scholarly publications include Reconceiving Pregnancy and Childcare: Ethics, Experience and Reproductive Labor (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
An experienced administrator, Mullin has held a number of leadership positions in national and international scholarly organizations and at the University of Toronto including chair of UTM's Philosophy Department and acting graduate chair of U of T's Philosophy Department. Her deep commitment to teaching has extended beyond the borders of the academy to include development of philosophy curriculum and teaching materials in Canadian secondary schools.
Please join us in congratulating Professor Mullin on her appointment.
Engineering Faculty's Annual Report 2010: Performance Indicators
Dear Colleagues
It is my pleasure to announce that the Engineering Faculty’s Annual Report 2010: Performance Indicators is now available online at http://www.engineering.utoronto.ca/Page1670.aspx. Here you will find our revitalized metrics and benchmarks that help us assess our progress.
Our successes of the past year are due to your tremendous leadership and commitment to our Faculty. Thank you for your part in ensuring our Faculty flourishes.
Cristina Amon
It is my pleasure to announce that the Engineering Faculty’s Annual Report 2010: Performance Indicators is now available online at http://www.engineering.utoronto.ca/Page1670.aspx. Here you will find our revitalized metrics and benchmarks that help us assess our progress.
Our successes of the past year are due to your tremendous leadership and commitment to our Faculty. Thank you for your part in ensuring our Faculty flourishes.
Cristina Amon
Engineering Newsletter Vol. 04 // No. 6
A Message from Dean Cristina Amon
I am pleased to share the 2010 Annual Report, which builds upon last year's inaugural report, and presents the Faculty's historical data to assess our progress. We also highlight last year's initiatives, and include new chapters on Advancement and Communications, and a combined Financial and Physical Resources chapter.
Last year, we critically reflected on the inaugural report's data through our comprehensive Self-Study and External Review. This year's report will also serve as an important resource as we complete and implement our Academic Plan to guide us over the next five to seven years.
We have much to celebrate: two new Foreign Associates of the National Academy of Engineering; seventeen Engineering students will receive Cressy Awards for outstanding leadership; ten scholars received Connaught Innovation Awards, with three more researchers invited to vie for the Connaught Global Challenge Fund; and the Faculty has developed a Robotics and Mechatronics Minor and a PhD concentration in Clinical Engineering. A great turn-out at last week's Dean's Student Town Hall, provided direct input on ways we can continue this positive trajectory and improve student experience.
As we continue to strengthen our Faculty, I invite you to provide input. Your efforts ensure our vibrant community of students, faculty, alumni and staff flourishes as Canada's premier Engineering school with a proud tradition of pre-eminence in engineering education, innovation and research.
Spotlight On – Annual Report 2010: Performance Indicators
To read the full report, please download the PDF: Annual Report 2010. (http://www.engineering.utoronto.ca/Page1670.aspx)
What's New
Opening the Floor for Discussion at Dean's Student Town Hall
Dean Cristina Amon, EngSoc and students deliberated on ways to strengthen U of T Engineering experience
IBBME PhD with Clinical Engineering to be Considered
Concentration will meet the increasing demand for clinical engineers as leaders in research and innovation
Engineering Minor in Robotics and Mechatronics Proposed
On March 8, Faculty Council will consider the establishment of new minor; IRM leads the way
New U of T Workload Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Librarians
Principles governing the establishment of assignments for faculty and librarians outlined
Engineering Students Develop a Global Perspective through Cyber-Mentoring
EngSci students such as Marina Freire-Gormaly (1T0 + PEY) are connecting with students from Asian University for Women
Leaders of Tomorrow Event Encourages Students to Step Up and Speak Out
On January 25, LOT distinguished guests James Orbinski, Dave Meslin and Natalia Lizon shared their experiences for turning ideas into effective, global action
Honours and Awards
ECE Student Takes NSERC André Hamer Postgraduate Prize
Audrey C. Kertesz (ElecE, MASc 1T2) receives award for planned control-theory research on photovoltaic arrays
Two U of T Engineers Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Alumnus Prabha Kundur (ElecE MASc 6T5, PhD 6T7) and ECE Professor Jonathan Rose named Foreign Associates of NAE
Connaught Fund Announces Innovation and Summer Institute Awards
Engineering Faculty nearly sweeps renewed awards program
Engineering Students Receive Cressy Awards for Outstanding Leadership
Seventeen undergraduates from across the Faculty receive 2011 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards
Celebrating Engineering Success 2011
SAVE THE DATE: April 27, 2011
Faculty and staff are invited to join us for the 4th annual Celebrating Engineering Success Reception on Wednesday, April 27, to mark another outstanding year for Engineering in terms of honours, awards and major research grants. We will also honour the recipients of our staff and faculty teaching awards.
Time: 4 to 6 p.m. | Michael E. Charles Council Chamber (GB202)
RSVP by Wednesday, April 20 to Carolyn Farrell
Phone: 416-978-8666 / Email: carolyn.farrell@utoronto.ca
Grand Challenges Canada – Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health
Deadline: March 7, 2011
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grant Opportunity: Tuberculosis Biomarkers
Deadline: March 31, 2011
2011 NSERC Strategic Project Grants Program: Timelines and Support
Internal deadline: April 4, 2011
2011 Canada Council for the Arts – Killam Research Fellowship
Internal deadline: May 9, 2011
ChemE Senior Lecturer Elected to U of T Academic Board
On February 14, U of T announced that Dr. Graeme Norval, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator, will serve on the Academic Board from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014
Items to be Considered at Faculty Council Meeting
An overview of major items going forward on March 8
Mark your calendars! The 2011 Faculty Council meetings will take place from 12:10 to 2 p.m. in the Michael E. Charles Council Chamber. The upcoming meeting dates are:
•Tuesday, March 8, 2011
•Thursday, April 28, 2011
Engineering Events
February 18 - MIE: Distinguished Speaker Andrew de Mello, Imperial College London
February 21–25 - Engineering Science Reading Week Mentorship Program 2011
February 25 - Faculty Day 2011: Reconnecting
February 26 - National Engineering Month begins: "Design the Future"
February 26 - Saturday Science & Engineering Academy
February 28 - ECE: Distinguished Speaker Supratik Guha, Director, Physical Sciences, IBM
March 2 - ChemE: Distinguished Speaker Kevin Healy, University of California, Berkeley
March 3 - ECE: Distinguished Speakers Stephen Forrest and William Gould, U of Michigan
March 4 - National Engineering Month: Rube Goldberg event at U of T Engineering, CN Tower
March 5 - National Engineering Month: Girl Guide Engineering Badge Day
March 5 - National Engineering Month: Hi-Skule Annual Designapolooza
March 8 - Faculty Council Meeting
March 12 - March Break Applicant Event
More Engineering events
To submit events, please contact: elizabeth.raymer@utoronto.ca
In the News
Study Shows Benefits of Electrical Stimulation Therapy for People Paralyzed by Spinal-Cord Injury
Professor Milos R. Popovic (IBBME) develops new treatment approach using tiny bursts of electricity to reawaken paralyzed muscles "significantly"
Managing Disability in the Digital Age
Eric Wan (CompE 1T0) develops research in computer-based technology that enables disabled children to communicate and engage electronically
InVisage Secures C Venture Funding
Professor Ted Sargent's (ECE) QuantumFilm technology could be in smartphones and camera phones next year
Suburbs Found to be Bigger Greenhouse Gas Emitters
Study led by Professor Chris Kennedy (CivE) showed that suburbs emitted more gas than inner city
Dean Addresses University of Texas – Arlington College on Heat Transport
Dean Cristina Amon (MIE) participates in Engineering Distinguished Speaker series
New iPhone App Could Help NHL All-Star Game
Professor Jonathan Rose (ECE) helps develop TeamChooser to select players for a balanced team
Facebook-like Traffic Site Launched
Professor Baher Abdulhai (CivE) helps people share information about city traffic through development of On-Line Network-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems
'Talking Photos' Tell Success Story
Kamal Shah (MechE 8T9, MASc 9T2) runs Fotobabble in Silicon Valley
More Engineering In the News
Newsletter Archives
Did you miss a past issue of The Engineering Newsletter? Revisit past articles and catch up on Faculty news on the Engineering homepage.
The Engineering Newsletter is a monthly summary of key headlines, events and opportunities for faculty and staff in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please contact: liz.do@utoronto.ca.
Follow us on Twitter and watch us on Vimeo.
I am pleased to share the 2010 Annual Report, which builds upon last year's inaugural report, and presents the Faculty's historical data to assess our progress. We also highlight last year's initiatives, and include new chapters on Advancement and Communications, and a combined Financial and Physical Resources chapter.
Last year, we critically reflected on the inaugural report's data through our comprehensive Self-Study and External Review. This year's report will also serve as an important resource as we complete and implement our Academic Plan to guide us over the next five to seven years.
We have much to celebrate: two new Foreign Associates of the National Academy of Engineering; seventeen Engineering students will receive Cressy Awards for outstanding leadership; ten scholars received Connaught Innovation Awards, with three more researchers invited to vie for the Connaught Global Challenge Fund; and the Faculty has developed a Robotics and Mechatronics Minor and a PhD concentration in Clinical Engineering. A great turn-out at last week's Dean's Student Town Hall, provided direct input on ways we can continue this positive trajectory and improve student experience.
As we continue to strengthen our Faculty, I invite you to provide input. Your efforts ensure our vibrant community of students, faculty, alumni and staff flourishes as Canada's premier Engineering school with a proud tradition of pre-eminence in engineering education, innovation and research.
Spotlight On – Annual Report 2010: Performance Indicators
To read the full report, please download the PDF: Annual Report 2010. (http://www.engineering.utoronto.ca/Page1670.aspx)
What's New
Opening the Floor for Discussion at Dean's Student Town Hall
Dean Cristina Amon, EngSoc and students deliberated on ways to strengthen U of T Engineering experience
IBBME PhD with Clinical Engineering to be Considered
Concentration will meet the increasing demand for clinical engineers as leaders in research and innovation
Engineering Minor in Robotics and Mechatronics Proposed
On March 8, Faculty Council will consider the establishment of new minor; IRM leads the way
New U of T Workload Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Librarians
Principles governing the establishment of assignments for faculty and librarians outlined
Engineering Students Develop a Global Perspective through Cyber-Mentoring
EngSci students such as Marina Freire-Gormaly (1T0 + PEY) are connecting with students from Asian University for Women
Leaders of Tomorrow Event Encourages Students to Step Up and Speak Out
On January 25, LOT distinguished guests James Orbinski, Dave Meslin and Natalia Lizon shared their experiences for turning ideas into effective, global action
Honours and Awards
ECE Student Takes NSERC André Hamer Postgraduate Prize
Audrey C. Kertesz (ElecE, MASc 1T2) receives award for planned control-theory research on photovoltaic arrays
Two U of T Engineers Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Alumnus Prabha Kundur (ElecE MASc 6T5, PhD 6T7) and ECE Professor Jonathan Rose named Foreign Associates of NAE
Connaught Fund Announces Innovation and Summer Institute Awards
Engineering Faculty nearly sweeps renewed awards program
Engineering Students Receive Cressy Awards for Outstanding Leadership
Seventeen undergraduates from across the Faculty receive 2011 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards
Celebrating Engineering Success 2011
SAVE THE DATE: April 27, 2011
Faculty and staff are invited to join us for the 4th annual Celebrating Engineering Success Reception on Wednesday, April 27, to mark another outstanding year for Engineering in terms of honours, awards and major research grants. We will also honour the recipients of our staff and faculty teaching awards.
Time: 4 to 6 p.m. | Michael E. Charles Council Chamber (GB202)
RSVP by Wednesday, April 20 to Carolyn Farrell
Phone: 416-978-8666 / Email: carolyn.farrell@utoronto.ca
Grand Challenges Canada – Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health
Deadline: March 7, 2011
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grant Opportunity: Tuberculosis Biomarkers
Deadline: March 31, 2011
2011 NSERC Strategic Project Grants Program: Timelines and Support
Internal deadline: April 4, 2011
2011 Canada Council for the Arts – Killam Research Fellowship
Internal deadline: May 9, 2011
ChemE Senior Lecturer Elected to U of T Academic Board
On February 14, U of T announced that Dr. Graeme Norval, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator, will serve on the Academic Board from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014
Items to be Considered at Faculty Council Meeting
An overview of major items going forward on March 8
Mark your calendars! The 2011 Faculty Council meetings will take place from 12:10 to 2 p.m. in the Michael E. Charles Council Chamber. The upcoming meeting dates are:
•Tuesday, March 8, 2011
•Thursday, April 28, 2011
Engineering Events
February 18 - MIE: Distinguished Speaker Andrew de Mello, Imperial College London
February 21–25 - Engineering Science Reading Week Mentorship Program 2011
February 25 - Faculty Day 2011: Reconnecting
February 26 - National Engineering Month begins: "Design the Future"
February 26 - Saturday Science & Engineering Academy
February 28 - ECE: Distinguished Speaker Supratik Guha, Director, Physical Sciences, IBM
March 2 - ChemE: Distinguished Speaker Kevin Healy, University of California, Berkeley
March 3 - ECE: Distinguished Speakers Stephen Forrest and William Gould, U of Michigan
March 4 - National Engineering Month: Rube Goldberg event at U of T Engineering, CN Tower
March 5 - National Engineering Month: Girl Guide Engineering Badge Day
March 5 - National Engineering Month: Hi-Skule Annual Designapolooza
March 8 - Faculty Council Meeting
March 12 - March Break Applicant Event
More Engineering events
To submit events, please contact: elizabeth.raymer@utoronto.ca
In the News
Study Shows Benefits of Electrical Stimulation Therapy for People Paralyzed by Spinal-Cord Injury
Professor Milos R. Popovic (IBBME) develops new treatment approach using tiny bursts of electricity to reawaken paralyzed muscles "significantly"
Managing Disability in the Digital Age
Eric Wan (CompE 1T0) develops research in computer-based technology that enables disabled children to communicate and engage electronically
InVisage Secures C Venture Funding
Professor Ted Sargent's (ECE) QuantumFilm technology could be in smartphones and camera phones next year
Suburbs Found to be Bigger Greenhouse Gas Emitters
Study led by Professor Chris Kennedy (CivE) showed that suburbs emitted more gas than inner city
Dean Addresses University of Texas – Arlington College on Heat Transport
Dean Cristina Amon (MIE) participates in Engineering Distinguished Speaker series
New iPhone App Could Help NHL All-Star Game
Professor Jonathan Rose (ECE) helps develop TeamChooser to select players for a balanced team
Facebook-like Traffic Site Launched
Professor Baher Abdulhai (CivE) helps people share information about city traffic through development of On-Line Network-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems
'Talking Photos' Tell Success Story
Kamal Shah (MechE 8T9, MASc 9T2) runs Fotobabble in Silicon Valley
More Engineering In the News
Newsletter Archives
Did you miss a past issue of The Engineering Newsletter? Revisit past articles and catch up on Faculty news on the Engineering homepage.
The Engineering Newsletter is a monthly summary of key headlines, events and opportunities for faculty and staff in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please contact: liz.do@utoronto.ca.
Follow us on Twitter and watch us on Vimeo.
MIE Newsletter Vol. 02 // No. 30
February 14, 2011 Vol. 02 // No. 30
Table of Contents: Chair's Office // Awards and Recognition // Research Activities // Seminars // Graduate Studies // Student Affairs // Job Opportunities // Vacation // Previous Newsletter & Links
Chair's Office
New Service Centre Opens!
A committee designed the layout in the winter term of 2010. Prof. James K. Mills and Prof. Andrew K.S. Jardine, kindly moved their labs to make the space available. The renovation began in September 2010, and was completed by the end of January 2011. Following the successful completion of the project, staff moved into the new space the week of February 7.
Facilities coordinator and building officer, Joe Baptista, was instrumental in the development and success of the project. His contribution and devotion is very much appreciated! Thank you Joe!
Only a few final touches remain in completing the space. MIE will host an Open House in March, to celebrate the opening of the centre.
The new centre consists of:
• Reception: MC106A
• Purchasing: MC106
• Communications/Special Projects: MC106B
• Facilities Coordinator and Building Officer: MC107
• Graduate Office: MC108
• Undergraduate Office: MC109
• Liaison - External Relations:110
• Photocopy room:111
More Photos
University Closure » Family Day
The University and the department will be closed for Family Day (Monday, February 21). The University and department will re-open on Tuesday.
The machine shop will close early on Friday, February 18 at 2 p.m. and department offices will close at 3 p.m.
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Presented by Canadian Tire
Tom Woods (IndE 7T5), Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, CIBC
Financial Crisis of 2008
Date: Wednesday, February 16
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online. Wine & cheese reception to follow in GB202.
2011 MIE Research Symposium » Call for Registration and Abstract Submission
Event date: Friday, May 13
Keynote speaker: Prof. J. George Shantikumar, Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management at Purdue University.
Deadline for abstracts (oral and poster presentation): Tuesday, March 1
This event is free, but registration is required to attend. To register and/or submit an abstract please click here. You can also contact symposium@mie.utoronto.ca.
Lean more about the event or visit: www.mie.utoronto.ca/research/symposium
Faculty Day 2011: Reconnecting
Date: Friday, February 25, 2011
Time: 8:30 AM to 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre, 40 St. George St.
Enjoy a hot breakfast and lunch while networking with colleagues; attend a keynote address on mastering influential communication; gain insight from department chairs, top researchers, and senior University administrators; learn more about your Faculty, your University, and each other.
There will be gift bags for everyone and a chance to win an iPad! Register online by Friday, February 18: www.facultyday.engineering.utoronto.ca
Happy Valentine's Day! » Engineers Without Borders Fair Trade Rose Sale
EWB-UT is holding a fair trade rose sale today. Support EWB-UT!
Time: 9 AM - 4 PM
Location: Sandford Fleming Atrium
Cost: red roses (50cm long stem)
• Single - $5
• Half-Dozen - $28
• Dozen - $55
Each order will be individually wrapped with accompanying greenery and a small card about Fair Trade roses.
Awards & Recognition
MechE 1T1 students win at 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition
Azhar A., Wajahat S., Farrukh G., and Waqass B. at the 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition.
Congratulations to MechE 1T1 students Waqass Bhatti, Wajahat Sohail, Farrukh Ghouri and Azhar Ali Ahmed who received Third Place, in the category of Innovative Design, at the 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition, held February 4 - 6, at the University of Western Ontario. The students won for their project entitled Gemini Solar Tracker. The students previously took first place at the UTEK Engineering Kompetition in January.
The design is based on their thesis project, supervised by Prof. William L. Cleghorn and Prof. James K. Mills, and being completed through the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, Connections Program.
The University of Toronto is sincerely grateful to Mr. Thomas F. Gehring, PEng, Gemini Group International Limited, for his exceptional support of sponsoring dozens of student projects in OCE Connections Program for more than 20 years.
Alumnus Paul Eisen (IndE 8T6) and ECE professor develop new TeamChooser iPhone application
The TeamChooser application, developed by Prof. Jonathan Rose (ECE) and Industrial Engineering alumnus, now Toronto-based software designer, Paul Eisen (IndE 8T6), is designed to produce teams that are evenly matched. The user enters each player's name plus the numerical effectiveness of their ability, and the application calculates fair teams.
Read more
Alumnus Shumin Zhai (PhD IndE 9T5) » Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery
Alumnus Shumin Zhai (PhD IndE 9T5), formerly supervised by Prof. Paul Milgram, became a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and was elected to the CHI Academy (part of ACM). Both are prestigious recognitions within computer science.
Mr. Zhai is also editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
MIE thanks Frank and Barbara Milligan
The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering recently hosted a reception with Mr. Frank Milligan (MechE 4T8) and Barbara Milligan, whose donation funds 10 graduate fellowships in MIE and 10 graduate fellowships for the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME).
The 2010 recipients presented their research topics to the Milligan's, thanking them for their support and generosity.
More photos
Research Activities
NSERC Funded Research
Prof. Shaker A. Meguid has been awarded an NSERC Engage Grant of $25,000, for the project entitled strategies to ensure the homogeneous dispersion of nanofillers in aircraft adhesives.
Centre for Sustainable Energy Showcase
NEW Date: Thursday, April 14
Time: 1 - 6 PM
Location: McLeod Auditorium (Room 2158), 1 King's College Circle
The Centre for Sustainable Energy's showcase will include invited keynote speakers from industry, a panel discussion, and a poster session and reception. All are invited to participate. Those who would like to present a poster at the reception should email a brief abstract of less than 100 words to the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Conference Attendance
Prof. Shaker A. Meguid, Paul Galantai and Chris Boyle of the Mechanics and Aerospace Design Lab will participate in the Aerospace Technology Conference organized by Defence Science & Technology Agency, Singapore, from February 21 to February 25. They will also give progress presentations on current research contracts to Defence Science Organisation National Laboratories.
Recent Advances in Fuel Cells » Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Location: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 475 Yonge St.
Organized and Sponsored by MITACS Elevate, with contributions from Ryerson University and the University of Waterloo, the first workshop on the recent advances will be held on February 22. This workshop will provide the opportunity for researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and students from academia, industry, and government to exchange their knowledge and share their experience. Prof. Olivera Kesler will be among the workshop speakers.
Learn more
Professional Grant Development Workshop
Master the techniques of writing superior and winning proposals.
Course: Proposal Writing I
Dates: Wednesday, February 23 to Friday, February 25
Location: Ryerson University
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center
Workshop fee: $595.00 USD
This intensive three-day grant proposal workshop is geared for:
1) those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills
2) beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing, writing and winning proposals from various funding agencies.
Learn more
ORION Awards
Are you working on an innovative project that makes use of collaborative technologies and/or advanced networks like ORION and CANARIE? Apply for an ORION Award.
Submission deadline: Friday, February 25. The Awards will be presented on Monday, April 18 in Toronto.
Learn more
Artery-on-a-Chip Workshop » Redefining pressure myography
Date: Tuesday, March 8
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre
Quorum Technologies, together with the Toronto Microfluidics Foundry, are holding a workshop where technology developed by MFL and licensed, will be showcased. Prof. Axel Guenther and graduate students will speak, in addition to special guest speakers.
Attendance is free of charge. Please reserve by contacting Dr. Bohdan Soltys bohdan@quorumtechnologies.com.
Learn more
Optimization Days 2011
Date: Monday, May 2 to Wednesday, May 4
Location: HEC Montréal
Optimization Days is an annual conference organized alternately by the Groupe d'Études et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD) and the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT).
The conference aims to survey theories, numerical methods, and applications of optimization. It provides researchers from around the world the opportunity to exchange and to collaborate.
Learn more
Institute for Optical Sciences » Stoicheff Lecture: Core Sunlighting – Using Modern Materials to Improve Interior Lighting While Saving Electrical Energy
Speaker: Prof. Lorne Whitehead, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia
Date: Monday, February 14
Time: 3 - 4 PM
Location: BA1160
More Info
Special Seminar » Sustainable Energy through Scalable Photosynthetic Biofuel Production and Carbon Transport
Speaker: Dr. David Sinton, Canada Research Chair and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria
Date: Thursday, February 17
Time: 3:10 PM
Location: MC331
MIE Seminar Series » Microengineered Systems for High-Throughput Chemistry and Biology
Distinguished speaker: Andrew de Mello, Professor, Chemistry, Imperial College London & London Centre for Nanotechnology
Date: Friday, February 18
Time: 2:10 PM
Location: MC102
Graduate Studies
Drop Deadline
Last day to drop winter session courses without academic penalty: Friday, February 25.
Master's Tuition Bursary
Deadline: Friday, February 25.
For detailed application information click here.
PhD Qualifying Exam
Derek McColl presents: Human State Detection and Classification during Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interactions
Date: Tuesday, February 15
Time: 3 PM
Location: MC331
Exam committee: Prof. G. Nejat (supervisor); Prof. M. Gruninger (exam chair); and Prof. J.W. Zu.
PhD Department Oral Exam
Naresh Varma Datla presents: Characterization of Fatigue Behavior in Hygrothermally Degraded Toughened Adhesives
Date: Friday, February 18
Time: 1:10 PM
Location: MB101
Exam committee: Prof. J.K. Spelt (co-supervisor and exam chair); Prof. M. Papini (co-supervisor); Prof. C.A. Steeves; and Prof. F. Ben Amara.
Student Affairs
TIDEL group hosts Operations Research Challenge
Date: Saturday, March 19
High school students are invited to participate in The first annual Operations Research Challenge: a one-day contest organized by Prof. Chris Beck's TIDEL group.
The contest's goal is to educate and interest students in operations research, a field of study that, through the use of techniques from engineering, computer science and mathematics, aims to understand and solve complex decision-making problems.
This year, teams of 4 students will test their abilities to make good decisions in a variety of situations. For example, they will have to choose the best lineup for the Toronto Maple Leafs and see if they can maximize a company's profit. The competition will be followed by a 30-minute "Introduction to Operations Research" lecture by Prof. Timothy Chan, a discussion of the solutions and an awards ceremony.
If you know a high school student who might be interested, please encourage him/her to visit the contest website.
If you have questions or comments, please e-mail ORChallenge@mie.utoronto.ca.
Call for Judges: The Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF)
Date: Tuesday, May 17 (training session on Monday, May 16)
Time: 7:30 AM - 5 PM
Location: Seneca College, Newnham campus
The CWSF is the premier science fair held in Canada. It takes place annually and has been in about 40 towns and cities over the years. CWSF is looking for judges from a wide range of backgrounds - academics, graduate students, post docs, engineers practicing in industry, government scientists and those in private industry. Pharmacists, nurses, physicians, veterinarians, teachers, technicians with significant practical experience etc.
All enquiries about judging should be addressed to Dr. Jeff Hoyle at jeff.hoyle@youthscience.ca.
Learn more
Job Opportunities
Quantitative Analyst Waterfront International
Waterfront International is a Toronto-based financial consulting firm, specializing in developing computer based statistical trading strategies. Waterfront's selective hiring process considers only highly talented individuals with a history of exceptional professional and academic achievement, and solid real-world experience. Candidate will have a PhD or Masters in physics, statistics, mathematics or operations research.
How to apply
Faculty positions » University of Michigan-Shanghai and Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI)
The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) is an elite academic research and education institution in Shanghai based on the US research university model. Faculty are hired from a worldwide search, although most come from the US. The language used is English.
The University is seeking excellent faculty in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical/Computer Engineering and related disciplines, who wish to come teach in China.
How to apply
Oscar del Rio, Senior Computer and Web Administrator: February 14 - March 4
Nina Haikara, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator: Friday, February 18
Anna Vanek, Director of Administration and Finance: Tuesday, February 15 (morning) and Wednesday, February 23
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All MIE newsletters
MIE Website: www.mie.utoronto.ca
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Copyright © 2009-11 University of Toronto | Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering | Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents: Chair's Office // Awards and Recognition // Research Activities // Seminars // Graduate Studies // Student Affairs // Job Opportunities // Vacation // Previous Newsletter & Links
Chair's Office
New Service Centre Opens!
A committee designed the layout in the winter term of 2010. Prof. James K. Mills and Prof. Andrew K.S. Jardine, kindly moved their labs to make the space available. The renovation began in September 2010, and was completed by the end of January 2011. Following the successful completion of the project, staff moved into the new space the week of February 7.
Facilities coordinator and building officer, Joe Baptista, was instrumental in the development and success of the project. His contribution and devotion is very much appreciated! Thank you Joe!
Only a few final touches remain in completing the space. MIE will host an Open House in March, to celebrate the opening of the centre.
The new centre consists of:
• Reception: MC106A
• Purchasing: MC106
• Communications/Special Projects: MC106B
• Facilities Coordinator and Building Officer: MC107
• Graduate Office: MC108
• Undergraduate Office: MC109
• Liaison - External Relations:110
• Photocopy room:111
More Photos
University Closure » Family Day
The University and the department will be closed for Family Day (Monday, February 21). The University and department will re-open on Tuesday.
The machine shop will close early on Friday, February 18 at 2 p.m. and department offices will close at 3 p.m.
Industrial Engineering 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Presented by Canadian Tire
Tom Woods (IndE 7T5), Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, CIBC
Financial Crisis of 2008
Date: Wednesday, February 16
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Michael E. Charles Council Chamber, GB202
Register online. Wine & cheese reception to follow in GB202.
2011 MIE Research Symposium » Call for Registration and Abstract Submission
Event date: Friday, May 13
Keynote speaker: Prof. J. George Shantikumar, Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management at Purdue University.
Deadline for abstracts (oral and poster presentation): Tuesday, March 1
This event is free, but registration is required to attend. To register and/or submit an abstract please click here. You can also contact symposium@mie.utoronto.ca.
Lean more about the event or visit: www.mie.utoronto.ca/research/symposium
Faculty Day 2011: Reconnecting
Date: Friday, February 25, 2011
Time: 8:30 AM to 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre, 40 St. George St.
Enjoy a hot breakfast and lunch while networking with colleagues; attend a keynote address on mastering influential communication; gain insight from department chairs, top researchers, and senior University administrators; learn more about your Faculty, your University, and each other.
There will be gift bags for everyone and a chance to win an iPad! Register online by Friday, February 18: www.facultyday.engineering.utoronto.ca
Happy Valentine's Day! » Engineers Without Borders Fair Trade Rose Sale
EWB-UT is holding a fair trade rose sale today. Support EWB-UT!
Time: 9 AM - 4 PM
Location: Sandford Fleming Atrium
Cost: red roses (50cm long stem)
• Single - $5
• Half-Dozen - $28
• Dozen - $55
Each order will be individually wrapped with accompanying greenery and a small card about Fair Trade roses.
Awards & Recognition
MechE 1T1 students win at 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition
Azhar A., Wajahat S., Farrukh G., and Waqass B. at the 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition.
Congratulations to MechE 1T1 students Waqass Bhatti, Wajahat Sohail, Farrukh Ghouri and Azhar Ali Ahmed who received Third Place, in the category of Innovative Design, at the 2011 Ontario Engineering Competition, held February 4 - 6, at the University of Western Ontario. The students won for their project entitled Gemini Solar Tracker. The students previously took first place at the UTEK Engineering Kompetition in January.
The design is based on their thesis project, supervised by Prof. William L. Cleghorn and Prof. James K. Mills, and being completed through the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, Connections Program.
The University of Toronto is sincerely grateful to Mr. Thomas F. Gehring, PEng, Gemini Group International Limited, for his exceptional support of sponsoring dozens of student projects in OCE Connections Program for more than 20 years.
Alumnus Paul Eisen (IndE 8T6) and ECE professor develop new TeamChooser iPhone application
The TeamChooser application, developed by Prof. Jonathan Rose (ECE) and Industrial Engineering alumnus, now Toronto-based software designer, Paul Eisen (IndE 8T6), is designed to produce teams that are evenly matched. The user enters each player's name plus the numerical effectiveness of their ability, and the application calculates fair teams.
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Alumnus Shumin Zhai (PhD IndE 9T5) » Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery
Alumnus Shumin Zhai (PhD IndE 9T5), formerly supervised by Prof. Paul Milgram, became a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and was elected to the CHI Academy (part of ACM). Both are prestigious recognitions within computer science.
Mr. Zhai is also editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
MIE thanks Frank and Barbara Milligan
The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering recently hosted a reception with Mr. Frank Milligan (MechE 4T8) and Barbara Milligan, whose donation funds 10 graduate fellowships in MIE and 10 graduate fellowships for the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME).
The 2010 recipients presented their research topics to the Milligan's, thanking them for their support and generosity.
More photos
Research Activities
NSERC Funded Research
Prof. Shaker A. Meguid has been awarded an NSERC Engage Grant of $25,000, for the project entitled strategies to ensure the homogeneous dispersion of nanofillers in aircraft adhesives.
Centre for Sustainable Energy Showcase
NEW Date: Thursday, April 14
Time: 1 - 6 PM
Location: McLeod Auditorium (Room 2158), 1 King's College Circle
The Centre for Sustainable Energy's showcase will include invited keynote speakers from industry, a panel discussion, and a poster session and reception. All are invited to participate. Those who would like to present a poster at the reception should email a brief abstract of less than 100 words to the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Conference Attendance
Prof. Shaker A. Meguid, Paul Galantai and Chris Boyle of the Mechanics and Aerospace Design Lab will participate in the Aerospace Technology Conference organized by Defence Science & Technology Agency, Singapore, from February 21 to February 25. They will also give progress presentations on current research contracts to Defence Science Organisation National Laboratories.
Recent Advances in Fuel Cells » Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 8:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Location: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 475 Yonge St.
Organized and Sponsored by MITACS Elevate, with contributions from Ryerson University and the University of Waterloo, the first workshop on the recent advances will be held on February 22. This workshop will provide the opportunity for researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and students from academia, industry, and government to exchange their knowledge and share their experience. Prof. Olivera Kesler will be among the workshop speakers.
Learn more
Professional Grant Development Workshop
Master the techniques of writing superior and winning proposals.
Course: Proposal Writing I
Dates: Wednesday, February 23 to Friday, February 25
Location: Ryerson University
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center
Workshop fee: $595.00 USD
This intensive three-day grant proposal workshop is geared for:
1) those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills
2) beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing, writing and winning proposals from various funding agencies.
Learn more
ORION Awards
Are you working on an innovative project that makes use of collaborative technologies and/or advanced networks like ORION and CANARIE? Apply for an ORION Award.
Submission deadline: Friday, February 25. The Awards will be presented on Monday, April 18 in Toronto.
Learn more
Artery-on-a-Chip Workshop » Redefining pressure myography
Date: Tuesday, March 8
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
Location: Bahen Centre
Quorum Technologies, together with the Toronto Microfluidics Foundry, are holding a workshop where technology developed by MFL and licensed, will be showcased. Prof. Axel Guenther and graduate students will speak, in addition to special guest speakers.
Attendance is free of charge. Please reserve by contacting Dr. Bohdan Soltys bohdan@quorumtechnologies.com.
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Optimization Days 2011
Date: Monday, May 2 to Wednesday, May 4
Location: HEC Montréal
Optimization Days is an annual conference organized alternately by the Groupe d'Études et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD) and the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT).
The conference aims to survey theories, numerical methods, and applications of optimization. It provides researchers from around the world the opportunity to exchange and to collaborate.
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Institute for Optical Sciences » Stoicheff Lecture: Core Sunlighting – Using Modern Materials to Improve Interior Lighting While Saving Electrical Energy
Speaker: Prof. Lorne Whitehead, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia
Date: Monday, February 14
Time: 3 - 4 PM
Location: BA1160
More Info
Special Seminar » Sustainable Energy through Scalable Photosynthetic Biofuel Production and Carbon Transport
Speaker: Dr. David Sinton, Canada Research Chair and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria
Date: Thursday, February 17
Time: 3:10 PM
Location: MC331
MIE Seminar Series » Microengineered Systems for High-Throughput Chemistry and Biology
Distinguished speaker: Andrew de Mello, Professor, Chemistry, Imperial College London & London Centre for Nanotechnology
Date: Friday, February 18
Time: 2:10 PM
Location: MC102
Graduate Studies
Drop Deadline
Last day to drop winter session courses without academic penalty: Friday, February 25.
Master's Tuition Bursary
Deadline: Friday, February 25.
For detailed application information click here.
PhD Qualifying Exam
Derek McColl presents: Human State Detection and Classification during Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interactions
Date: Tuesday, February 15
Time: 3 PM
Location: MC331
Exam committee: Prof. G. Nejat (supervisor); Prof. M. Gruninger (exam chair); and Prof. J.W. Zu.
PhD Department Oral Exam
Naresh Varma Datla presents: Characterization of Fatigue Behavior in Hygrothermally Degraded Toughened Adhesives
Date: Friday, February 18
Time: 1:10 PM
Location: MB101
Exam committee: Prof. J.K. Spelt (co-supervisor and exam chair); Prof. M. Papini (co-supervisor); Prof. C.A. Steeves; and Prof. F. Ben Amara.
Student Affairs
TIDEL group hosts Operations Research Challenge
Date: Saturday, March 19
High school students are invited to participate in The first annual Operations Research Challenge: a one-day contest organized by Prof. Chris Beck's TIDEL group.
The contest's goal is to educate and interest students in operations research, a field of study that, through the use of techniques from engineering, computer science and mathematics, aims to understand and solve complex decision-making problems.
This year, teams of 4 students will test their abilities to make good decisions in a variety of situations. For example, they will have to choose the best lineup for the Toronto Maple Leafs and see if they can maximize a company's profit. The competition will be followed by a 30-minute "Introduction to Operations Research" lecture by Prof. Timothy Chan, a discussion of the solutions and an awards ceremony.
If you know a high school student who might be interested, please encourage him/her to visit the contest website.
If you have questions or comments, please e-mail ORChallenge@mie.utoronto.ca.
Call for Judges: The Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF)
Date: Tuesday, May 17 (training session on Monday, May 16)
Time: 7:30 AM - 5 PM
Location: Seneca College, Newnham campus
The CWSF is the premier science fair held in Canada. It takes place annually and has been in about 40 towns and cities over the years. CWSF is looking for judges from a wide range of backgrounds - academics, graduate students, post docs, engineers practicing in industry, government scientists and those in private industry. Pharmacists, nurses, physicians, veterinarians, teachers, technicians with significant practical experience etc.
All enquiries about judging should be addressed to Dr. Jeff Hoyle at jeff.hoyle@youthscience.ca.
Learn more
Job Opportunities
Quantitative Analyst Waterfront International
Waterfront International is a Toronto-based financial consulting firm, specializing in developing computer based statistical trading strategies. Waterfront's selective hiring process considers only highly talented individuals with a history of exceptional professional and academic achievement, and solid real-world experience. Candidate will have a PhD or Masters in physics, statistics, mathematics or operations research.
How to apply
Faculty positions » University of Michigan-Shanghai and Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI)
The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) is an elite academic research and education institution in Shanghai based on the US research university model. Faculty are hired from a worldwide search, although most come from the US. The language used is English.
The University is seeking excellent faculty in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical/Computer Engineering and related disciplines, who wish to come teach in China.
How to apply
Oscar del Rio, Senior Computer and Web Administrator: February 14 - March 4
Nina Haikara, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator: Friday, February 18
Anna Vanek, Director of Administration and Finance: Tuesday, February 15 (morning) and Wednesday, February 23
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MIE Website: www.mie.utoronto.ca
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