Friday, August 23, 2013

Advisory Committee for the Appointment of a Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough

PDAD&C#13, 2013-14

To:   Faculty, Staff and Students of the University of Toronto Scarborough
      Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
From: Franco Vaccarino, Vice-President and Principal, UTSC
      Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost
Date: August 20, 2013
Re:   Advisory Committee for the Appointment of a Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough
CC:   President David Naylor
      The Bulletin

As announced on June 10, 2013, Professor Rick Halpern will complete his first term as Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean of the University of Toronto Scarborough on June 30, 2014. Professor Halpern is eligible for re-appointment. In accordance with Section 62(c) of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, President David Naylor has appointed a committee to recommend the appointment of a Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean of UTSC. The composition of the committee is as follows:

* Professor Franco Vaccarino, Vice-President and Principal, UTSC (Co-Chair)
* Professor Cheryl Regehr, Provost-Designate (Co-Chair)
* Mr. Larry Alford, Chief Librarian
* Professor Malcolm Campbell, Vice-Principal, Research, UTSC
* Professor Brian Corman, Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education
* Professor Suzanne Erb, Department of Psychology, UTSC
* Professor April Franco, Department of Management, UTSC
* Professor Philip Kremer, Chair, Department of Philosophy, UTSC
* Mr. Ben Liu, Co-ordinator, Academic Service-Learning & Faculty Development, UTSC
* Professor Kenneth MacDonald, Department of Human Geography, UTSC
* Professor Amy Mullin, Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean, UTM
* Professor Joseph Wong, Department of Political Science and Director, Asian Institute, Faculty of Arts and Science
* Mr. Feng Xu, Undergraduate Student

The Advisory Committee welcomes comments from interested persons.  These should be sent to the attention of Archana Sridhar, Assistant Provost by mail (Room 225, Simcoe Hall) or by email to  

Friday, August 16, 2013

UofT Teaching & Learning Symposium - Learning Across and Beyond Borders: October 28, 2013

PDAD&C#12, 2013-14

TO:         PDAD&C
FROM:       Carol Rolheiser, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
DATE:             August 8, 2013
RE:         Call for Proposals - Learning Across and Beyond Borders
            8th Annual University of Toronto Teaching & Learning Symposium
            Monday, October 28, 2013

This year's University of Toronto's Teaching & Learning Symposium will explore a range of teaching and learning ideas, issues and possibilities related to borders and boundaries. Are real or perceived borders and boundaries changing, and if so, how? In particular, sessions will consider the how, what, where and why of teaching and learning and will focus on five major themes:

1.    The flexible classroom
Where does learning happen in today's universities? How is this impacting teaching approaches and course and curriculum design?
2.    Global citizenship
How should we/can we teach our students to be global citizens?
3.    Competencies and skills
What unique skills and competencies do instructors and students feel are important for University of Toronto graduates?
4.    Research and teaching
How does research inform our teaching and how does teaching inform our research? What are innovative strategies for bridging research and teaching to enhance student learning?
5.    Teaching alone, teaching together
What new models are emerging that capitalize on individual and team-based approaches to teaching?

This tri-campus event is intended to stimulate discussion and the sharing of practical, successful experiences around teaching and learning, aiming to enhance communications and build internal networks. It is a cross-divisional forum that allows faculty and staff to explore and share new instructional methods, to celebrate our commitment to teaching and learning, and to hear from this year's recipients of the President's Teaching Award.  The symposium will include a featured speaker, a special session featuring the 2013 President's Teaching Award recipients and the President, interactive concurrent sessions, "Welcome to my classroom" sessions delivered by the 2013 President's Teaching Award winners, and sessions featuring nifty assignments and lightning talks on effective teaching strategies.

We invite session proposals, from UofT faculty and staff, in one of the following formats that address any of the five themes outlined in this call:

1.    Interactive Concurrent Sessions (50 minutes):
These sessions will focus on the presentation of creative teaching approaches or strategies that have evidence of effectiveness as demonstrated through assessment, research or successful practice.  Please specifically describe the methods you will use to foster interactivity among the participants and presenters.
2.    Nifty Assignment Sessions (15 minute time slots; 50 minute session): 
These sessions will offer a series of short (15 minute) presentations that introduce "nifty" assignments currently used in University of Toronto classrooms. Presenters will provide details regarding the student learning goals for the assignment, the development and administration of the assignment, discuss strengths and challenges and provide examples of successful implementation.  (Note: 3 individual presenters will be grouped together for one session; group submissions on a particular theme are welcome.)

3.    Teaching Strategies: Lightning Talks (5 minute time slots; 50 minute session)
Up to 6 individuals will be selected for each "Lightning Talk" session. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present an effective teaching strategy to the audience. Presenters should briefly describe the strategy and provide evidence of its effectiveness (gathered through informal observation or more formal study). Each presenter may use a maximum of three power point slides to illustrate the presentation of the teaching strategy. Time will be allotted at the end of the session for Q&A.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS To submit a proposal for the symposium, please visit:

Deadline for proposal submission is Monday, September 16, 2013.

Questions about the symposium or regarding proposal submissions can be directed to: Thuy Huynh, Programs Coordinator, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation at or 416-946-3325.

Workshops for Faculty Members

PDAD&C#11, 2013-14

To:         PDAD&C

From:       Edith Hillan, Vice Provost, Faculty & Academic Life

Date:       August 6, 2013

Re:         Workshops for New Faculty Members

Each year my office holds a number of workshops and seminars for new faculty.  Please ensure that all tenure-stream, teaching-stream and CLTA appointments (who have started since January 1, 2011) in your unit are made aware of these sessions.

New To U: New Faculty Integration Series

These informal luncheons are designed to introduce new faculty (appointed since January 1, 2011) to the University and offer them an opportunity to meet colleagues, hear the advice and reflections of experienced faculty and speak to senior academic administrators. They are held
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. with lunch provided. Topics addressed include:

Balancing Teaching and Research

October 8, 2013

What Matters to Pre-Tenure Faculty: The Results of the COACHE 2012 Survey

October 22, 2013

Pathway to Promotion in the Teaching Stream

January 15, 2014

3rd Year Review & Tenure
[Please Note: This session will be held from 10am-2pm, with lunch at 12pm]

January 23, 2014

Strategies for Success in the Pre-Tenure/Pre-Promotion Years

March 10, 2014

Registration and additional information can be found at:-

New Faculty Orientation & Welcome BBQ
Monday, August 26, 2013

The Office of the Vice-President and Provost and the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), in partnership with the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, Dual Career Connection and the Family Care Office invites new tenure and teaching stream faculty to join us at the Faculty Club located at 41 Willcocks Street, for a full day of Orientation followed by a BBQ for Faculty and their families. Additional information on the topics addressed can be found here:-

From August 27-30, 2013 CTSI will host a series of "Back-to-School" sessions on a range of teaching topics. We encourage you to share this information with your new and returning faculty:-

Orientation for New Faculty and Staff
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New faculty members are invited to attend an orientation session designed to provide an understanding of the University's organization and environment. Held at the Faculty Club, the session runs from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  A bag lunch is provided.

Topics include:
*     The history, structure and governance of the University
*     Equity, diversity and inclusivity
*     Career development
*     Employee services and web resources
*     A safe and healthy workplace

Registration and additional information about these orientation sessions can be found at this link:-

Faculty & Staff Appreciation Day
Sunday, August 25, 2013

University of Toronto Varsity Blues Football presents a special faculty and staff appreciation day which is being held at Varsity Centre. Please encourage faculty and staff in your division to save the date. We would love to have as many staff and faculty members out on that last Sunday of August for a great afternoon of entertainment before the start of the Fall Term in September.

An Introduction to Canadian Taxes
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Provost's Office in conjunction with the Family Care Office and the Faculty Relocation Service hosts a workshop for new faculty members from outside Canada entitled Filing for the First Time: An Introduction to Canadian Taxes. The session will take place at the Faculty Club from 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Previous workshops have been very highly rated by participants.

Ruth Reimer from Green, Chencinski, Starkman and Eles (GCSE) will provide a workshop session which will introduce the process of filing taxes in Canada and discuss some of the details of filing in both Canada and the US. Time will also be allowed for discussion, questions and answers. Some faculty members may also wish to arrange more individualized consultation with GCSE at their own cost.

Registration and additional information about this session can be found at this link:-

New Faculty Orientation & Back to School Workshop Series: August 26

PDAD&C#9, 2013-14
TO:         Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs
FROM:       Edith Hillan, Vice Provost, Faculty and Academic Life
DATE:        July 30, 2013
RE:         New Faculty Orientation & Back to School Workshop Series

I am pleased to announce a series of upcoming events for new and returning faculty hosted by the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), in partnership with the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, Dual Career Connection and the Family Care Office.  We encourage you to share this information with your new and returning faculty.

New Faculty Orientation
Monday, August 26, 2013
9:00am – 7:00pm (Faculty Club, 41 Willcocks Street, Toronto ON)
(NB: This day and the following sessions are for new tenure and teaching stream faculty)

9:00am            Breakfast & Registration

9:30am – 9:45am   Welcome

9:45am – 10:30am  Who Are Our Students? Trends & Issues
                  The Structure of U of T

10:30am – 10:45am Scott Prudham, President, University of Toronto Faculty Association

10:45am – 11:00am Refreshment Break

11:00am – 12:30pm Road Maps and Resources for Teaching at U of T
                  1) New Travellers
                  2) Experienced Travellers

12:30pm – 2:00pm  Lunch & Roundtable Discussion with President’s Teaching Award Recipients

2:00pm – 5:00pm   Building Your Career: break-out sessions
                  1) Research Orientation
In this session tenure-stream faculty will be provided with an overview of the resources available to support their research. They will be introduced to the range of funding opportunities and have a chance to ask questions about related protocols and procedures.
(NB: This session is open to tenure-stream faculty only.)
                  2) Creating a Successful Career Path as a Lecturer Teaching-stream faculty are invited to attend this session for information on the career path of the lecturer and to hear from colleagues who will share their experiences and strategies for success.
(NB: This session is open to teaching-stream faculty only.)

4:00pm – 5:00pm   Partners & Spouses Orientation
The Faculty Relocation Service and Dual Career Connection will provide partners and spouses of new faculty with an opportunity to network and learn about successful transitions to Toronto.  Information and resources will be available to address questions about housing, schools, immigration and benefits.  Children and babies are welcome.  Light refreshments will be provided.

5:00pm – 7:00pm   BBQ for Faculty and their Families
Please note: New tenure and teaching stream faculty will receive a personalized invitation via email to register and attend the New Faculty Orientation on August 26th and to participate in the Back-to School Workshop Series, August 27-30th.  A registration link will be provided in the email. 

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation’s Back-to-School Workshop Series
(NB: These sessions are open to all new and returning faculty)

From August 27-30, 2013 the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation will host a series of “Back-to-School” sessions on a range of teaching topics.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
9am – 12pm        Setting the Tone for Success: The First Day and Beyond
1pm – 4pm         Discussion Techniques to Support Active Learning

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
10am – 4pm        Teaching with Technology Fair

Thursday, August 29, 2013
9am – 12pm        Assignment Design
1pm – 4pm         Formative Assessment: How to Keep Teaching and Learning on Track 

Friday, August 30, 2013
10am – 12pm       Myths and Realities about Grading

To register for the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation’s Back-to-School workshop series, please visit:  

For more information on any of these events, please contact Thuy Huynh, Programs Coordinator, CTSI at 416-946-3325;

Special Joint Advisory Committee Process Update Statement

Special Joint Advisory Committee Process Update Statement, July 2013

In recent months, representatives of the University of Toronto Governing Council and the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) have been engaged in formal discussions regarding modernization of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) governing the relationship between the two parties.

Specific topics being considered in addition to changes to the MoA include tenure and promotion policies; appointment policies for teaching stream faculty and faculty whose expertise lies in the integration of their professional practice with teaching; and the role of faculty and librarians in academic planning.

These discussions originate in a mediation agreement signed in April of 2012 establishing a Special Joint Advisory Committee (SJAC) to review the strengths and weaknesses of the current framework agreement (i.e., the MoA) between UTFA and the Governing Council of the University, and to consider ways to modernize it. The MoA was originally established in the late 1970s and prescribes the formal role of UTFA in representing faculty and librarians at the University. It has played an important role in the life of the University. The MoA features a collective bargaining process for addressing compensation matters, including independent arbitration for these matters if the parties are unable to reach voluntary agreement. It also articulates a set of primarily academic policies that are neither subject to arbitration nor to any prescribed negotiating process under the MoA, but that may only be changed by mutual consent of the Governing Council and UTFA. 

Formal discussions commenced in early April of 2013 and we have been meeting regularly since that time. Discussions have been substantive and collegial and we are committed to continuing the process. Now, owing largely to scheduling difficulties over the summer, the two sides have agreed to adjourn talks until September. The parties have also proposed to extend the original September 2013 deadline for the SJAC process to April 1, 2014 to allow time for a complete discussion of all the issues and options to take place. Formal agreement to the extension is pending.

By mutual agreement of UTFA and the Governing Council, The Honourable Frank Iacobucci has agreed to serve as a facilitator in the SJAC process, should such assistance be necessary. Mr. Iacobucci is a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, former Dean of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and former Interim President of the University of Toronto.

The parties would like to extend thanks to the faculty and librarians of the University as well as to Deans for their input to this process and for their patience. Questions may be directed to and to

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