From: Provost
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Subject: [PDADC-L] #28, Update of the Code of Student Conduct
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PDAD&C #28, 2009-10
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs
Members of the University Affairs Board
Presidents of Student Societies
From: Jill Matus, Vice-Provost, Students
Date: October 30, 2009
Re: Update of the Code of Student Conduct
The University's non-academic Code of Student Conduct was first approved by the Governing Council in 1992 and was revised in 1996 and in 2002. In response to requests from members of the University community, my office will be undertaking an administrative update of the Code this year. The main principles articulated in the Code continue to serve the University well. It is not therefore my intention to conduct a formal review of the Code at this time. Recommendations will be designed to (a) improve the effectiveness of the Code, (b) improve the understanding of the Code, (c) enhance the provisions which support health and the safety, and (d) clarify the procedures under the Code. Approval of any revisions to the Code will be recommended to the Governing Council prior to the end of this academic year.
My office will be undertaking a series of broad consultations with members of the University community in order to solicit suggestions and advice. In particular, student societies, student life professionals, registrars, and members of the administration who deal with Code-related matters will receive direct requests for submissions and advice. As part of this process, we will seek input on:
1. the Code's investigation and hearing procedures;
2. the procedures to make a complaint under the Code;
3. the language used to describe offences under the Code;
4. the provisions of the Code designed to protect safety;
5. procedures designed to address issues where the accommodation of health issues may be a consideration;
6. the interim procedures regarding urgent situations, where the health, safety or well-being of the student or others in the community may be at risk;
7. the role of various offices in the administration of the Code, including the role of academic divisions, colleges and the central administration; and
8. consistency in application of the Code across divisions
Attention will also be paid to the recruitment, selection, and training of investigating officers and hearing officers under the Code as well as education and awareness programs regarding the Code, and information for administrative officers expected to take action under the Code.
Reports on progress will be made to members of the University Affairs Board. It is anticipated that preliminary recommendations for revisions will be presented to the Board for information at the meeting scheduled for April 20, 2010 and that a resolution to recommend approval to the Governing Council will be presented for consideration at the June 1, 2010 UAB meeting.
If you have any suggestions which you feel would enhance the Code and its procedures, or if you have questions about these intended updates, please direct them to Jim Delaney, Director of the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students. Jim's phone number is 416-978-4027 and his email address is
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