Friday, March 19, 2010

InfraCANADA Call for Papers and FLIRSCAN announcement

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 20:30:35 -0400 [17/03/10 08:30:35 PM EDT]
From: "Milner, Rob"
To: ""

Subject: InfraCANADA Call for Papers and FLIRSCAN announcement

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Today's letter has 2 announcements:

1) InfraCANADA 2010 announcement and call for papers

2) FLIRSCAN - let us help your business


InfraCANADA 2010 - Announcement and Call for Papers

The Infrared Training Centre and FLIR Systems Canada would like to announce Canada's Infrared Users Conference for 2010 - InfraCANADA. Held in various locations around the country, this conference provides those who already use the technology and those considering using the technology, to learn from each other and establish networks without extensive travel to InfraMation held in the USA.
Conference Dates:
InfraCANADA Central - Oakville June 9-11
InfraQuebec - June 28-29, Montreal
InfraCANADA West - Edmonton Sept 23-24
InfraCANADA NB - Moncton, May 4
InfraCANADA NF - Saint John's, June 3

Why Present:

As a successful user of the Infrared technology, you can share your knowledge and findings with other infrared users or potential users. Educating other interested parties will only enhance the Infrared community. Interacting with colleagues and peers may generate possible additional consulting opportunities.

Presenters also earn 16 recertification credits to maintain their current ITC certification level. Registration cost for the day of the conference when you present will be waived.

If you are interested in presenting, please forward a brief abstract of your topic and the conference(s) you wish to present at to:
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 9, 2010
Conference Dates:
InfraCANADA Central - Oakville June 9-11
InfraQuebec - June 28-29, Montreal
InfraCANADA West - Edmonton Sept 23-24
InfraCANADA NB - Moncton, May 4
InfraCANADA NF - Saint John's, June 3


Also don't forget about our new marketing program - FLIRSCAN - where FLIR spends thousands of dollars advertising in national publications directed at homeowners and you get the business that results. It's our way to help ensure your business is successful and to educate the public about the need for infrared services at the same time. The website is constantly under development. Check out the latest version at www.FLIRSCAN.CA.
There are only two requirements : you must own a FLIR infrared camera purchased through an authorized representative of FLIR Canada, and you must have valid Level 1 Thermography Certification training provided by the Infrared Training Centre (ITC). If you have taken courses with other recognized training providers, we would be pleased to enroll you in our upcoming Level 2 courses so you can be a more effective thermographer and to be part of the program.

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