Friday, March 2, 2012

Research Alerts: Ontario Ministry of Transportation - Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)

Ontario Ministry of Transportation - Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)

Please reply to: Mike Folinas (

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has announced the 2012 competition for the Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP). The purpose of the initiative is to encourage basic and applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario.

This program solicits innovations from Institutions to assist the Ministry in meeting selected challenges, and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure engineering.

The award provides up to $500,000 for direct and indirect (up to 25%) costs. The ultimate goal of the program is to challenge Ontario's academic community to contribute to transportation infrastructure solutions in a number of areas including traffic operations, intelligent transportation systems, engineering materials, highway design, environmental, geomatics, bridges, construction and maintenance.

April 9, 2012: Internal Deadline for completed applications
April 18, 2012 (2:30pm): Sponsor Deadline

Additional Information on the HIIFP program can be found on our website or the MTO website.

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