Friday, September 7, 2012

Appointment of Chair First Year

MEMORANDUM                                                                                            2012/13 – 05                                                                                    

To:        Members of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

From:  Cristina Amon, Dean

Date:    September 7, 2012

Re:         Appointment of Chair First Year

Micah joined the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as a Lecturer in 2007 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2012.  He obtained his BASc, MASc and PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto.

Micah has an outstanding teaching record and has been an innovator in the use of technology in his lectures.  He is currently pursuing research on implementing an inverted classroom model in a large second-year course in ECE.  He has been recognized with multiple teaching awards in ECE and was the recipient of the Early Career Teaching Award from the Faculty in 2012.

Please join me in congratulating Micah on his appointment and wishing him all the best in this endeavour. 

I extend my deep appreciation to the following members of the Advisory Committee in this search for their time and thoughtful input:

Professor Grant Allen, Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Professor Bryan Karney, Associate Dean, Cross-Disciplinary Programs
Professor Mark Kortschot, Chair, Division of Engineering Science
Professor Susan McCahan, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate
Ms. Barbara McCann, Registrar

I also wish to extend thanks on behalf of the Faculty to Professor Kim Pressnail who will continue in the role of Chair, First Year until October 31, 2012.

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