Friday, March 1, 2013

Three Minute Thesis Competition

To:        Graduate Deans; Chairs/Directors; Graduate Coordinators; Graduate Administrators
From:    Kerri Huffman 
CC:       Heather Kelly, Director, Student Services; Luc De Nil, Vice-Dean, Students; Committee of Graduate Deans, Committee of Deans and Directors
Date:     21/02/2013
Re:        Three Minute Thesis Competition
As was recently announced in the Decanal memo [SGS] #007, 2012-2013, the University of Toronto will take part in the province-wide Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition. In the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition participants have a 3-minute time limit to present their research to a panel of non-specialist judges. The challenge is to present complex research information in an engaging, accessible and compelling way within three minutes and with only one power-point slide.

The University of Toronto will hold a university-wide 3MT® competition on the evening of Friday, March 22, 2013. This event is open to the public; and friends, family and colleagues are encouraged to attend to cheer on the contestants. The winner and runner-up of the University of Toronto finals  will go on to represent The University of Toronto and compete in the provincial finals to be held at Queen’s University in Kingston on April 18, 2013.

Application Process:

Participants will be able to sign-up for a spot in the Divisional heats based on a first-come, first-served basis via an online registration system housed on the SGS website, which will launch on Feb. 27, 2013. Participants are required to inform their supervisors that they are taking part in this event.

·         All entrants must be doctoral students (PhD, EdD, SJD, DMA) who have reached candidacy at the time of registration (including Doctoral students who have defended but have not convocated as of April 18, 2013);
·         Presentations must be based on research that is directly related to the student’s graduate program thesis;
·         Students are required to inform their supervisors of their participation in the competition;
·         Presenters must agree to be video-taped; and
·         Winners of the University of Toronto competition must be available to attend the provincial finals in Kingston on April 18, 2013.
University of Toronto Competition
The local 3MT® competition will be a one day event on March 22, 2013 consisting of Divisional heats with a maximum of 20 participants per heat and will be followed by the final competition to include top contestants from the earlier heats. All rounds of the competition will be assessed by a panel of notable judges drawn from within the University of Toronto and the local community.

·         1st place:          $1,000
·         Runner up:      iPad mini
·         Finalists:          $100 U of T Bookstore gift certificate
Provincial Competition
The winner and runner up of the University of Toronto 3MT® will compete at the provincial level at Queen’s University in Kingston on April 18, 2013. SGS will provide the two participants with free transportation and accommodation.

Your assistance in helping to promote this event is appreciated. Please note that SGS will be sending a targeted invitation to all eligible doctoral students who have achieved candidacy (see attached).

For Further Information:

For further information on the 3MT® competition please contact Kerri Huffman, Associate Director, Student Services – Graduate Awards & Financial Aid at

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