Friday, December 16, 2011

Advisory Committee for the Vice-President and Principal, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)

PDAD&C #33, 2011-12

To: Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni, University of Toronto Scarborough
Governing Council
Academic Board
Business Board
University Affairs Board
Professional/Managerial Staff
President of UTFA
Presidents of Employee Unions
Presidents of APUS, GSU, SCSU, UTMSU and UTSU

From: David Naylor, President
Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost

Date: December 14, 2011

Re: Advisory Committee for the Vice-President and Principal, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)

As announced on October 3, 2011, Professor Franco J. Vaccarino will complete his first term as Vice-President and Principal of the University of Toronto Scarborough on June 30, 2012. Professor Vaccarino is eligible for re-appointment.

In accordance with Section 62 (b) of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators, an Advisory Committee has been struck with the following membership.

Professor David Naylor, President (Co-Chair) Professor Cheryl Misak, Vice-President and Provost (Co-Chair) Mr. John Aruldason, Undergraduate Student, UTSC Professor Maydianne Andrade, Department of Biological Sciences, UTSC Professor Daniel Bender, Department of Humanities, UTSC Professor Brian Corman, Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education Professor Amrita Daniere, Vice-Dean, Graduate, UTM Ms. Helen Morissette, Director, Financial Services, UTSC Ms. Victoria Owen, Head Librarian, UTSC Professor Janet Paterson, Principal, Innis College Professor William Seager, Department of Philosophy, UTSC Ms. Maureen Somerville, Alumni Governor Ms. Sherri Thiele, Graduate Student, UTSC Professor Frank Wania, Department of Physical & Environment Sciences, UTSC

The Advisory Committee welcomes comments and nominations from interested persons. These should be sent to the attention of Sheree Drummond, Assistant Provost, by January 13, 2012 by email ( or mail (Room 225, Simcoe Hall, 27 King's College Circle).

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