Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Task Force to Review Constitution

MEMORANDUM 2012/13-08

To: Members of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
From: Cristina Amon, Dean
Date: October 5, 2012

Re: Task Force to Review Constitution

At the September 7, 2012 Faculty Council meeting it was announced that a task force will be formed to review the Faculty’s constitution including the membership composition of Council. The task force’s process is outlined below.


The Task Force will seek input from all members of Faculty Council, and other interested parties. The proposal will include a full description of the proposed membership composition of Council, any associated changes to how Council will operate, and implementation steps as required. The Task Force will report to the Dean, who may then bring the proposal (in its entirety or in modified form) to the Executive Committee for endorsement, and to Faculty Council for approval as a special motion.

Particular points to be addressed in the proposal include:

(i) Number of representatives per constituency group (professors, students, etc.)
(ii) Method for nomination and election of councillors
(iii) Appropriate representation of distinct “groups” e.g., Engineering Society; Chairs, Directors and Associate Chairs; Standing Committees of Council; etc.
(iv) Term of Office of members of each constituency group
(v) Responsibilities of each member, and obligations for consultation with constituents

I am grateful to the following FASE members who have agreed to serve on this Task Force:

Phil Byer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering (Chair)
Chris Damaren, Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies
Sara Dolcetti (MIE 0T9), Alumna
Greg Evans, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
Matthew Lattavo (CivE 1T4), VP Academic, Engineering Society
Barbara McCann, Faculty Registrar
Caroline Ziegler, Faculty Governance Officer (Secretary)
Comments and input for the Task Force are welcome and can be sent to

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