2011 NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship: Timelines and Support
Dear Researchers,
The 2011 NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship has been announced for the upcoming year. The NSERC’s E.W.R Steacie Memorial Fellowships honors the memory of Dr. Edgar William Richard Steacie, an outstanding chemist and research leader who made major contributions to the development of science in Canada during, and immediately following, World War II.
Dr. Steacie believed that young researchers are a great national asset and should be given every opportunity to develop their own ideas. He nurtured Canadian talent and drew many promising scientists to our country through his philosophy that:
• fundamental research is essential to the development of science;
• the individual is key to research, and individual ideas are ultimately responsible for important advances in science;
• there are no national boundaries in science; and
• complete freedom is required for creative work.
Each year NSERC awards up to six (6) Steacie Memorial Fellowships to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising university faculty who are earning a strong international reputation for original research.
Candidates should have obtained their doctorate WITHIN the last 12 years (i.e., 1999 or later) and hold a grant from NSERC. (Parental leave taken for child-bearing and rearing is not counted as part of the 12-year period; however, such periods MUST be identified in the letter from the nominator.)
Candidates may not apply on their own behalf. They must be nominated by senior members of the Canadian science and engineering community, and nominations must be endorsed by the Vice President, Research of the candidate’s university.
For more information on the nomination process, please refer to: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Prizes-Prix/Steacie-Steacie/Nomination-Nomination_eng.asp.
U of T Process:
Please note the NSERC E.W.R Steacie Memorial Fellowship involves a three stage application process.
1. The first stage involves the nominator, who will write a letter that explains why the nominee deserves consideration for the Fellowship, with emphasis on contributions to and impact on, the field. The letter must also explain how this award could help the nominee in his or her career development and should include the nominator's contact information, including e-mail address.
2. The second stage involves the nominee providing the following information:
a two-page summary of the research that would be pursued during tenure of the Fellowship
A completed NSERC Personal Data Form (Form 100)
copies of the nominee’s three most significant research contributions
Names and addresses (mail and e-mail) of five to seven referees. The referees should be internationally recognized experts in the nominee's field.
3. The third stage involves the U of T adjudication process (see “UofT Adjudication
Process” below), where 6 nominations will be selected to be submitted to
NSERC. The Vice President, Research will then provide a letter endorsing the
Critical Dates:
Friday, May 20, 2011: Internal Deadline
Nomination Package:
• An RIS Application Form, signed by your Chair and/or Dean (as your unit's policies determine) is required before your application can be approved by Research Services. Once signed, you can scan and e-mail your RIS form to m.folinas@utoronto.ca
• Letter from the nominator(s) (NOTE: Nominators can be an individual or a group. They MUST be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and be senior members of the Canadian science and engineering community. Nominators can nominate ONLY ONE candidate.)
• 2-page research summary
• Copies of the nominee’s three most significant research contributions
• NSERC Form 100 (NOTE: In Part 2, contributions need not be limited to those in the last 6 years and there is no maximum page limit.)
• A list of current teaching and administrative responsibilities
IMPORTANT: Nomination materials should be written for non-specialists as the internal Adjudication Committee and the NSERC Selection Committee are multi-disciplinary.
U of T Adjudication Process
An Adjudication Committee will select the top 6 nominees from the University. The following factors will be used in assessing the nominations:
• Candidate's stature in the scientific or engineering community, both national and international
• Importance and scope of the candidate's research and its impact on the field
• Candidate's specific accomplishments within his/her field
• Candidate's overall suitability for this award
All nominees will be informed of the results of the adjudication. The top six candidates will be given an opportunity to complete and make any revisions to their submissions.
Support Available:
Questions during the Competition Period:
• Your primary contacts at Research Services for the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship is: Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca)
• Additional Information on the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship can be found on our website or the NSERC website
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about this message, our internal deadlines, or the program itself.
Best regards,
Mike Folinas
Mike Folinas
Research Funding Manager
Natural Science and Engineering
Agency & Foundation Funding
Office of the Vice President, Research
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building - 3rd floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1S8
Tel. 416-978-7118 Fax. 416-971-2010
Website: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/
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