Friday, April 29, 2011

[PDADC-L] 2010/2011 Excellence through Innovation Awards Program

PDAD&C #74, 2010-2011
HR #29, 2010 - 2011

April 28, 2011

To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors & Chairs
Professional/Managerial Staff
Divisional HR Offices

From: Angela Hildyard
Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity

Re: 2010/2011 Excellence through Innovation Awards Program

Once again we have the opportunity to recognize outstanding staff contributions through the Excellence through Innovation Awards program. The focus of the Excellence through Innovation Awards is to recognize the contributions of administrative staff in advancing the University’s strategic objectives, to encourage administrative innovation and to provide a platform for sharing best practices.

Professional/Managerial & Confidential staff may be recognized as members of a team or as individual contributors; unionized employees may be included in team nominations.

The 2011 Awards will recognize significant contributions towards one or more of the following strategic objectives:

1) Enrich the Student Experience
2) Support Outstanding Scholarship
3) Achieve Equity and Diversity in All of Our Activities
4) Improve the Employee Experience by Becoming an Employer of Choice
5) Create a World-Class Infrastructure Through Administrative Innovation

Complete details of the program along with the Committee Assessment Criteria, and examples of contributing behaviours towards the strategic objectives, are provided in the Program Details document at . Examples of last year awarding projects can be found at .

Managers may nominate individuals/teams for the award by completing and submitting an electronic copy of the Individual or Team Nomination form to their Division Head and their Divisional HR Office by Monday June 27th.

All recipients of the award will be invited to attend a celebratory reception at the President’s house in September and will be recognized for their significant contribution.

We have outstanding, innovative staff at this University – let us make sure we recognize them appropriately!

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