Tuesday, September 21, 2010

HOLCIM Canada Inc. - Bus Tour for Prospective PEY 2nd and 3rd year - company location

RSVP is required.

Event date: Monday, October 04, 2010, from 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM

On-site Bus tour. RSVP is required for bus accommodation purposes.

RSVP: Interested students MUST confirm by emailing pey@ecf.utoronto.ca not later than Sunday, September 26, 2010. Include your First and Last name, Student ID No., Year of Study and Discipline in your confirmation.
Targeted Student Group: Prospective PEY 2nd and 3rd yrs- CIVIL, MEC, ENG SCI, MSE & CHEM
Company: HOLCIM Canada
Event: On- site bus tour (Cement Plant, Quarry, Concrete Plant etc...)
Transportation: By bus
Departure from U of T: 12:30pm
Pick up/drop off location: Willcocks and Spadina
ECC Office Contact: Marlyn de los Reyes Tel no. 416-946-8816

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