SGS #003, 2010-2011
TO: Graduate Chairs and Directors, Graduate Coordinators and Administrators
FROM: Heather Kelly, Director of Student Services, Rodney Branch, Director of Information Systems
CC: University Registrar, College and Divisional Registrars School of Graduate Studies Staff
DATE: September 9, 2010
RE: Graduate Only Transcript Option
The School of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce that as of fall 2010 graduate students or alumni of graduate programs now have the option of selecting only the graduate portion of their academic record to be displayed on their transcript.
Separate graduate transcripts exist at other institutions (e.g., University of Western Ontario, University of Waterloo) and there are many awards and positions which only require a graduate transcript. This option will therefore ensure that our graduate students have the same advantages and opportunities as their colleagues at other institutions.
The student’s registration history summary and the degrees conferred at any level are still included on the transcript. The format of the consolidated transcript would remain but the sessional registration and course detail from undergraduate divisions would be suppressed. All graduate registrations will be included. The full undergraduate/graduate transcript remains the default when ordering a transcript but graduate students and alumni may request the “graduate only” option when they order transcripts on the Student Web Service (SWS) or at the University of Toronto Transcript Centre.
Please note that electronic transcripts (EDI transcripts) requested through the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) will be in the full version. This is appropriate as most transcripts ordered through OUAC are to support applications for admission or for accreditation through the Ontario College of Teachers and a full transcript is required.
Should you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Heather Kelly at or Rodney Branch at
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