Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Environmental Applied Science and Management Symposium, March 24 - RYERSON University

The PhD students of the Environmental Applied Science and Management Program at Ryerson University are pleased to announce a one day symposium focused on the challenges that Canada faces in the next 25 years in the fields of food, water, planning, energy, and transportation. All are welcome to each of the sessions and light refreshments will be provided. Come learn about our environmental future from experts in these important fields.

WHAT: Canada in 2035: Symposium on the Critical Issues of Canada's Environmental Near-Future

WHEN: Start date/time: Thursday March 24 at 9:30 AM End date/time: Thursday March 24 at 4:30PM (9:30-12:30pm: food and water; 1:30-4:30pm: planning, energy, and transportation)

WHERE: Peter Bronfman Learning Centre, 7th Floor Heaslip House (The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education), 297 Victoria Street

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