SGS #011, 2010-2011
TO: Graduate Chairs, Graduate Coordinators and Administrators
FROM: Brian Corman, Dean of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education
CC: Council of Graduate Deans, School of Graduate Studies
DATE: March 8, 2011
RE: Changes to Regulations on Candidacy
Effective as of September 1, 2011, the University of Toronto Graduate Calendar Degree Regulations indicate that flexible-time option PhD and professional doctoral students are now subject to the requirements for Good Academic Standing, including Candidacy.
Please refer to the 2011-2012 SGS Calendar excerpt below for more details on achieving candidacy:
9.5.1 Achieving Candidacy – Requirements and Time Limit
To achieve candidacy, students in doctoral degree programs must a) complete all requirements for the degree exclusive of thesis research and courses such as ongoing research seminars that run continuously through the program, and b) have an approved thesis topic, supervisor, and supervisory committee.
Candidacy must be achieved by the end of the third year for all doctoral programs, except for the five-year PhD program, flexible-time PhD program option, and professional doctoral programs begun on a part-time basis. For those exceptions, candidacy must be achieved by the end of the fourth year of registration (see chart below).
Note: The foregoing time limits do not apply to courses that run continuously throughout the program.
Doctoral degree program categories & Candidacy must be achieved:
PhD, four-year program: by end of third year PhD
PhD, five-year program (Direct-Entry): by end of fourth year
Flexible-time PhD program option: by end of fourth year
Professional doctoral program, full-time: by end of third year
Professional doctoral program, part-time: within four years of initial registration
In exceptional circumstances, a student who has not met these requirements may be permitted to register in the program for up to 12 months at the discretion of the graduate unit in which the student is registered. Continuation beyond 12 months will require the approval of both the graduate unit and the SGS Admissions and Programs Committee. Completion of the program requirements identified above will signal the achievement of candidacy. Successful completion of candidacy is recognized by a notation on the transcript.
Candidacy Assessment Process
Each term SGS distributes candidacy assessment lists to graduate units and asks graduate units to report on the status of each student on the list(s) who is subject to the School’s candidacy requirement. A flexible-time PhD and professional doctoral student at the end of year four and year three respectively is expected to have completed all program requirements exclusive of the thesis. The notation Candidacy Achieved will appear on the transcript of the student who has completed the above mentioned program requirements.
Please note below the candidacy assessment process that will be implemented for flexible-time option PhD and professional doctoral students in the next cycle:
· Each term, a list of all flexible-time option PhD and professional doctoral students who will be expected to achieve candidacy within the next 12 months and students whose approved extension period is expiring will be sent to graduate units for information only.
· Graduate units will report back to SGS on the status of each student on the list by forwarding one of the following: a Recommendation for Candidacy form (to be completed if the student has achieved candidacy), an Extension to Achieve Candidacy form (to be completed if the student is expected to complete candidacy requirements within the extension period); or a request for termination (please refer to termination procedures in SGS Calendar for more details).
a. If termination is recommended, please provide background documentation on why this decision has been made.
b. In exceptional circumstances, a request for a second extension can be forwarded to the SGS Admission and Programs Committee (please refer to the ROSI Manual Section 5.66 for more details on the required documentation).
· Extensions to candidacy will be for 12 months.
· If SGS Student Services does not receive a response by the deadline date, the student’s registration will be financially cancelled (FINCA).
Should a student achieve candidacy early – before the three-year time limit–or achieve candidacy before their approved extension has expired and wish to have it recorded on their transcript, a Recommendation for Candidacy form may be submitted to SGS Students Services at any time once all requirements for candidacy have been met.
Should you have any questions, please consult the Director of Student Services, Heather Kelly at or your Divisional Student Services Officer.
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