Friday, March 4, 2011

[PDADC-L] New Course Evaluation Framework

PDAD&C#58, 2010-11


From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs

Date: March 4, 2011

RE: New Course Evaluation Framework

During the 2009-2010 academic year, a Course Evaluation Working Group (co-chaired by Edith Hillan, Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life and Jill Matus, Vice-Provost, Students) was formed in response to requests from a number of units across the University of Toronto. The resulting Working Group Report and recommendations can be found at

The recommendations fall into three main areas:
1. The development of an institutional policy and set out guidelines to address the development and use of course evaluations.
2. The adoption of a single, centrally supported online evaluation system that reflects these guidelines.
3. The development and use of flexible, customizable course evaluation forms that include both common institutional questions and opportunities for divisions, departments and instructors to add additional questions.

As the next step, a Course Evaluation Framework Implementation Group (co-chaired by Cheryl Regehr, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Carol Rolheiser, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation) will develop institutional guidelines for course evaluations and a centralized course evaluation system. The group is engaged in broad consultations across divisions with academic administrators, faculty, staff and students. Comments or questions are welcomed at:

A pilot project for a centralized online system is planned for the spring of 2011. Any divisions wanting to participate in the implementation of the centralized system in the fall 2011 are encouraged to contact Pam Gravestock or Emily Greenleaf (Project Managers) at

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