Friday, March 4, 2011

[PDADC-L] Message from VP-Business Affairs, Appointment of Real Estate Advisor

Message to PDAD&C, P&M

From: Cathy Riggall, Vice-President-Business Affairs

Re: Appointment of Real Estate Advisor

Following the departure of Nadeem Shabbar, the President and I have considered options related to replacing him, including whether the environment over the next five years might be sufficiently different that a different approach might be in order. We have determined that an end to end review of all real estate operations is appropriate at this time. Such a review will look at current and future needs, organization, process and procedures across the university.

I am pleased to announce that Paul Campbell has agreed to undertake this review of University of Toronto real estate operations. He will commence on March 7 for a three month period and will be located at 255 McCaul , 4th floor. While I will continue to be the Acting Chief Real Estate Officer, the day to day management of the operation will be through Paul. The following individuals will report directly to Paul: Julian Binks, Richard Dernowski, Carrie Hardy, Ed Odette and George Phelps. Genna Duplessis will provide administrative support.

Paul has had a long and distinguished career in the real estate and property management business. He recently retired as President and CEO of SITQ, a real estate investment, management and development firm that manages assets of $16.1 billion, with more than 74 million square feet. Prior to joining SITQ, Paul had experience with Revenue Properties Company Limited, Nexacor Realty Management Inc and Bramalea Inc, among others.

We will be in touch to arrange meetings with many of you so that he can benefit from your information and advice. I look forward to working with Paul, and ask you to join me in welcoming him to the University community.

Catherine J. Riggall

Vice-President, Business Affairs
University of Toronto
Room 112, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1

Tel: (416) 978-7473
Fax: (416) 978-6701

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