Friday, March 11, 2011

[PDADC-L] April 30, 2011 Fiscal Year-end Closing

PDAD&C#60, 2010-11

To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
Divisional Business Officers via AMS listserv
Divisional Financial Officers via DFO listserv

From: Pierre Piché, Controller and Director of Financial Services

Date: March 10, 2011

Re: April 30, 2011 Fiscal Year-end Closing

As we approach the end of the 2011 fiscal year, it is important to ensure that all financial activity for the year is accurately recorded in your accounts prior to closing the accounts. In order to assist you, please refer to the following pages on the Financial Services website:

The following link provides a detailed explanation of year-end accounting guidelines, reporting requirements (including the divisional carryforward), AMS system availability and available training sessions. Please note that AMS will close for year-end processing on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 8pm, and during the week prior to year-end close, FIS will be closing in the early evening on most days:

For a detailed listing of submission deadlines and contact information:

For special processing and reporting after year-end closing (April 27 to April 30, 2011):

Specific questions may be referred to the following individuals:

Accounting Services Lou Ranalli 978-8185
Restricted Funds Helen Choy 978-2981
Training Sessions Angela Namaro 978-4675
AMS Availability Lorena Gaudio 978-2802
High Value Purchases Caroline Bogner 946-5621
UShop Laura Bunston 978-7025

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