TO: Graduate Faculty Teaching “H” and “Y” Winter 2011 Courses in Applied Science and Engineering Graduate Programs
FROM: Heather Kelly, Director of Student Services
DATE: March 24, 2011
RE: Submission of Winter 2011 Grades – Instructions for APSC Faculty
Since Fall 2006, instructors in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering have been able to submit grades in graduate courses using the same electronic system as for their undergraduate courses. Instructions are included below. Instructors who do not wish to use the system should contact their graduate administrator for a Grade Collection List.
Important Notice:
• Grades for a course will not be loaded to ROSI unless all grades are entered. If a student has not attended, please submit a failure.
• Grades must be submitted by no later than May 6, 2011 to allow for review and approval in the graduate unit from May 10 to 13, 2011 and release to students on May 18, 2011.
• All grade revisions must be submitted to SGS for approval.
• In all cases of incomplete course work, instructors should submit to their graduate unit whatever grade has been earned; blanks, NGA, or INC notations should not be accepted. For more information on the guidelines for the correct use of INC, SDF and WDR, please review Vice-Dean Berry Smith’s memo dated March 18, 2009 which is posted on the SGS website:
Submitting grades:
1. Grades should be entered in the APSC electronic marks system by no later than May 6, 2011. The deadline for departments to enter Winter session grades manually in ROSI or to mark electronic grades as “approved” is May 13, 2011 but your graduate administrator may need you to submit grades by an earlier date to allow time for processing. Students will be able to check their grades by using the Student Web Service on May 18, 2011.
2. The “H” (half) or “Y” (full) in the course number represents the weight of the course overall. The Section code designates the period of time in which the course is held. Section “Y” represents a course held over a full year, “S” represents a course offered in the Winter session only regardless of weight.
3. Only letter grades can be entered or approved for graduate students by the graduate unit. Please note that the only non-grade reports that departments should enter are CR/NCR and SDF. An INC should only be used in consultation with your SSO at SGS. For graduate students, please record your final grade according to the following University Grading Practices Policy:
Letter Grade Scale Grade Meaning Numerical Scale of Marks
A+ 90 – 100%
A Excellent 85 – 89%
A- 80 – 84%
B+ 77 – 79%
B Good 73 – 76%
B- 70 – 72%
FZ Inadequate 0 – 69%
If a graduate course has been approved for such grading, you may also use:
CR Credit
NCR No Credit
Non-Grade Reports:
• INC (Incomplete) may be assigned as a final report by a graduate unit review committee or
SGS Vice Dean on the basis of incomplete course work in special circumstances (e.g. Medical reasons or when there are no grounds for assigning in a failing grade). INC carries no credit and is not considered for averaging purposes.
• SDF (Standing Deferred) may be assigned by a graduate unit review committee to a
student who has been granted an extension for the completion of course work beyond the SGS deadline for completion of course work, pending receipt from the instructor of a final course report. It must be replaced by a final grade by next SGS deadline (September 16, 2011) for completion of course work. SDF is not considered for averaging purposes and carries no credit. If it is not replaced by September 16, 2011, SGS will contact the graduate unit to request submission of the grade.
• IPR is an interim grade generated by ROSI for a course that is in progress for more than one session, (i.e. a full year course or a course that is continuous over several years). Graduate units and instructors should not use IPR as a grade report.
• WDR is entered only by SGS when a graduate unit review committee approves and submits to SGS a request for late withdrawal from a course due to extenuating circumstances. It carries no credit for the course and is not considered for averaging purposes. Graduate units should not use WDR as a grade report.
4. For undergraduate students, grades may be assigned from the numerical scale of marks, consisting of integers from 0 to 100 or, if appropriate, from the CR/NCR scale. Undergraduate students are indicated on the grade list under the Program code e.g. BA, BSC, BASC etc.
5. If you have a grade for a student who is not on your list, please submit the grade in writing to your graduate administrator, preferably on the SGS Grade Submission Form.
NOTE: Care should be taken if using Blackboard Gradebook to handle student grades. The current version of Blackboard allows grades to be entered as letters as well as numbers, but the default conversion between the two uses the UofT undergraduate grading scale. Though the correct equivalencies can be programmed, we strongly recommend that if Gradebook is used, only numeric grades be used both at entry and in reporting. Conversion to letter grades should be done by hand, only after the final mark is calculated, before submission to SGS via the department (note that letter grades are required reporting for graduate students, whereas numeric grades are the norm for undergraduates in graduate courses).
This memo will be posted on the SGS website in the near future at:
Thank you.
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